Ovary inferior, appearing as a swelling below the calyx at the apex of the pedicel --151.
The end of a peduncle or pedicel upon which the organs of a flower, or the flowers of a head, are attached.
Ovary inferior, appearing as a swelling below the calyx at the apex of the pedicel --106.
Pedicel of the suckers not jointed; mandibles chelate.
Pedicel of the suckers jointed; mandibles styliform and serrate near the tip.
The form of spore is usually more angular and irregular than in Trichobasis, and the pedicel is permanent.
The same mycelium which forms thepedicel for the conidia when it is near the end of its development, forms by normal vegetation a second kind of fructification.
This latter circumstance evidences that new corpuscles succeed the firstborn one on each pedicel as long as there remains any plastic matter within the spore.
During the formation of the oogonia there arise from its pedicel or from neighbouring filaments slight cylindrical curved branches, sometimes turned round the support of the oogonia, and which all tend towards this organ.
The partridge pea bears from two to four showy flowers together, each measuring an inch or more across, on a slender pedicel from the axils.
Staminate flowers scattered over inner surface of involucre, each composed of a single stamen on a thread-like pedicel with a rudimentary calyx or tiny bract below it.
The basi-exterior margin, moreover, of the pedicel of the third pair of cirri, in many species of the Balaninae (Pl.
The flexor and extensor muscles, which, as I believe, move the upper segment of the pedicel (a and b, Pl.
The pedicel of the third cirrus had its spines more crowded and irregular than on the three posterior pairs of cirri.
Third cirrus longer than the second pair, with the rami rather unequal in length: there is a tuft of long spines on the basal segment of the pedicel of this cirrus.
The unarticulated support, whence the articulated portion of the penis arises, is unusually long, equalling the pedicel of the sixth cirrus.
The penis is remarkable from its very small size and shortness, not being more than once and a half as long as the pedicel of the sixth cirrus.
The pedicel of the first cirrus is very broad; its rami are short, with the segments very broad.
The outer surface of the pedicel of the second cirrus bears a tuft of long, fine, plumose hairs: the terminal segments of the rami of this cirrus sometimes (as in the La Plata specimens) support a clump of coarsely pectinated spines.
According to this author's new nomenclature, the pedicel would consist of the coxopodite and basipodite; the tige would be the ischiopodite and following segments; and the palpe would be the exopodite; the epipodite or flabellum being absent.
The dilated apex of a pedicel which serves as a common support to a head of flowers.
In the case of a solitary flower, the stalk would be called a peduncle if the flower is large, and a pedicel if it is small or delicate.
A little sheath, as that about the base of the pedicel of most mosses.
Defn: The pedicel raising the pistil or ovary above the stamens, as in the passion flower.
Pedicel 1/3 as long as the sessile spikelets; nodes usually glabrous; ligule usually short and membranous.
Pedicel 1/2 as long as the sessile spikelets; nodes bearded; ligule large and membranous.
The spikelets are linear-lanceolate, solitary or in distant pairs, glabrous or ciliate, pedicelled and when binate the upper pedicel often longer than the spikelets, usually spreading and not appressed to the rachis.
The pedicelled spikelets are about 1/3 inch, narrowly lanceolate, male or neuter and with short rusty hairs on both the margins of the pedicel and a semi-circular tip.
In some species of Panicum the rachilla is jointed to the pedicel below the empty glumes, whereas it is articulated just above these glumes in Chloris barbata.
Spikelets are solitary, binate or fasciculate, 2-flowered, jointed on the pedicel and awned.
The spikelets are oblong, acute, binate, one pedicel being shorter than the other, usually appressed to the rachis and not spreading.
Branches with pedicel and spikelets drooping and not appressed.
For best success in patch budding it is not desirable to select very large, overdeveloped buds, or those that have grown so rapidly as to stand out on a little pedicel or basal stalk.
In removing such a bud from the stick, the central column of the pedicel will often pull out and remain on the stick.
