Zhivkov also cited shortcomings of the prevailing piecework system and suggested some long-range remedies for the ills.
Striving to increase their wages, workers under the piecework system have often resorted to shortcuts that have lowered the quality of output.
The majority of industrial workers are paid on a piecework basis, but the importance of piecework has been declining and has varied widely among industrial branches.
About 60 percent of all workers have been employed on the piecework system.
I thought, with shame and remorse, of the few shillings which I had earned at various times by taking piecework home, to buy my candles for study.
That wage scale says we get time and a half for overtime, and the men in the finishing department, they ain't gettin' no time and a half on piecework and we never understood that agreement you claim we signed with you anyhow.
The Board of Trade will tell you that a man paid by piecework is generally from 30 to 50 per cent.
It is frequently stated that in an industry where men are paid by piecework or share in the profits there is a tendency for the men to over-exert themselves.
The piecework system as it stands is grossly unfair.
In times past the chargeman used to pay the piecework "balance" to the men, having received the money in a bulk from the company, and he was often guilty of scandalous robbery and cheating.
The officials declare openly that piecework balance is merely given to the men when they earn it without strenuous efforts; they will not admit the reasonableness of working with any degree of sanity and comfort.
On the hammers under my charge during the last ten years the day wages of assistants--owing to their being retained on the job up to a greater age--had doubled, and the piecework prices had been cut by one half.
Some of the new hands are astonished when they receive their wages, with the piecework "balance" added, on a full week.
He may have obtained a couple of shillings more in day wages and at the same time have lost double the amount in piecework balance.
He whose opinions are most nearly in agreement with those of the foreman always thrives best, obtains the highest piecework prices and the greatest day wages, too, while the other is certain to be put under the ban.
Where day wages have risen all round on piecework jobs the prices should be increased in proportion, otherwise the workman is simply paying himself for his additional efforts out of his own pocket.
That is to say, they will be able to cut and slash the piecework prices with less compunction, and so the better serve the interests of the company.
Piecework prices are cut to the lowest possible point; it is all push, drive, and hustle.
They know everything pertaining to piecework prices and output, and are consequently able to furnish the chief with whatever information he desires upon any point.
The exigencies of piecework will admit of no relaxation, however; approximately the same amount of work must be made on the hottest day of summer as on the coldest day of winter.
There is also the matter of defective light and carelessness in the use of tools, and, very often, the mad hurry to get on in the first part of the night--the wild rush and tear of the piecework system.
She lay flat on her back, the little emaciated wisp of humanity, hardly raising the piecework quilt enough to make the bed seem occupied, and to account for the thin, worn old face on the pillow.
The piecework quilt hung down in long folds, flashing its brilliant reds and greens in the sunshine, which shone so strangely upon the pallid old countenance, facing the open sky for the first time in years.
The higher wages he earns on piecework the more Canada is pleased; for the more work he has done.
When Charles Gordon--Ralph Connor--was sent to investigate the strike in these mines he found foreigners earning seventeen dollars a day on piecework who had never earned fifty cents a day in their own land.
At first sight it appears that piecework is an exception to the general rule that the capitalist buys labor-power and not labor itself.
Folders and hand-sewers are paid piecework rates in the large shops, but not in the smaller ones.
In almost every instance she is put upon piecework as soon as possible after she begins.
As to the piecework of the miners, those who can find ore in their diggings shall receive for piecework as before, that is to say 5s.
We were all, even I after the third day, on piecework at our table, except Nancy.
Suppose I really had been on piecework and had to keep up at that breaking rate, only to begin the next morning still more worn out?
As early as 1814 the master cutlers formed, notwithstanding the combination laws, the "Sheffield Mercantile and Manufacturing Union," for the purpose of keeping down piecework wages to their existing rate.
When the development of men for better positions is of prime importance, the piecework system is not to be adopted.
This chapter shows the psychological ground for the following statements:-- Employees differ in their response to piecework rates and to salaries.
Production methods or labor conditions are often such that piecework is impossible.
By some of the men upon actual output--commissions or piecework rates?
The piecework or task system thus influences the worker directly and incessantly without regard for the particular instinct to which it may be appealing.
Factory hands were employed on piecework or on a premium or bonus basis where conditions permitted; office assistants
on fixed salaries; department managers upon a combination including profit sharing.
He judges from the results of piecework how much time it generally takes to produce a particular piece, and labourers who do not possess the average productivity are turned off on the ground that they are unable to do a minimum day's work.
Mr. Denny was led by subsequent experience to a much less favourable view of the efficacy of piecework as an instrument of working-class progress.
But wherever piecework can increase the rate of production to the extent mentioned by Mr. Denny, the day of labour may be shortened with advantage, and it can apparently do so in the very trades that most strongly object to it.
This last point we need not further explain, and the third and fourth we shall unfold under the separate heads of Piecework and Relative Over-population.
But while Marx thus objects to piecework because it leads to overwork, he objects to it also because it leads to underwork.
But, in the next place, to my mind the great advantage of piecework is that it affords a sound economic reason for shortening the day of labour.
He says that though known so early as the 14th century, piecework only came into vogue with the large system of production, to which he thinks it the most suitable form of payment.
Part of the prejudice entertained by working men against piecework comes from the fact that it is very often accompanied with overtime, and when that is the case, it generally exerts an unfavourable effect on the habits of the workman.
The wives and daughters of mechanics and farmers do the piecework at their homes.
Trades unions were mostly against piecework as giving more active workers an advantage over the others.
I write partly to say this and partly to enclose you something of interest as bearing upon my suggestion concerning piecework in co-operative combinations.
He is a beef-boner, and that is a dangerous trade, especially when you are on piecework and trying to earn a bride.
They seemed nearly all to be on piecework and earned in most cases ten dollars a day, and in some exceptional cases and upon occasion twenty or twenty-five dollars.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "piecework" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.