Never more than now had she felt the preciousness of that Friend who draws closer to his children the closer they draw to him; she had never realized more the joy of having him to go to.
What I say is wholly consistent then with the recognition of the preciousness of the visible church to its members.
The value, the preciousness of Christ as the Saviour of sinners, and the folly, the crime, of refusing the mercy of God by Him.
If you wish me to weep,' your own tears must not be held back, and if you wish others to know the preciousness of Christ, you must ring out His name with fervour of emotion and the triumphant confidence.
Its hymns go deeper than its creeds, touch hearts more to the quick, minister to the faith which they enshrine, and often draw others to see the preciousness of the Christ whom they celebrate.
It is in the furnace that the real preciousness of faith is displayed.
Did this hinder his enjoyment of the grace of God or of the preciousness of Christ?
But, oh, the power and preciousness of those words, "I have prayed for thee!
What revelations of the beauties of Christ, the preciousness of His blood, and the treasures of His Covenant!
This obligation lies with infinitely increased weight on Christ's servants; and the consequences of failing to discharge it are more tragic in their cases, in the exact proportion of the greater preciousness of their faith.
And so here the special preciousness and distinctive peculiarities of what we receive in Christ are made more vivid and more distinct by contrast with what in old days 'was given by Moses.
Gather up the broken pieces'; and see that nothing of that infinite preciousness of His be lost by us.
All this just teaches us this--what a host of things of all degrees of preciousness in men's eyes go to make God's great building!
A sense of the preciousness of the despised thing wakes in him.
We never feel the preciousness of dear ones so much, nor are so calm in the joy of possession, as when we have laid them in God's hands, and have learned how wise and wonderful His care is.
Endless strings of pearls do not reach the preciousness of One pearl of price.
Both these aspects of God's preciousness are true for earth; but we need a shield only while exposed to attack.
Never more than now had she felt the preciousness of that Friend who draws closer to His children the closer they draw to Him; she had never realised more the joy of having Him to go to.
The law of Moses--the ten words which constituted the inmost preciousness of his legislation--was, alas!
The inculcation of truths so deep as the unity, the presence, and the mercy of God would alone have sufficed to give preciousness to the national sanctuary, and to justify the lavish expenditure with which it was carried to completion.
Their passion is a measure of the preciousness to the Christian consciousness of that which Stephen saw, and said that he saw.
They get life andpreciousness all from Him and in Him.
It is our privilege, day by day, to enter into the preciousness of Christ, as the One who came down from heaven to give life unto the world.
The character and ways of God, the preciousness and beauty of Christ, and the living depths of the Word, are only unfolded to faith and need.
May the Holy Ghost stir up our hearts to a deeper sense of the exceeding preciousness of the name of Jesus, and enable us to yield a fuller, clearer, more unequivocal response to the changeless love of His heart!
Several interesting narratives have been given of visits to the tomb of Whitefield, which show the preciousness of his memory.
Whilst speaking I was able, in a measure, to realize the preciousnessof the truth contained in those words, and after speaking my Father gave me a fresh proof that He is thinking upon me.
Once more I emphasize upon you, my beloved people, life, its preciousness and power, its rewards and its retributions.
There are rare and precious services to be rendered by the obedient one--services which can only be rendered by such, and which owe all their preciousness to their being the fruit of simple obedience.
But we are most anxious that the Christian reader should rise up from the perusal of this little book with a deepened sense of the preciousness of his Bible.
Apart from him, there is no preciousnessin the word, no blessing in ordinances, no permanent sanctifying results in affliction.
But we must not on this account question the preciousnessof the gift itself.
The preciousnessand efficiency of this touching appeal seem to be but little realized even among believing parents.
It was there I first beheld my lost and wretched estate as a sinner; it was there that I first found the way of salvation, and there that I first experienced the preciousness of Christ in me the hope of glory.
Who can give expression to the preciousnessknown by those on whom the dew of the divine blessing falls?
The preciousness of Abigail's service did not consist in her having saved Nabal from the sword of David, but in keeping David from drawing the sword at all.
It is worth having a sorrow to be allowed to taste the preciousness of Christ's sympathy.
Religion existed before argument; in fact, it is the preciousness of religion that leads to the seeking for all possible confirmations of the reality of God.
To him, they were precious beyond expression, and he longed to make his brethren feel their preciousness as well as himself.
May we know the unspeakablepreciousness of deep, personal intimacy with Himself.
But the simple fact is, such persons knew nothing whatever about the matter, and were wholly incapable of entering into the preciousness of it.
Both together are eminently fitted to set forth the beauty and preciousness of a willing-hearted, loving obedience.
Nothing can exceed the preciousness of the grace that breathes in the closing lines of our book.
It is most precious: but its real preciousness can only be tasted in the practical carrying out of it.
All stand alike on the ground of the infinite preciousness of the blood of Christ.
We are not saved by realization, but by Christ; and the way to get Christ in all His fullness and preciousnessis to believe--"only believe!
God, the preciousness of Christ's Person, and the efficacy of His work!
Now, had He been bearing all these things by the necessity of His birth, or of His relations with Israel and the human family, we should have lost all the beauty and preciousness of His voluntary sympathy.
The hatefulness of that with which, in the exercise of divine love, He connected His blessed Person on the cross, could not prevent the sweet odor of His preciousness from ascending to the throne of God.
The fat burnt upon the altar is the apt expression of the divine appreciation of the preciousness of Christ's Person, no matter what place He might, in perfect grace, take on our behalf or in our stead.
All are brought into the same place of nearness, but all do not enjoy the same measure of communion--all have not the same measure of apprehension of the preciousness of Christ in all the aspects of His work.
The Spirit does not convey to our ears a message diverse from that which we find in the Word, and both the Word and the Spirit declare to us the preciousness and efficacy of the blood.
In the former, we are taught the preciousness of the Sacrifice; in the latter, the hatefulness of sin.