Wey in a private letter, "and continuing for about two months, is a season of ascending sexual wave; also the latter half of September and the month of October.
He appears to have accompanied the official despatch tendering his resignation with a private letter to the King, which Mr. Grenville, acting on his own discretion, withheld.
Whether with credit or not,†he added in a private letter, “it is the province of my superiors to judge.
From a private letter of Thurloe's to Pell, of the same date as this official one, we learn that the persons consulted by Cromwell on the occasion were the Committee for the Piedmontese Collection (ante pp.
Monk had kept Charles's private letter, but had given Greenville back all the rest, including his own commission to be his Majesty's Captain-General.
Lord Randolph has left a record, in the form of a private letter to the Speaker, of the explosion:-- Lord Randolph Churchill to the Speaker.
I could no more inform you of her private telegram, without her leave, than I could inform you of a private letter, if I had been asked to copy it for her, without her leave.
Why," writes in a private letter a married lady who keenly realizes this, "are women brought up with such a profound ignorance of their own and especially other women's natures?
Thus he wrote in 1884 (in a private letter): "I think that as human beings become less selfish polygamy [i.
Vessel after vessel arrives, even directly from Philadelphia, and we cannot get the journals, papers, and scarcely a private letter by them.
In a private letter, which I have received from Brussels, I am informed there is a talk of opening the navigation of Antwerp.
I took the same ground in a private letter to General Fremont before I heard from Kentucky.
Although in a private letter or conversation you will express your preference that Kansas shall be free, you would vote for no man for Congress who would say the same thing publicly.
I have been fortunate in ascertaining Mr. Milliken's own estimate of 'Arry in a private letter to a friend.
It appears that he converted it into a private letter, as I suggested, but he thought fit to place it on record, as it contained information derived from authentic sources, and of importance.
I have added a private letter also, in which I have endeavoured to kindle the generous nature of the young man.
I had delayed writing you a private letter, indeed, until a trustworthy messenger might be at hand to convey it to you.
Should you be displeased with the general letter of the men of Zurich, let me tell you, that Bullinger's private letter to me was not a whit better, although it is preferable that you should read it and judge for yourself.
I could no more stay fourteen days longer here, than fourteen years," he said in a private letter to Keith of the same date.
The only remarkable declaration which ministers substituted for active measures, consisted in a private letter sent by the Duke of Wellington to Dr.
This hesitation was wholly contrary to Nelson's own readiness to assume responsibility, and probably accounts for his subsequent remark, in a private letter, that had he himself been present this first attempt would not have failed.
In a private letter to the First Lord he was more explicit, yet scarcely adequately so.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "private letter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.