It was first accorded, that the French king should paie to the king of England without delaie seauentie & fiue thousand crownes of the sunne; and yearelie fiftie thousand crownes to be paid at London during king Edwards life.
Doo not we (beside other things that we giue, and the land that we till for their onelie profit) paiethem all kinds of tributs, yea for our owne carcases?
For what and how much we paie for them that are dead, there is not one here but he dooth well vnderstand.
How much better is it to be once aloft and fortunate in deed, than vnder the forged and false title of libertie, continuallie to paie for our redemption a fréedome?
This daie it is thought fitt & ordered that the widdowes of this company w{ch} doe paie their quarterage shalbe bidden to the ffeastꝭ in the hall.
Romans, Cassibellane in the end was forced to fall to a composition, in couenanting to paie a yearelie tribute of thrée thousand pounds.
E32] "Of the complaint of such poore tenants as paie rent corne vnto their landlords, I speake not, who are often dealt withall very hardlie.
Or if it be cheaper in the market, than the rate allowed for it is in their rents, then must they paie monie, and no corne, which is no small extremitie.
Yet paie they as much for the twoo as tother for twentie must doo.
For nothing paie and nothing praie, in Inne it is the gise, Where no point gain, there no point pain, think this if you be wise.
He was woont topaie also vnto the court of Rome at his admission to that see 1300 ducats or florens, as I read, which was an hard valuation, considering the smalnesse of circuit belonging to his sée.
The Londoners were pardoned of their trespasse for receiuing the earle, though they were constreined to paie a thousand marks to the king of Romans, in recompense of the hurts doone to him in burning of his house at Thistleworth.
The citizens of London also about the beginning of the spring, were compelled to paie a talage, wherewith they found themselues sore aggreeued.
The king caused a proclamation to be set foorth, that all such as might dispend fifteene pounds in lands, should receiue the order of knighthood; and those that would not or could not, should paie their fines.
Item the said Senena vndertaketh for the said Griffin and his heires, that the said Griffin and his heires shall yeeld and paie yearelie to the king for the same lands, the summe of three hundred markes.
Furthermore, the prelats complained, that they were driuen to paie the tenths which they promised conditionallie, as it were now by constreint and of dutie, to the preiudice of the liberties of the church.
And so in the feast of All saints, proclamation was made of a full accord and agreement, and what euerie man should paie for his ransome for redeeming his offense against the king.
Amongst other, Hugh bishop of Lincolne returning into England, was compelled to paie a thousand marks to the popes vse for recouerie of his bishoprike, & an hundred marks also to the legat of good and lawfull monie.
That if anie pilgrime borrowed anie thing of an other whilest he was on his iournie, he should be bound to paie it: but if he borrowed it before his setting foorth, he was not bound to answer it till his returne home.
The king gaue to the church in Rouen in recompense, his milles which he had in Rouen, so that the said church should paie the almes of old time appointed to be giuen for the same.
Order taken for leuieng monie to paie the kings ransome.
Robert Ros to paie for a fine, the summe of twelue hundred marks, which the prisoner should haue paied for his ransome: and further, commanded William de Spinie to be hanged for his disloiall dealing.
Within foure moneths next insuing, king Peter should paie the one halfe of the wages due to the soldiers for this iournie, vnto such as the prince should leaue behind him to receiue the same, and the other halfe within one yeare.
And further, that the French king should paie a certeine summe of monie for his ransome, and deliuer sufficient pledges for the same, and so depart into France.
Iohn the Miller Y ground small, small small, the kings sonne of heauen shallpaie for all.
He gaue also letters confessionall, to all those that would paie for them, admitting aswell beneficed men as other, to be the popes chapleins.
Manie that feared the censures of such high executions, chose rather to paie the monie foorthwith, than to go to the law, and be compelled happilie, mauger their good willes.
He also caused the archbishop Anselme to paie him a great summe of monie, vnder colour of a contribution which was due in Lanfrankes daies, though it was certeinlie knowne that Lanfranke had paied it.
C'est papa qui paie et maman qui régale," as Marty would say; and never were funds distributed more wisely.
Pledours sholde peynen hem To plede for swiche and helpe; 4550 Princes and prelates Sholde paie for hire travaille.
There shall not a noble man weare a head on his shoulders, But he shall paie me tribute for it.
This other, the Maisters Mate shall haue, And Water Whickmore thou shalt haue this man, [dal005] And let them paie their ransomes ere they passe.
A hundreth pounds a piece, either paie that or die.
Also he sent a power to the towne of Lin, which conquered the same, and tooke the citizens prisoners, causing them to paie great summes of monie for their ransoms.
The moonks of the Cisteaux order, otherwise called white moonks, were constreined to paie 40 thousand pounds of siluer at this time, all their priuileges to the contrarie notwithstanding.
All which were constreined topaie such a greeuous tax, that the whole amounted to the summe of an hundred thousand pounds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.