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Example sentences for "periodicals"

Lexicographically close words:
period; periode; periodic; periodical; periodically; periodicities; periodicity; periods; periosteal; periosteum
  1. I need scarcely say that The Quarterly Review is one of the most profitable periodicals in England, and one of one's best "connections," or sources of income.

  2. The Koko Shimbun was suppressed; Fukuchi was thrust into prison, and all journals or periodicals except those having official sanction were vetoed.

  3. Thenceforth the great majority of the newspapers and periodicals ranged themselves under the flag of this or that party.

  4. That the cheapness and rapidity of 'reproduction by process' should be directly responsible for the birth of many new illustrated periodicals to-day is clear enough.

  5. Such honourable recognition of the personality of an illustrator is by no means the rule, even in periodicals that have equal right to be proud of their collaborators.

  6. But, until to-day, the draughtsman for periodicals was deemed a far less important person than the painter of Academy pictures.

  7. Many, possibly a large majority, of these books are not illustrated; but on the other hand, the current periodicals not included contain thousands of pictures.

  8. Yet the issues of a later decade are as certain to be prized by students of the 'eighties' as the best periodicals of the sixties are by devotees of that period.

  9. In devoting another chapter to periodicals one must insist upon their relative importance; for the time and money expended on them in a single year would balance possibly the cost of all the books mentioned in this volume.

  10. In the publishing of periodicals the nearest approach to an agreement for a definite time is the paid subscription, and that is not, I believe, a great factor in the economy of a metropolitan daily.

  11. I would have gone earlier had any of the periodicals that asked me to go shown me any way to get there-- THERE IS NO FEVER THIS TIME OF YEAR and as you know fever never touches me.

  12. Periodicals providing special literature for ladies have appeared, and there are Turkish authoresses, some of whom enjoy a great reputation among their countrywomen.

  13. The producer and his staff follow the periodicals and the publishing seasons very closely, so that it is easy for them to detect a stolen plot.

  14. Advertisements are freely inserted in the various periodicals offering to teach the art of writing plays for the cinematograph, and to submit the plots to the various producers in the manner of a literary agency.

  15. We have to bring all our national life into this discussion of the National Plan before us, and not simply newspapers and periodicals and books, but pulpit and college and school have to bear their part in it.

  16. Only periodicals which have a reference value should be retained in sets, and then only where the geographical situation of the library warrants that course.

  17. Certainly comparisons cannot be fairly made while one librarian classes his periodicals as science, useful arts, etc.

  18. An effective form of check card for magazines or periodicals as received from the newsagent is shown in Figs.

  19. Lists of periodicals and annuals (only if no other means of revising printed list is available).

  20. Periodicals and magazines may either be kept in special cloth-covered boxes made to take a whole or half-year’s numbers, as the case may be, or kept on boards in the same manner as newspapers.

  21. Under head (iv) should be included only the cost of periodicals not permanently retained.

  22. It is a decided advantage for a reader to be able to go straight to the place where the magazine he wants is fixed, and to find it always there when directed to it from any form of indicator or periodicals list.

  23. Readers in possession of newspapers or other periodicals must be prepared to resign them to any other reader who may ask to peruse them, ten minutes after the request has been made through one of the library staff.

  24. A third method is to keep the whole of the periodicals off the tables or racks, and to issue them from a counter or rack which is superintended by an assistant.

  25. It is intended for periodicals like the Graphic, Sketch, Architect, etc.

  26. Such periodicals as Nature and Popular Science Review show how anthropological science is attracting attention.

  27. The oldest of the scientific periodicals in the United States to devote space to questions of anthropology is Silliman’s American Journal of Science and Arts (1818, etc.

  28. There are two or three Peruvian periodicals of some importance for their archæological papers.

  29. In periodicals we find: Gentleman’s Mag.

  30. She was well acquainted with the old periodicals from the 'Spectator' downwards.

  31. The punctuation found in most weekly and monthly periodicals is very poor, and is often inferior to that of daily newspapers.

  32. Foot-notes are often extensively used in scientific periodicals and books; and the larger establishments that print such matter usually have their style-cards, which should be followed by authors submitting manuscripts to such establishments.

  33. The above sentence contains two words treated as they are found today in practically all periodicals and books using them.

  34. Many popular magazines also print excellent photoplay material frequently and such craft-periodicals as The Writer's Monthly (Springfield, Mass.

  35. The former were the periodicals of current events, the latter histories of the past.

  36. He really did set to work and finish up an article on Count Ugolino since we came home from Fordham, and he has tried all the periodicals round, and they won't have it, not even the editors that know mother!

  37. Allen was modestly elated, and only wished he had gone to one of the periodicals more widely circulated.

  38. Encouragement is also given by the Trustees to the publication of literary and scientific periodicals and occasionally of learned essays and books.

  39. Not far from 1,000 periodicals are received, from every part of the civilized world.

  40. The indexes of some periodicals are good, but those of the many are bad.

  41. As already stated on a previous page, it is most important to index the articles in periodicals afresh, and not always to follow the heading of the original.

  42. Another prominent blunder in indexing periodicals is to follow in the index the divisions of the paper.

  43. Periodicals and bulletins were published, in which the proceedings of the Senate and of the courts were recorded.

  44. In literature the later time has seen an extraordinary multiplying of periodicals and newspapers, among whose editors and contributors have been included numerous writers of much celebrity.

  45. She was a subscriber for all the "Health" periodicals and phrenological frauds; and the solemn ignorance they were inflated with was breath to her nostrils.

  46. She gathered together her quack periodicals and her quack medicines, and thus armed with death, went about on her pale horse, metaphorically speaking, with "hell following after.

  47. The Party, many government ministries, and each of the various mass organizations publish periodicals (see table 8).

  48. Both Catholic printing presses were confiscated, and the publication of seven religious periodicals ceased.

  49. In 1967 there were almost twice as many periodicals published as newspapers.

  50. Thus it is possible to design many of the periodicals for consumption by specific audiences.

  51. Two periodicals appeared in the 1930s, Illyria and Perpjekia Shqiptare (The Albanian Effort), which reflected the intellectual fervor of the decade.

  52. For whatever necessity exists for affording to the industrial and operative bodies opportunities of consulting periodicals of approved ability, morality, and loyalty, it can only be subordinate to the study of more substantial literature.

  53. Some of our higher periodicals are favorably known here.

  54. I HAVE sometimes guffawed immeasurably, at the sharp cuts and thrusts not seldom indulged in by the current writers of our country, both in periodicals and newspapers.

  55. The chief periodicals are The Lutheran Quarterly (now Vol.

  56. In lecture-rooms and periodicals doctrinal questions might be ventilated.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "periodicals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.