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Example sentences for "polluting"

Lexicographically close words:
polls; pollutants; pollute; polluted; pollutes; pollution; pollutions; pollywog; pollywogs; polo
  1. Strengthening of the continuing surveillance program on all streams in the Basin to insure compliance with water quality standards and to help correct abuses from leaks, spills, and illegal or accidental polluting discharges.

  2. A belching factory in the wrong place can perform such multiple functions as blighting a countryside, polluting a stream, lowering subdivision property values, and increasing the local rate of emphysema.

  3. I grant it, Sir; but will her imagination sustain no injury by the polluting impressions which it will receive?

  4. It is only man, the noblest specimen of the Divine workmanship, who is groaning and pining away in mournful sadness, under its polluting and destroying power.

  5. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

  6. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

  7. The house of the gods is a sanctum, into which no polluting object is allowed to enter.

  8. The word indicates one who may not stand near, in reference to their belonging to the polluting classes.

  9. Or perhaps the gods, who cannot cleanse men without polluting themselves, can without pollution cleanse the demons who have been contaminated by human contact?

  10. Porphyry saw this, and therefore said that the purified soul returns to the Father, that it may never more be entangled in the polluting contact with evil.

  11. He says, too, that God put the soul into the world that it might recognise the evils of matter, and return to the Father, and be for ever emancipated from the polluting contact of matter.

  12. Trees were on every side, but the leaves appeared to be beds of worms and reptiles, and a sharp breeze coming from the harbour, blew some of them against Arthur’s cheek, and they were damp and polluting to the touch.

  13. Sir Osmund Neville lay lifeless before him, never more to claim ought;--but polluting traces were upon all he held dear.

  14. They are usually inefficient because their value as absorbers of polluting agents is short-lived and unless the materials are frequently renewed they are valueless and sometimes a detriment to rapid filtration.

  15. By cementing the interior surface of stone-or brick-curbed wells, by replacing wood with cement or other impervious curbs and by substituting new pipes for leaky iron casings, the entrance of polluting water may be prevented.

  16. As rain water comes from the roofs of buildings, there is washed into the cistern a considerable quantity of dust, leaves, bird droppings and other polluting materials which contaminate and discolor the water.

  17. The open top receives wind-blown matter in the form of leaves and dust, much of which is in the nature of polluting material.

  18. Well water that is roily or that possesses objectionable taste or odor may be suspected of containing polluting matter and should be boiled before being used for drinking purposes until such time as may be required to have it examined.

  19. In bored wells, polluting water may enter through the uncemented joints of the tiling or through the joints in the staves of wooden tubing; in drilled or driven wells, through leaky joints or holes eaten in the iron casing by corrosive waters.

  20. In sandy soils the movement of water is faster than in clayey soils, but 150 feet may be taken as a safe distance, unless the downward slope of the land carries the polluting material directly to the well.

  21. They are not efficient pumps and are not sanitary because of the opportunity they give for admitting polluting material to the well.

  22. The drinking water is always to be suspected as to quality because, in the first place, it is hard from absorption of lime, and in the next place, cavities and seams in the rock allow polluting material to travel for long distances.

  23. This does not always give full protection, since in some cases polluting matter may pass through even ten feet of soil.

  24. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

  25. Alva, like Michael, furthermore, received the charge "to burn out with a glow of fire and zeal" the polluting stains of heresy.

  26. In a single chemical manufactory, out of about two thousand tons of hydrochloric acid used per annum, about eight hundred tons have been allowed to flow away as a polluting substance, because it was not possible to utilise it.

  27. Do not allow yourselves to die of plague and cholera, thus polluting the sacred soil of Mother-India.

  28. Westermarck has recently expressed it,[370] "they spring from the idea that the contact of a polluting substance with anything holy is followed by injurious consequences.

  29. And in the next sentence he goes still farther back in the history of the belief, pointing out that a polluting substance is itself held to contain mysterious energy of a baneful kind.

  30. But my soul, From sight and sense of the polluting woe Of tyranny, had long learned to prefer Hell's freedom to the servitude of Heaven.

  31. This type of woman is intrusted with the task of teaching youthful minds; polluting them with the blasphemous affirmation that the Creation of the Father-Mother God of the universe is "lewd and filthy!

  32. A blight had come over it, mildewing its holy walls, and tainting and polluting its altars.

  33. I hoped she would have escaped the polluting touch of those loathly attendants on the dead-cart.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "polluting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.