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Example sentences for "coloured flowers"

  • Kewense, a beautiful hybrid between Henryi and a variety of Browni; it grows about 6 feet high, and has buff-coloured flowers about 8 inches across, fading off to creamy white at the tips.

  • Treatiae and tubispatha, while carinata and rosea both have rose-coloured flowers.

  • If only for its neat and moderate growth, and attractive spikes of brightly-coloured flowers, this species must be considered as one of the handsomest and most valuable of small growing trees.

  • This running of the parti-coloured flowers apparently is a case of reversion by buds to the original uniform tint of the species.

  • Mr. Bree also mentions a plant "which bore two different kinds of self-coloured flowers, as well as a third kind which partook of both colours beautifully intermixed.

  • The same plant would produce one year only buff-coloured, and next year only rose-coloured flowers; and then would change again, or produce at the same time flowers of both colours.

  • An olive merino shawl may have pink flowers entirely; a slate, or dark gray, or a purple will look well with rich gold-coloured flowers.

  • A two-yard-square of merino, embroidered in coloured flowers, and trimmed with a deep fringe, makes a beautiful shawl.

  • This variety differs from the type in having deep rose-coloured flowers and a slightly longer tube.

  • In the size of its stem, and the large, brightly-coloured flowers it bears, this species may be compared with some of the Echinocactuses.

  • This hardy bulbous plant bears lovely racemes of coral-coloured flowers in July.

  • In May it puts forth its rose-coloured flowers.

  • Most of the species have white and rose-coloured flowers, and they are very fragrant.

  • The banks of the river were adorned with a species of Myricaria, a small tree, with very delicate graceful foliage and beautiful rose-coloured flowers.

  • South African plants of the Amaryllis family, with scarlet or rose-coloured flowers.

  • With a good feeding at the same time, they will throw up strong young shoots, full of vigour, which will bear fine and well-coloured flowers.

  • Frequently planted against a wall; its leaves are very large and handsome, and the dull-coloured flowers, owing to their shape, have given rise to the popular name.

  • Robustus, with its variety elwesianus, grow taller, and have charming flesh-coloured flowers.

  • The florist's Tulip can be grown in a border, but its effect there is not so good as that of some of the self-coloured flowers.

  • Starch Grape Hyacinth, is also pretty, with its large spikes of deep-coloured flowers; there is a pink form, and a scarce white one is also met with.

  • This running of the parti- coloured flowers apparently is a case of reversion by buds to the original uniform tint of the species.

  • The same plant would produce one year only buff-coloured, and next year only rose- coloured flowers; and then would change again, or produce at the same time flowers of both colours.

  • It is a handsome plant, with its shoots laden in summer and autumn with drooping red-coloured flowers.

  • It throws drooping clusters of green-coloured flowers in early spring, and the three to five-angled leaves are a distinctive feature of this plant.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coloured flowers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    age for compulsory military; blue field; coloured flowers; coloured frontispiece; coloured glass; coloured hair; coloured paper; coloured silk; coloured silks; coloured velvet; county seat; few days before the; free speech; fruit salad; marry thee; never looked; once again; ordinary person; physical basis; political speech; said tenderly; sixty dollars; still loved; surface view; would guess; would stand