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Example sentences for "prisons"

Lexicographically close words:
prisoner; prisoners; prisoning; prisonnier; prisonniers; prist; pristina; pristine; prit; prithee
  1. But it will be iron beaks that will eat the bolts of the prisons wherein they seek to lock up freedom of conscience.

  2. During revolutions, however, when the prisons were overcrowded, the political prisoners were kept in irons and supervision was rigid.

  3. The prisons at Santo Domingo City and Santiago were exceptions to the rule; they were improved even to the extent of being endowed with a prison school.

  4. The American authorities have made great improvements in the prisons and prison discipline.

  5. Throughout London all the prisons were so full that the less important prisoners were kept in the churches, by eighty in a group.

  6. Now, he thought, or, at the farthest, when the Queen was crowned, would the prisons be opened.

  7. There were several prisons which bore this name, one of them in London.

  8. Austin Bernher hath searched all the prisons for thee, yea, over and over, for months past, and asked at many prisoners; yet could never bring us tidings.

  9. It was the headquarters of the Whiggamores of the west and its prisons were constantly filled with rebels for conscience' sake.

  10. He was then transferred to the prisons of the Castle of St. Angelo, where he remained till his death, twenty-three years afterwards.

  11. The Sixth Report of the Inspector of Prisons for the Northern Districts of England contains a mass of information upon the pernicious effect of such romances, and of the dramas founded upon them.

  12. All at once a fear seized upon the multitude, and supposed criminals were arrested day after day in such numbers, that the prisons were found too small to contain them.

  13. For acts like these, he paid frequent compulsory visits to the prisons of Palermo.

  14. From this time until the year 1682, the prisons of France teemed with persons accused of this crime; and it is very singular that other offences decreased in a similar proportion.

  15. Senor, or anything like it, where you are going, you would not be twelve hours out of the prisons of the Holy Office.

  16. We are paid a larger salary, but we have no jurisdiction or power within the prisons themselves, save only what we make by interest.

  17. It was the boast of the Inquisition, and even Llorente speaks of it, that the prisons were "well-arched, light and dry rooms where the prisoners could make some movement.

  18. The thing was a refinement of the dreadful "little-ease" of the Tower of London and many other secular prisons where wretches were tortured for a week before their execution.

  19. The doors leading to the prisons will be locked, for none must see the torture save only the officials concerned therein--as hath long been the law.

  20. In all Europe in this era prisons were dark, damp holes.

  21. And the silence was a real silence, an utter stillness such as no modern man ever knows--save only the few demoniac prisoners in the cachot noir of the French convict prisons of Noumea.

  22. Of all the gloomy prisons of France, the Bastile was the most horrible.

  23. We have always been confident that time would show, even in the statistics of crime in our 19 prisons and police courts, the fruits of these very extended and earnest labors.

  24. It is remarkable how often, in questioning the youthful convicts in our prisons as to the causes of their downfall, they will reply that "if they had had a trade, they would not have been there.

  25. Thus far, alms-houses and prisons have done little to affect the evil.

  26. Among the inmates of the city prisons a large percentage are without a trade, and no doubt this idle condition is largely due to their ignorance and is one of the great stimulants to their criminal course.

  27. Our criminals last year cost this city, in the City Prisons and Penitentiaries, about one hundred and one thousand dollars for maintenance alone.

  28. Our prisons are all full to overflowing of those who took no thought of honor.

  29. Minnesota Executive Documents, biennial reports of State Prisons for the years mentioned.

  30. Her young mother had perished in the prisons of Turin, and Rénée, a mere child when the Duke of Savoy stopped for a time those terrible deeds of blood, had lived always at Rora with the Bottas.

  31. Hundreds had fallen, fighting for their faith and for their homes; hundreds had perished under the white pall of the winter snows; and hundreds more had died on the scaffold or in the prisons of the plain.

  32. We have learned from the Department of Justice in the last few days that similar purchases were not contemplated for the much larger prisons at Atlanta and Leavenworth.

  33. The figures, as given in the Prison Returns, are as follows: -- In Convict Prisons .

  34. We should seek access to the prisons in order to gain such acquaintance with the prisoners as would enable us the more effectually to benefit them on their discharge.

  35. In this view it should be the object of the government to arrange the prisons so that convicts can maintain themselves.

  36. Look at your prisons and your penitentiary, and behold the fearful preponderance of their black over their white inmates in proportion to the population of each.

  37. The returns from several prisons show, that the white convicts are remaining nearly the same, or are diminishing, while the colored convicts are increasing.

  38. Saint-Lazare, I heard afterwards, is one of the oldest and most dilapidated prisons in France.

  39. About a year ago the Minister of the Interior gave me permission to visit the prisons of the Seine Department, allowing me free access to my proteges.

  40. The Conciergerie and prisons are situated under this hall.

  41. There are two principal prisons in Rouen: the house of correction, and the maison de justice, in the court of the Palais-de-Justice.

  42. Footnote 1: Transportation prisons are prisons in which convicts sentenced to deportation (primarily to Siberia) are kept pending their deportation.

  43. Such prisons were to be found in the large Russian centers, among them in Moscow.

  44. May we knock down the prisons now, Lavrov?

  45. There is but one power before which the prisons will forever fall--the power of the soul.

  46. Our prisons are well stuffed, but we can manage to pack away all present.

  47. Is not rebellion brave, that fiercely moves Against the buttressed prisons of the world?

  48. In accordance with these recommendations, numerous prisons have been built or are now building in Europe.

  49. It is with a feeling of deference that we welcome Miss Dix's "Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline.

  50. And this penitentiary has given its name to the class of prisons founded on this principle.

  51. Crimes filling our prisons stalk abroad in the soldier's garb, unwhipped of justice.

  52. Report of the Surveyor-General of Prisons on the Construction, Ventilation, and Details of the Pentonville Prison.

  53. Many prisons are built on this plan, and experience comes to confirm the suggestions of humanity and science.

  54. Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States.

  55. The condition of prisons at that time in England was appalling.

  56. He visited prisons and ameliorated the lot of prisoners before John Howard; and his very last letter was written to stimulate William Wilberforce in his parliamentary labors for the emancipation of the slave.

  57. Some of these unfortunates, who succeeded in getting out of those prisons and that exile, are living in beggary in Spain, without the government furnishing them the necessary means to enable them to return to the Philippines.

  58. The prisons are divided only by a high wall and contain many compartments to assist in classification.

  59. In the later days of August there were in the prisons of Manila, which answer to the penitentiary and jail in the American States, 2,200 prisoners, one of whom was a Spaniard!

  60. The Senator from Michigan, who advocates so eloquently this unprecedented retaliation, attempted a description of the torments making the Rebel prisons horrible, but language failed him.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prisons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.