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Example sentences for "pour them"

  • Remove the pits from 2 pounds cherries; boil 1 cup sugar with 1 pint water to a syrup, put in the cherries and boil 3 minutes; pour them into a dish and serve when cold.

  • Pare 1 quart small peaches; boil 1 cup sugar with 1 cup water for a few minutes, put in the peaches and boil till the fruit shows signs of baking; then remove and when nearly cold pour them into a glass dish and serve cold.

  • When they become rather thick and a little turned in small lumps, pour them on a buttered toast.

  • Remove them from the fire: pour them into a colander, and drain off all the water.

  • Mix all these over the fire; thicken them up; pour them into a dish, and lay your partridges upon them.

  • Take them from the fire; pour them into a basin; cut a piece of paper round of the size of the basin; lay it close upon the cherries while hot, and let them stand so till next day.

  • When tender, which may be ascertained by their sinking to the bottom of the saucepan, take them up, pour them into a colander, and when drained, dish and serve with plain melted butter.

  • When tender, pour them into a colander; put them into a hot vegetable-dish, and quite in the centre of the peas place a piece of butter, the size of a walnut.

  • Well whisk the yolks of the eggs, pour them to the butter, beating them all the while.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pour them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    backed shrike; beloved mother; cannot come; come out; crushed stone; give notice; his father; hunting excursion; make bold; marched back; much value; not appear; other person; our ears; pour boiling water over; pour out drink offerings; pour over; pour some; pour them; pour vous; poured forth; poured over; poured upon; sweet wife; though even; truly sorry