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Example sentences for "parentheses"

Lexicographically close words:
parent; parentage; parental; parentem; parentes; parenthesis; parenthetic; parenthetical; parenthetically; parenthood
  1. The drop of his jaw was parentheses about a question mark.

  2. Means in parentheses below observed ranges; measurements in mm.

  3. Where more than one specimen is included under one museum number, the number of specimens is given in parentheses after the museum number.

  4. But the mere ¶ without any parentheses was used by La Bruyère in all editions to denote the beginning of a paragraph.

  5. Parentheses in literature and dentistry are in bad taste.

  6. It is obscure by a host of parentheses introduced to express thoughts which are only suggested, half-shaped, and which are frequently interwoven with parentheses introduced into the original parentheses.

  7. The interwoven parentheses remain, the rushes of invention into double and triple illustrations, the multiplication of thought on thought; but for these we may even be grateful.

  8. The parentheses (to which allusion is made above) are so frequent as to give a characteristic appearance to Mr. Wollaston's pages.

  9. I wonder whether he will print this pleasing fact; it beats hollow the parentheses in Wollaston's writing.

  10. Parentheses are used to inclose an explanation, authority, definition, reference, translation, or any matter not belonging to the grammatical construction of the sentence.

  11. The year in parentheses indicates when an acceding nation was voted to full consultative (voting) status, while no date indicates the country was an original 1959 treaty signatory.

  12. After all evidence state in parentheses the source from which it came.

  13. Commas are often used now, where parentheses were [adopted] formerly.

  14. Commas are often used now, where parentheses were formerly; I cannot, however, esteem this an improvement.

  15. All these things does their completest specimen of etymological parsing lack, while it is grossly encumbered with parentheses of syntax, which "must be omitted till the pupil get the rules of syntax.

  16. The capital letters in the parentheses refer to illustrations.

  17. Numbers in parentheses designate authors or publications cited in the list of references.

  18. The figure immediately following the name of plant indicates its height, the figures in parentheses the distance for planting, in inches.

  19. The figures in parentheses suggest in inches suitable distances for planting in the row when immediate effects are expected.

  20. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of gravid females collected each month.

  21. The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of voles examined.

  22. The numbers in parentheses show the number of live voles examined for each month.

  23. Accidentals in parentheses are mere warnings given by some composers wherever there is a possibility of doubt as to the correct reading caused by a momentary harmonic ambiguity.

  24. What does an accidental in parentheses mean?

  25. I have found these accidentals in parentheses so far only in the works of French composers.

  26. Glaisher points out that parentheses were used by Norwood in his Trigonometrie (1631), p.

  27. While parentheses never became popular in algebra before the time of Leibniz and the Bernoullis they were by no means lost sight of.

  28. Before Oughtred the use of parentheses had been suggested by Clavius[116] and Girard.

  29. His books, as well as those of John Wallis, are full of parentheses but they are not used as symbols of aggregation in algebra; they are simply marks of punctuation for parenthetical clauses.

  30. On page 12, a closing parentheses was added after "and exit.

  31. The printing of the name of the Union of Social Service in italics enclosed in parentheses emphasises in some measure the fact that it is published for that body, and indicates the point of view taken.

  32. This, again, is shown by the "P" in parentheses for "poor.

  33. His total score was 2, with a "P" in parentheses meaning that overall he got two more right than wrong, and his rating was poor throughout.

  34. He means that there should be no parentheses of famine in our Christian life.

  35. Why should Christian people have these dismal times of deadness, these parentheses of paralysis?

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parentheses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.