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Example sentences for "traine"

Lexicographically close words:
trailing; trailless; trails; train; trainbands; trained; trainee; trainer; trainers; traines
  1. The number of his owne followers, of his wiues attendants, and of the traine of his first begotten sonne and heire apparent, would seeme incredible vnto any man, vnlesse hee had seene it with his owne eyes.

  2. Time expecting the comming of the Prince (to whom hee preferreth a petition) placeth himselfe on the stage till the traine bee past.

  3. And to intrap they life this traine is laide.

  4. The king, in riding thorough the citie towards Westminster, on the 15 daie of Iulie being wednesdaie, was accompanied with such a traine of the nobilitie and others, as in such case was requisite.

  5. That that Antichristian Prelacy with all the traine thereof is extirpate?

  6. Next after followed the ladie Cicilie sister to the queene, supporting the traine of the spouse.

  7. Sidenote: A great number of states with their traine enter triumphantlie into Granado to take reall possession.

  8. Sidenote: The earles small traine for a policie.

  9. A third wauerd and wagled his head, like a proud horse playing with his bridle, or as I haue seene some fantasticall swimmer, at euerie stroke, traine his chin sidelong ouer his left shoulder.

  10. Mary theyr outward iestures now and then would affoorde a man a morsell of mirth: of those two I meane not so much, as of all the other traine of opponents and respondents.

  11. Enter the King and all his Traine before the Gates.

  12. Euery one of these foure Marshals haue two other vnder them (eight in all) that twise euery weeke at the least must muster and traine their seueral wings or bands, and hold and giue iustice for all faults, and disorders committed in the campe.

  13. How many kettles, the greatnesse and maner of them, and what mettall, and whether they bee set on triuets or on furnaces for boiling of the traine oyle, and others.

  14. Their greatest exercise is shooting, wherein they traine vp their children from their verie infancie, not suffering them to eate till they haue shot neere the marke within a certaine scantling.

  15. Thither also came the earle of Chester with a great traine of knights and gentlemen vnto the king, and so at length they were not vnfeignedlie accorded and made freends, but in apperance on the kings behalfe.

  16. There was a lord of worthy fame, And a hunting he would ride, Attended by a noble traine Of gentrye by his side.

  17. With his traine he tourned, 215 And with them sojourned.

  18. Brute the sonne of Syluius with a great traine of the posteritie of the dispersed Troians in 324.

  19. For the first footing that euer the French did set in this Iland, sithence the time of Ethelbert & Sigebert, was with Emma, which Ladie brought ouer a traine of French Gentlemen and Ladies with hir into England.

  20. These be the stops that hinder studie quite, And traine our intellects to vaine delight Ber.

  21. A Royall Traine beleeue me: These I know: Who's that that beares the Scepter?

  22. Traine borne by a Lady: Then followes the Marchionesse Dorset, the other Godmother, and Ladies.

  23. My Traine are men of choice, and rarest parts, That all particulars of dutie know, And in the most exact regard, support The worships of their name.

  24. Life, That promises mo thousands: Honours traine Is longer then his fore-skirt; by this time I know your backe will beare a Dutchesse.

  25. Saddle my horses: call my Traine together.

  26. The 18 day the captaine desired to haue some of our wine, and offered halfe a ducket of gold for a bottell: but I gaue it him freely, and made him and his traine drinke besides.

  27. Your neighbours nigh, that haue on hunting beene, Who vnderstanding of your walking foorth, Prepare this traine to entertaine you with, This Ladie Douglas, this Sir Egmond is.

  28. And such sweete lynes and louelayes ile endite: As men may wish for, and my leech delight, And next a traine of gallants at my heeles, That men may say, the world doth run on wheeles.

  29. Nor come a velvet Justice with a long Great traine of blew coats, twelve, or fourteen strong, Wilt thou grin or fawne on him, or prepare A speech to Court his beautious sonne and heire!

  30. Drake complied, and soon the "king with all his traine came forward.

  31. The countesse of Cornewall went ouer with a noble traine of lords, gentlemen, and others, to be present at the meeting of hir two sisters, the queenes of England and France, so that the roialtie of the assemblie on ech part was great.

  32. If yee haue more wares then will lade the ships, let it be Traine oyles that you leaue behinde: the price is not here so good as it was; it is worth here 9 pound the tunne.

  33. The traine Oyles which you laded this yeere came well conditioned, and the caske was good and of a good sise.

  34. Let the chiefest lading of these foure shippes be principally in wexe, flaxe, tallowe, and traine oyle.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    trained nurse; trained nurses