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Example sentences for "great authority"

  • But as they have the Sanction of so great Authority, it is not for me to pass Judgment on them, but leave every one to follow his own.

  • It appears that I have not correctly designated the several groups of vertebrae, for a great authority, Mr. W.

  • The qualifications of the mind can alone give very great authority.

  • The second period of society, that of shepherds, admits of very great inequalities of fortune, and there is no period in which the superiority of fortune gives so great authority to those who possess it.

  • Inequality of fortune among, the source of great authority, 298.

  • These things are indeed also testified of him by others; for he had a great authority in the city, alike for his life, his eloquence, and his age.

  • At the first, as has been said, when he set himself against Cimon's great authority, he did caress the people.

  • At that same period the same doctrine was put forth by a great authority in Germany.

  • A wise sentence or decision of great authority.

  • Any person reputed uncommonly wise; one whose decisions are regarded as of great authority; as, a literary oracle.

  • In England the king-at-arms was formerly of great authority.

  • A little candied lemon-peel mixed with the above is an improvement, and a great authority in culinary matters suggests the addition of a little cayenne pepper in gingerbread.

  • A great authority in his native Paris tells us, that veal, as a meat, is but little nourishing, is relaxing, and sufficiently difficult of digestion.

  • He was a great authority on the ancient history of the parish, and was formerly schoolmaster.

  • Lupson is the much-respected parish clerk of Great Yarmouth, who is a great authority on the history of the important church in which he officiates, and is the author of several books.

  • This indeed seems plainly affirmed by Avicenna, a Physitian of great authority, and whose religion prohibiting Wine, could less extenuate ebriety.

  • Censorinus an Author of great authority, and sufficient antiquity, speaks yet more amply in his book De die Natali, wherein expresly treating of Climacterical daies, he thus delivereth himself.

  • Tegghiaio Aldobrandi degli Adimari, a wise knight and valiant in arms, and of great authority, and he counselled the better course in full.

  • Angelo, in a short time he died; and this was a heavy loss, forasmuch as he was a lord of great valour and of great authority.

  • Francesco d'Orso, of Furli, was a man of great authority in that city, and became suspected by the count Girolamo, who often threatened him.

  • The Agalma rubra is thus described by Vogt, a great authority.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great authority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great artist; great assistance; great central; great economic; great fancy; great happiness; great joy; great loss; great nuisance; great part; great picture; great pity; great poem; great power; great price; great profusion; great reason; great series; great sinner; great sorrow; great tenderness; great train; great water; greater distance; greater length; social worker