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Example sentences for "payed"

Lexicographically close words:
paycheck; payd; payday; payde; paye; payee; payees; payer; payers; payes
  1. They were payed at the end of euery thirty dayes with the great trauell of that right worshipfull Venetian gentleman M.

  2. By Heauen, thy madnesse shall be payed by waight, Till our Scale turnes the beame.

  3. Now is the Count Rossillion a Widdower, his vowes are forfeited to mee, and my honors payed to him.

  4. Oh Anthony, Thou Mine of Bounty, how would'st thou haue payed My better seruice, when my turpitude Thou dost so Crowne with Gold.

  5. Looke on my George, I am a Gentleman, Rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be payed Whit.

  6. I shott againe; two payed for their curiosity.

  7. When the sun began to shine we payed for the time past.

  8. I'tm payed to them the Sondy after Mayday xx.

  9. So she caught him, and kiss'd him, and with an impudent face said unto him: I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows.

  10. At that moment the wind shifted, taking the Phoebe suddenly aback, and her bow payed off directly upon the Essex.

  11. She saw Paul descending as the rope payed out.

  12. Paul fell into it heavily, for the mechanism depended on to check the speed at which the rope payed out, did not work.

  13. Item payed in James M'Colm's yt the Proveist drank with Ba.

  14. This was a tribute payed to him by his greatest successor, and was worthy of the man who did it and the occasion which prompted it.

  15. THE Souldier that payed never a peny for me, by the commandement of his Captaine was sent unto Rome, to cary Letters to the great Prince, and Generall of the Campe.

  16. They could finde none that would write this letter for them, although they would haue payed them very well for their paines.

  17. It was soo that I mett wyth myn onkle William by the weye, and there in the felde I payed hym the iiijli.

  18. I suppose they sholde peraventure have ben payed ageyn in a yer or ij.

  19. Syme, and also the mony browght by my brother, with whyche mony, and with moor that I had my selff, I redemyd the maner of Sporle, and payed Towneshend bothe the CCCC.

  20. One after another the wrecked crew entered the sling and the life savers drew them over to the motor craft while their mates aboard the wreck payed out the line.

  21. He payed off carefully until the motor-boat began to ride the billows more buoyantly.

  22. The saved man payed and happily went away, blue all over his face.

  23. So, he payed the royalties and went back home without having achieved anything further.

  24. There, she lived calmly and contently of her alimony of 3000 marks, which I payed her, though I did not have to give her anything, because she had been the only guilty party.

  25. And he payed attention; he learnt and remembered.

  26. But he could not give the rights up for less than seventy thousand marks, since he had payed one hundred and seventy-five thousand marks.

  27. So, these works also had to revert to me after the twenty thousandth subscriber with all rights included, and then, I was to payed a "fine gratification".

  28. Fischer had declared that he would fight back with all possible means; he had bought my novels from Mrs. Muenchmeyer; they were his righteously purchased property, payed for in cash, with which he could do whatever he wanted.

  29. He even had to send the unprinted manuscript in his possession back to me, for which I returned the royalties to him he had payed for it.

  30. My other publishers also payed significantly more than Pustet.

  31. I payed three loui'dores for this voyage of about fifty miles; though I might have had a feluca for less money.

  32. In short, we had a very bad supper, miserably dressed, passed a very disagreeable night, and payed a very extravagant bill in the morning, without being thanked for our custom.

  33. For this entertainment I payed very near a loui'dore.

  34. This is a boat smaller than a feluca, rowed by four men, and steered by the patron; but the price was nine zequines, rather more than I should have payed for a feluca of ten oars.

  35. For this accommodation I payed as much as if I had been elegantly entertained in the best auberge of France or Italy.

  36. I am told the entrees, or duties, payed upon provision imported into Paris, are very heavy.

  37. In winter, you have a mule for this whole journey at the rate of twenty livres; and the guides are payed at the rate of two livres a day, reckoning six days, three for the journey to Coni, and three for their return to Nice.

  38. On my arrival at Dover I payed off my coachman, who went away with a heavy heart.

  39. For a decent first floor and two bed-chambers on the second, I payed no more than a scudo (five shillings) per day.

  40. The three figures in the air attract the eye so strongly, that little or no attention is payed to those below on the mountain.

  41. As he spoke he ran up the jib, and as the boat's head payed off, fastened the sheet to windward.

  42. For a short distance the yacht drifted astern, and then, as the pressure of the jib began to make itself felt, her head gradually payed off.

  43. And thereupon the poor wench payed for all, since it was agreed that no inquiry should be made concerning this sedition.

  44. He must stand by until-- Carefully he payed out the line.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "payed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.