The young birds having left the nest, in August both old and young gather in flocks and range over the bald mountain peaks in quest of such dainties as are to the pipit taste.
In our climb up Gray's Peak we found the pipit realm and that of the white-crowned sparrows slightly overlapping.
A little before the ascent of the ridge begins, the first pipits are seen; thence the clamberer has pipit company to the point where the ridge joins the main bulk of the mountain.
One may easily imagine that he would go wabbling helplessly over the granite boulders, unable to lift himself more than a few feet in the air, while the pipit and the leucosticte, inured to the heights, would mount up to the sky and shout "Ha!
The Nilgiri pipit goes about singly or in pairs, and, although it frequents grassy land, it usually keeps to cover and flies into a tree or bush when alarmed.
The Indian pipit affects open country and seems never to perch in trees.
The two pipits most often seen on the Nilgiris in summer are the Nilgiri pipit (Anthus nilgirensis) and the Indian pipit (A.
The upland pipit (Oreocorys sylvanus) is the common species of the Himalayas.
And yet the tree-pipit is not very highly regarded among British melodists, on account of the little variety there is in its song.
The tree-pipit has a comparatively short song, repeated, with some variation in the number and length of the notes, at brief intervals.
I had had my nightingale days, my cuckoo and blackbird and tree-pipit days, with others too numerous to mention, and now I was having my greenfinch days; and these were the last.
The American Pipit does not sustain the habitual dignity of the boreal breed.
At Semiahmoo the great ricks of barnacle-covered piles, which are annually corded on shore at the close of the fishing season, are regarded in the light of a Pipit hotel.
The Pipit song in many of its phases is strikingly like that of the Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus).
As I was nearly down the cliff and breathing easier, a Pipit flew unannounced from a spur of the cliff upon which I was standing to the one beyond.
At home the Pipit is a very different creature from the straggler of the long trail.
The whole Pipit race seems to be struggling under a strange inhibitory spell, cast upon some ancestor, perhaps, by one knows not what art of nodding heather bells or potency of subtly distilled Arctic moonshine.
The Tree Pipit alone is a migratory species, arriving in this country towards the end of April, and leaving us in the autumn.
Its nest is only to be distinguished from that of the Tree Pipit by the dark brown hue of the eggs which are somewhat similar to those of the Skylark, only smaller.
The egg of the Cuckoo is more frequently deposited and hatched in the nest of the Meadow Pipitthan in that of any other bird,' says Yarrell.
So the Tree Pipit frequents wooded districts, and passes a large portion of its time aloft among the branches, while the Meadow Pipit finds its happiness on the ground.
The wars of eight centuries were at an end, and the Christian banner of Spain floated at last over the whole land.
Even the great grandees and Court officials, accustomed to the glitter and dignity of titles, rubbed their eyes with astonishment, when they saw what Columbus was demanding.
Young men, with their handkerchiefs in their collars, hurried from one office to another, warm with excitement, flapping great bunches of letters and memoranda in their hands as they hurried.
Madeira had risen, preparatory to conducting Steering to the recorder's office in accord with the first number of his programme, and Steering got up, too.
The girl had drawn off her driving gauntlets, and the ungloved hand that she gave him was scratched and scarred across its brown back.
The rock-pipit carried nothing, and, even if he had done, it would have been too insignificant for the skua's attention.
They are, therefore, often called titlarks, and pipit larks.
The Missouri skylark is a pipit (Anthus Spraguei) of the Western United States, resembling the skylark in habit and song.
Note: The Australian skylark (Cincloramphus cantillans) is a pipit which has the habit of ascending perpendicularly like a skylark, but it lacks the song of a true lark.
On the following morning the gulls would be there, flying about hungry as ever, and the pipit would go on with flight and song in the same old way, free as ever from apprehension.
Now at intervals of about three or four minutes my attention would wander from the gull to see and listen to a rock-pipit that had its home at that spot and was also nesting in a chink quite close to the gullery.
This subspecies of the Water Pipitis an uncommon winter visitant or migrant in Coahuila.
In December, when the Cachila Pipit rears its second brood, the Milvago chimango also has young, and feeds them almost exclusively on the young of various species of small birds.
The song of the male is very agreeable, and curiously resembles that of the Cachila Pipit (Anthus correndera).
The nest of the pipit is made by hollowing out a little place in the ground and lining it with fine grasses.
Sprague's Pipit is all in streaks of brown and gray, and lighter below.
The Petchora pipit is usually found skulking on the ground in forest; it is never seen in flocks.
The red-throated pipitin adult summer plumage is a very handsome species.
The Tree Pipit is mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, but no letters marking the distribution of the species amongst the Islands are given.
The Meadow Pipit is resident and breeds in all the Islands, but is by no means so numerous as the Tree Pipit is during the summer.
The Bock Pipit is included in Professor Ansted's list, but marked as only occurring in Guernsey.
Although small and unobtrusive, the Rock Pipitis not easily overlooked.
The food of this Pipit is composed of insects, and worms, and small seeds.
The Rock Pipithas a very restricted geographical distribution, being confined to the European coasts of the Atlantic, including our islands and the Faroees.
In spring the Rock Pipit separates into pairs, the low-lying shores are deserted, and the birds resort to their several breeding-places.
After this the cuckoo stood a minute or two feeling back with its wings, as if to make sure that the pipit was fairly overboard, and then subsided into the bottom of the nest.
They were replaced in the nest beside the cuckoo, which struggled about till it got its back under one of them, when it climbed backward directly up the open side of the nest and pitched the pipit from its back on to the edge.
The pipit had well-developed quills on the wings and back, and had bright eyes, partially open, yet they seemed quite helpless under the manipulations of the cuckoo, which looked a much less developed creature.
These two larks must not be confused with the meadow larks and titlarks, which belong to the blackbird and pipit families respectively.
The Stonechat regards with suspicion almost any bird of its own size, and will even pursue a Tree-Pipit if it approaches too closely.
While in Alaska, in July, 1899, with the Harriman Expedition, I found the nest of the pipit far up on the side of a steep mountain.
Plentiful, scattered in pairs over the arid hills: males singing tree-pipit fashion, soaring downwards with tail spread overhead.
The alpine accentor (Accentor collaris) and alpine pipit (Anthus spipoletta) also reach to the highest summits; the blue thrush lower down.
All are earth-loving birds, except the Tree-pipit and the Wood lark.
This blithe spirit of the flowery pastures is the Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta, Linn.
Rock-creeper, the Alpine-pipit and others, which may be seen in summer close to the great glaciers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pipit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.