Darwin demonstrated that in Orchis and other flowers thepedicel of the pollinium, after its removal from the anther, undergoes a curving movement.
At the base of the pedicel is a small viscid disc by which the pollinium is attached to the head or proboscis of one of the insects which visit the flower.
Bractlet, a bract of the ultimate grade; as one inserted on a pedicel or ultimate flower-stalk instead of under it.
Subtended, supported or surrounded; as a pedicel by a bract, or a flower-cluster by an involucre.
The pedicel is somewhat flattened, and is formed of several rows of elongated cells, filled with purple fluid or granular matter.
Whether these lines are the result of contraction from the drying of the walls, I do not know, but the whole pedicel was often spirally rolled up.
The bilobed leaf appears also to be rather larger and somewhat broader, with the pedicel by which it is attached to the upper end of the petiole a little longer.
The pedicel itself is formed of an elongated cell, surmounted by a short one.
A gland sends its motor impulse with great rapidity down the pedicel of the same tentacle to the basal part which alone bends.
When the pedicel of a tentacle is cut off by a sharp pair of scissors quite close beneath the gland, the tentacle generally becomes inflected.
After the protoplasm in a tentacle has been aggregated, its redissolution always begins in the lower part, and slowly travels up the pedicel to the gland, so that the protoplasm last aggregated is first redissolved.
Flower solitary, rising on a short pedicel above the whorl of broad, ovate, pointed, and short petioled leaves.
The flower is on a short pedicel above the whorl of broad, ovate-pointed, and short petioled leaves.
Its blossom is either white or pink and is on a curved pedicel that often bends so as to place the flower beneath the whorl of leaves; the edges of the petals are quite wavy.
Each pedicel bears a facet on its anterior surface, which, with a corresponding one on the inferior arch, articulates with the occipital condyle of the skull.
Three similar facets occur also on the posterior surface of the pedicel and inferior arch, and articulate with the odontoid process.
Petioles eglandular or with a single gland near the apex; pedicel of the flower glabrous; calyx-tube puberulous; stone of the fruit rounded at base.
Pedicel short, recurved or strongly declinate; filaments slender, about equalling the anther.
Sterile flowers numerous and lining the base of the involucre, each from the axil of a little bract, and consisting merely of a single stamen jointed on a pedicel like the filament; anther-cells globular, separate.
Pedicel longer than the flower; filament shorter than the anther.
Spikelets small, panicled, of 2 perfect flowers and the hairy pedicel or rudiment of a third (rarely staminate); rhachis hairy.
A secondary bract, as one upon the pedicel of a flower.
The pedicel is very delicate before the blossom is formed, so that the slightest thing can easily break it.
Even the nectary which is adherent to the upper surface of the pedicel in the normal flower disappears--sometimes completely, at other tunes partially.
In other instances it is due to an adhesion of the pedicel to the side of the fruit.
Specially, the bract is the small leaf or scale from the axil of which a flower or its pedicel proceeds, 73.
A slight injury of either berry or pedicel permits the spores of the fungus causing decay to gain entrance into the fruit.
The berries are very persistent, clinging to thepedicel long after ripe.
Brush: The end of the pedicel projecting into the fruit.
Meanwhile a thick pedicel covered with leaves springs out from the top of the larger branches, and bears, so to speak, a thyrsus of many yellow flowers, scattered about like stars, pleasant to behold.
And when the flowers begin to ripen, and are running to seed (the seed is very small), the pedicelgrows slender.
An obvious inference is, that the twisting of the pedicel is not of generic, nor of specific importance; and that it is capable of being produced artificially.
Berries above medium to small, roundish to oval, strongly narrowing toward the pedicel on account of compactness of cluster, rather attractive dark red, covered with lilac bloom, usually persistent.
Spikelets one-flowered, rarely two-flowered as in Zea, falling from the pedicel entire or with certain joints of the rachis at maturity.
Rub off some of these scales on a glass slide and examine; note shape, little stem or pedicel of insertion, and longitudinal striations.