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Example sentences for "pagodas"

Lexicographically close words:
pagi; pagina; pagination; paging; pagoda; pagos; pagus; paha; pahs; paht
  1. Brahmans who officiate in the pagodas and temples give this title of Jeseus—i.

  2. He also states that great pagodas were built on purpose as safe repositories of Sanskrit MSS.

  3. Pagodas and sacred images are left to the care of the people themselves, tempered by the benevolent patronage of the Archaeological Survey.

  4. Pagodas vary in size from the stately Shwe Dagon to the humble fane on the outskirts of a village.

  5. Strangers wander unmolested and without meeting scowling looks in the precincts of pagodas and holy places; they are welcome to explore the recesses of monasteries, observing only common politeness and decorum.

  6. In pagodas they save and preserve the family of Buddha.

  7. Pagodas are situated generally on Buddhists' lands, and there are in their vicinity, or around their base, temples or monasteries for Buddhist priests.

  8. Within those pagodas that are at all in a state of preservation, Buddhist idols, relics, pictures, and books are deposited.

  9. There are mandarins and pagodas in abundance, and plenty of Japanese and Chinese sofas.

  10. The windows of the pagodas were hung with red gauze curtains and all was trimmed with silk.

  11. Pagodas of different sizes and styles were passed, and when we arrived at the village of Hai Tien, about four li from the Palace gates, we were told by the officers we only had a short distance further to go.

  12. As they came nearer I saw that they were also very beautifully made, and looked like floating pagodas of beautifully carved natural wood.

  13. Then four other smaller pagodas slowly rose from the four corners of the stage, each containing a buddha the same as the first.

  14. It is at least a pretty fancy, which leads them to suspend on every point and pinnacle of their pagodas these tiny bells, whose soft, aerial chimes sound sweetly in the air, and floating upward, fill the ear of heaven with a constant melody.

  15. He headed the list with a subscription of a hundred pagodas (Rs.

  16. The smallest of the two Pagodas is a wooden building, standing upon pillars, in the centre of the town at the place where the two principal streets cross.

  17. So, says I merrily: 'And what price shall I pay for this palace of mine, which is but twelve feet square, and my five poor pagodas a month?

  18. The mosques look like pagodas, the pagodas look like mosques.

  19. Everywhere are traces of fire, here and there pagodas or houses half destroyed, a mass of ruins, not the work of time, but the work of war.

  20. The one we design to honor to-day carries on his profession in the suburbs, in that ancient quarter of big trees and gloomy pagodas where, the other day, I met the pretty little mousmé.

  21. So the days passed, and all the time the music went on and the pagodas danced and new presents arrived for her, better than those she had received before.

  22. She gave them back the lovely palace with all the good things that they had before, and made the King head of the pagodas again.

  23. Laideronnette then undressed herself and got into the bath, and at once the pagodas began to sing and play.

  24. In fact there was hardly any difference between the little pagodas and the people who inhabit the world.

  25. The little pagodas paused in their movements and came near to Laideronnette, and she saw at a glance that they were simply lovely.

  26. There was not a day that the pagodas did not come and tell her all the news of the courts where they had been in different parts of the world.

  27. The houses the tourists passed were all of Indian style, and there were always towers and pagodas in sight.

  28. You see at about all the crossings pagodas and idols, with banners flying over them.

  29. The old capital was absolutely destroyed, and nothing now remains but the ruins of fine teak monasteries and some ornate pagodas absolutely falling to pieces.

  30. It had been a flourishing town, as the still remaining monasteries and pagodas proved.

  31. In Burma there were pagodas and monasteries innumerable.

  32. And that such, also, was the use and origin of the Irish pagodas is manifest from the name by which they are critically and accurately designated, viz.

  33. The pagodas of India have their counterparts in the round towers.

  34. Yet Babbitt was again dreaming of the fairy child, a dream more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

  35. I emphasize the fact that these are in good repair, because so many of the Buddhist pagodas and monasteries are in a state of decay.

  36. These slabs together contain all the writings of Buddha, and the smaller pagodas viewed from the center one, present an imposing spectacle.

  37. These pagodas are well kept, and all the buildings are snowy white.

  38. We passed some little distance above this, a holy island, the numberless small pagodas on which, had a very pretty effect.

  39. Passed Pagam, a straggling town of some size, famous for its numerous old pagodas of all sorts.

  40. There are some good Poonghie houses, and a very pretty group of pagodas on a small rock.

  41. The Pagodas are surrounded with long banners, with inscriptions fastened longitudinally to bamboos.

  42. Pagodas are very numerous, but none are very large, or bearing the stamp of great age.

  43. Pagodas with the inscription-bearing walls occur as usual; on a small hill rising from just below the village, a large house with out-houses belonging to a Lam Gooroo, is the prettiest bit of architecture I have yet seen.

  44. It is here that the first Pagodas (Poongye houses) occur.

  45. August pagodas round his palace rise, And finished Richmond open to his view, 'A work to wonder at, perhaps a Kew.

  46. Oh, old pagodas of my soul, how you glittered across green trees!

  47. Clive had returned from his demonstration against d'Auteuil, and, worn out and weary, had laid himself down to sleep in a caravanserai behind the smaller of the two pagodas occupied as barracks by his men.

  48. Such pagodas were built only for their military value as lookouts and for their delightful appearance from the outside.

  49. The pagodas are about seven hundred in number, and are arranged in symmetrical order side by side, the whole forming a great square with a temple in the centre.

  50. The other pagodas of Mandalay and its neighbourhood are very numerous, and each possesses interesting features of its own.

  51. In the latter case they are analogous to the far more imposing pagodas of China or the dagobas of Burma and of Anuradhapura in Ceylon.

  52. The sites of the stupas or pagodas are always singularly well chosen.

  53. Being asked, Whether he thinks the country could pay the eight lacs of pagodas which had been demanded to be paid in the course of one year?

  54. Being asked, Whether he was not authorized and required by the Presidency at Madras to demand a large sum of money over and above the four lacs of pagodas that were to be annually paid by a grant of the Rajah, made in the time of Lord Pigot?

  55. He thinks the Rajah of Tanjore was not only not in a state of ability to pay the deposit-money, but that the annual payment of four lacs of pagodas was more than his revenues could afford.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pagodas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.