Benefices of small value he regarded not greatlie, but such as were good liuings in deed felt his heauie and rauenous hands extended towards them.
At length the said bishop vpon greefe conceiued that the king should be so heauie lord vnto him, got into a ship at London, and stale awaie into France, where he was well receiued of the French king, and greatlie cherished.
And therefore he said: Ha Hastings, art thou remembred when I met thee here once with an heauie heart?
In all this maner of skirmishing and fight which chanced before the campe, euen in the sight and view of all men, it was perceiued that [Sidenote: The Romans heauie armor.
O Publius is not this a heauie case To see thy Noble Vnckle thus distract?
Come let me see what taske I haue to doe, You heauie people, circle me about, That I may turne me to each one of you, And sweare vnto my soule to right your wrongs.
We saw two goodlie gownes which were as heauie as a man could easily carrie, all set with pearles ouer and ouer: the gards or borders round about them were garnished with saphires and other good stones abundantly.
Vile earth to earth resigne, end motion here, And thou and Romeo presse on heauie beere Nur.
Griefes of mine owne lie heauie in my breast, Which thou wilt propagate to haue it preast With more of thine, this loue that thou hast showne, Doth adde more griefe, to too much of mine owne.
None of the frier minors went, bicause they would not be the bringers of so heauie tidings, sith he had euer borne them great good will.
About the same time, the lord Roger Mortimer of Wigmor, giuing his keepers a drinke that brought them into a sound and heauie sleepe, escaped out of the tower of London where he was prisoner.
Oh Margaret, Margaret, now thy heauie Curse Is lighted on poore Hastings wretched Head Ra.
But come my Lord: and with a heauie heart, Thinking on them, goe I vnto the Tower.
Twice for one step Ile groane, y Way being short, And peece the Way out with a heauie heart.
It would beseeme the Lord Northumberland, To say King Richard: alack the heauie day, When such a sacred King should hide his head North.
I giue this heauie Weight from off my Head, And this vnwieldie Scepter from my Hand, The pride of Kingly sway from out my Heart.
What sport shall we deuise here in this Garden, To driue away the heauie thought of Care?
Oh what is worldly pompe, all men must die, [daj192] And woe am I for Bewfords heauie ende.
O Madam, yonder is heauie newes within betweene two souldiers, and my yong Ladie La.
O worthyest Cousin, The sinne of my Ingratitude euen now Was heauie on me.
A heauie Summons lyes like Lead vpon me, And yet I would not sleepe: Mercifull Powers, restraine in me the cursed thoughts That Nature giues way to in repose.
Who was the Thane, liues yet, But vnder heauie Iudgement beares that Life, Which he deserues to loose.
Too light for such a swaine as you to catch, And yet as heauie as my waight should be Pet.
And if your case be ill, you need not feare The heauie load the wickednesse doth bring, I'le teach thee how most easily to beare, My age hath got experience in each thing.
Art would claime Nature in thy heauie woes, thy shape haue limbs, thy limbs be stiff as those.
I meane the Normans, a people mixed with Danes, and of whom it is worthilie doubted, whether they were more hard and cruell to our countrimen than the Danes, or more heauie and intollerable to our Iland than the Saxons or the Romans.
At length this fellow aboord vs spake foure or fiue words vnto the other and clapped his two hands vpon his face, whereupon the other doing the like, departed as we suppose with heauie chere.
Iudith, and the Michael: which brought no smal ioy vnto the General, and great consolation to the heauie hearts of those wearied wights.
After thisheauie chance, wee continued in beating the sea vp and downe, expecting when the weadier would cleere vp, that we might yet beare in with the land, which we iudged not farre off, either the continent or some Island.
For it is an heauie case when God thundereth out his reall arguments either vpon prince or people.
The Scots had sharpe and heauie axes, & gaue with the same great and mightie strokes, howbeit finallie the Englishmen by the helpe of God obteined the victorie, although they lost manie of their men.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heauie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.