There is for him as novelist or pamphleteer no principle but expediency, no rule of conduct but temporal advantage.
Mesnager, an agent sent by the French King to sound the Ministry and the country as to terms of peace, wanted an able pamphleteer to promote the French interest.
On the other hand, Burke, whether his productions be called Speeches or Letters, Thoughts or Reflections, is always a pamphleteer in heart and soul, in form and matter.
He was both pamphleteer and journalist; but he kept the form and even to some extent the style of his pamphlets and his articles well apart.
Perhaps, like Marsh or Van Mildert, he was a controversial pamphleteer who had tossed a Calvinist or gored an Evangelical.
He is conscientiously devoted to the duties of his canonry; he is an accomplished theologian; and he is perhaps the most expert and vigorous pamphleteer in England.
James, greatly agitated, pronounced it a vile forgery contrived by some pamphleteer in Holland.
The author of this profanity, according to Prynne, was a pamphleteer named Henry Robinson.
Every statement of a principle in an orator or a pamphleteer is coloured by the occasion, the emotion, and the mood of an audience to whom it is addressed.
Sheridan, who acted as the literary agent of the Whigs, wished to engage him as a professional pamphleteer and offered him a regular salary.
Did the pamphleteer himself hear and see what he recorded, or was his account at second hand?
The pamphleteer Denison, who put together the story of Alse Gooderidge, wrote "she should have been executed but that her spirit killed her in prison.
He was the only one of the group who struck Odo as having any administrative capacity; yet he was more likely to be of use as a pamphleteer than as an office-holder.
And you will not deny that as Duke of Pianura you can serve your people better than as an obscure pamphleteer in Paris.
A contemporary pamphleteer compared him to an owl in the sunshine pursued and pecked to death by flights of tiny birds.
The pamphleteer from whom I have quoted, adds that Grant was bred up a cobbler, or, as some say, a tinker; and he was an Anabaptist preacher.
The Chinese pamphleteer had dealt with the emotional side of the case: it was necessary to reinforce his arguments with an appeal which would be understood by Western statesmen as well as by Eastern politicians.
Lyman Abbott: "He was perhaps the most popular pamphleteer of the country.
Thomas Paine exercised his power as a pamphleteer on the theme of England's approaching bankruptcy, while the public crowded one of the theatres [in Paris] to stare at stage pictures representing the invasion of England.
The slime of a mythology which has for over a century stained his reputation is disappearing and the prophet pamphleteer is coming into his own.
Wood was of the same type of irresponsible pamphleteer and newspaper hack as Callender and Cheetham.
The battle raged loud and long; and pamphleteer rent pamphleteer in endless, wordy warfare.
When it is further explained that it consisted of two hundred law sheets, or ninety octavo pages, it is obvious that the excellent author's powers as a pamphleteermust have been preternatural.
As a pamphleteer he was unwearied, and the mere titles of his efforts in this way occupy four columns of Messrs.
Hanway,'--a signature which proves that one may be a praiseworthy philanthropist and a copious Pamphleteer and yet write no better verse than the Bellman.
Fleet and the King's Bench, where, strange to say, his zeal as a pamphleteer continued unabated.
Dire is the wrath of the pamphleteer that he should have been charged by MR.
From an apparent inability, however, of this pamphleteer to distinguish between pleasantry and acrimony, he has attempted to fix on me offences against others when I have ventured to dissent from their conclusions.
His claim to a place here (even if his merit be rated much lower than some have rated it) is, that he is the chief writer of the kind who is both in verse and prose a pamphleteer pure and simple.