This excited the anger of Nilus, who hurried away, determined to be no partakerin her sins.
And thou also, my friend, mayst be a partaker of these riches, if thou wilt renounce thy evil vocation and vow to serve the true and living God.
Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner; but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.
They that live and do thereafter, well it is with them, for God doth richly reward them in this life; and a Turk or a Heathen may as well be partaker of such rewards as a Christian.
It had been better for me that I had been a partaker of other great wickednesses instead of the same; but what is done cannot be undone; he that hath stolen, let him henceforward steal no more.
For your partaker Pole, and you yourself, I'll note you in my book of memory To scourge you for this apprehension.
Wish me partaker in thy happiness When thou dost meet good hap; and in thy danger, If ever danger do environ thee, Commend thy grievance to my holy prayers, For I will be thy headsman, Valentine.
We have also expressed our firm conviction that it is the good and gracious will of God in Christ to bestow upon the poor sin-sick and unholy child the Grace needed to so change it as to make it a partaker of His great salvation.
To approach this altar, to participate in its heavenly mysteries, to become a partaker of the glorified body and blood of the Son of God!
For he that biddeth him God-speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
And yet, it is only thus that one becomes partaker of it; and the only reason why so many fail of its blessed effects is,--they do not drink it.
The first happy effect is that it will free the Christian who performs this duty from being partaker of others' sins, and will give him a peace of conscience which he cannot otherwise enjoy.
Let not one nation be partakerof another nation's sins.
It is a gospel maxim "Be not partaker of other men's sins.
And the worth of the work depends on the dignity of grace, whereby a man, being made a partaker of the Divine Nature, is adopted as a son of God, to whom the inheritance is due by right of adoption, according to Rom.
Further, man is the subject of virtue and sin, inasmuch as he is partaker of reason.
And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.
For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.
Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.
It is stated in the "Octavius" of Minucius Felix that, in the estimation of the heathen, "for a slave to be partaker in certain religious ceremonies is deemed abominable impiety.
Christ by faith, becomes partakerof his complete satisfaction to the demands of law (Col.
The partaker is spiritually affected by the bread and wine, only as was the pious Israelite in receiving the paschal symbols; see Norman Fox, Christ in the Daily Meal, 25, 42.
As Christ was made partakerof human nature by incarnation, that so he might enter into truest fellowship with us, we are made partakers of the divine nature, by regeneration, that we may enter into truest fellowship with God.
The believer is made partaker of the divine nature.
Whoever sets himself to act contrary to it, on him will fall the anathema and with the devil and all godless men he shall burn in everlasting flames; but whosoever is obedient to it, shall be partaker of eternal salvation and glory.
It was not the love of man as the offspring and image of God, as the partaker of a common nature, and the heir of a common immortality.
Therefore proceed wisely, that you may not become a partaker of such blood and such destruction.
Whatsoever therefore is partaker of that reasonable common nature, naturally doth as much and more long after his own kind.
Let no man, then, count me a fable maker, Nor made my name and credit a partaker Of their derision: what is here in view, Of mine own knowledge I dare say is true.
And all things I do for the gospel's sake, that I may become a partaker thereof with others[9:23].
Here shall thine offspring safely see the light, And be partaker of each holy rite.
But thy frenzied husband Suits another shrine; He is no partaker Of this feast of mine.
We are very glad that you have not hidden their misconduct from us (inclined as a generous mind is to cover up offences), since you would thereby have made yourself partaker of their evil deeds.
Think what judgment you ought to form of a man who is partaker of such a confidence.
He is now partaker of God's holiness; his mind and character are in consistency with the call of God.
And this character of Kinsman-service, the Son of God, partaker of our flesh and blood, renders us.
Job was chastened to be partaker of such a holiness as this.
Christ's compassions could not have been priestly, till He became a man, partaker of the flesh and blood of the children, and suffered as such.
The words of Tobias 3 refer to excessive mirth; and this is evident from his adding: "Neither have I made myself partaker with them that walk in lightness.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "partaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: accessory; accomplice; actor; catcher; participant; partner; party; taker