He instructed Harold Dean in that art, which was to him so necessary, and joined the young Englishmen in many a hunting excursion.
The chief had not long been at home, before he went out on a hunting excursion, and was absent about a week.
At length, however, the young brave ventured to disclose his wishes to old Johnson, during a hunting excursion, in which they were engaged together.
The sketch of our life at Pabon would be very incomplete without asking the reader to accompany us on a hunting excursion; so I will describe one which took place after El Sourdo had arrived on the island.
For this a favourable opportunity soon occurred, owing to the sultan's departure for twenty days upon a hunting excursion.
Some time after his accession to the kingdom, attended only by some select courtiers, and without the cumbrous appendages of royalty, he left his capital upon a hunting excursion.
Lewis and Clark here met a party of Mandan on a hunting excursion.
The upper parts of their bodies were generally naked, merely covered with the buffalo's skin, or blanket; but their whole dress was plain and indifferent, as they only came out for a hunting excursion.
On the eleventh day of her captivity, while in charge of four Indians, provision becoming scarce, a halt was made, and three of the number went on a hunting excursion.
A hunting excursion, into the interior of the country, was resolved on; and early next morning the bundles were made up by the women for each person to carry.
The young men had, on a day, started for a hunting excursion: in the evening five only of the brothers returned, one was missing.
One day he rose very early, and started on a hunting excursion, leaving the boys asleep, and limiting himself to the thick woods, lest he should be discovered.
Augustus was away on a hunting excursion, and would not return for a whole month.
How I long to have you in my arms again," he writes, when on a hunting excursion, which had led him to the scene of their early romance.
Agreeably to the message sent by an interpreter, the Indians had been expected on the 18th, but did not arrive until the 23d of August, having been absent, when the messenger reached their village, on a hunting excursion.
We organized a hunting excursion, Maack with his gun and I with my revolver.
A peasant told us there were wild geese in a pond near by, and as the boat remained an hour or more to take wood, Borasdine and I improvised a hunting excursion.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hunting excursion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.