Senor Figueras, in spite of all his eloquence and honesty, can hardly be more successful in pacifying turbulent Barcelona than General Contreras.
The artillery quartered at Valladolid caught the contagion of mutiny, and would have broken their bounds but for the prompt arrival of the captain-general and military governor, who succeeded with some trouble in pacifying them.
My courier, instead of assisting me in pacifying them, ran to the postillion, who returned from the fields, and made his arm pay dearly for the delay he had occasioned us.
I succeeded however in pacifying him, and besought him to chuse me another lodging.
That is hardly an impression," said Clara, pacifying her irresoluteness with this light talk.
A default on the bonds of Mexican railways is less costly to the Iowa farmer or Boston stonemason than the contraction of debts for the purpose of pacifying Mexico.
It is a pacifying theory, and yet something seems wrong {30} with it.
At the same time the Governor of the city showed remarkable courage in going round the town pacifying the mob.
Marie Antoinette had meanwhile succeeded in pacifying the dauphin.
Sent Borck to negotiate, to correspond, to consult with Dickens, to do his utmost in pacifying Hotham.
Balivan had much difficulty in pacifying the little man, and making him understand that when he filled the pipe he was thinking of something else, which prevented his noticing what he filled it with.
Madame Mirotaine succeeded in pacifying her, and sent her off to her kitchen; then she berated her husband for giving way so to his temper, and told him that she would leave him if he interfered again in the details of housekeeping.
However, Huang soon succeeded inpacifying her, and by-and-by in walked Hsiang-yue herself.
She then began to sob and cry, and Sang had some trouble in pacifying her.
Agastya also, filled with compassion, joined Nahusha inpacifying Bhrigu for bringing about an end of the course.
The advantages of such dispensaries I believe to be as follows; (1) They exert an extraordinary Christianizing, civilizing, and pacifying influence on the tribes in their immediate vicinity.
I shall show that in no part of the country are medical missions more obviously indicated, not only for Christianizing the people, but equally so for pacifying them and familiarizing them with the more peaceful aspects of British rule.
So far from pacifying the Parliament, these proceedings alarmed it infinitely more, and it issued an order that the army should not come within forty-five miles of the capital.
It must be at once accepted or rejected by each House, and in such a case as the present, where it was meant as a healing and pacifying act, it could not be rejected without a disloyal and ungracious air.
When this system of extortion was successfully launched the Trust determined to reward its patrons, as a means of pacifying them for reduced profits.
Tell him I will be there to aid him in pacifying the miners.
Proportional representation introduces a pacifying element into all political struggles.
In the spring of 1903 serious disturbances took place in north-western Albania, but the Turks succeeded in pacifying the revolted tribesmen, partly by force and partly by concessions.
There was no pacifying the old lady without," said Julius.
And Camilla has been very kind in giving me much more freedom than I expected, and pacifying papa.
Then there was quiet for a time in the room, only broken by Diodoros's angry questions and the pacifying exclamations of the freedman.
But so far as the experiment went no progress was made toward unifying the nation andpacifying the adverse elements.
He advocated the measure itself as the only means ofpacifying Ireland, reducing the undue power of the catholics, and securing the protestant religion.
The interval was spent by both powers in securing allies and pacifying enemies.
In spite of pacifying assurances Russia is taking such far-reaching measures against us that the situation is becoming continually more menacing.
Whether these temperate words would of themselves have exercised the pacifyinginfluence at which Mr. Troy aimed may be doubtful.
It would be difficult to overestimate the value of the services which he might have rendered, if spared, in the pacifying of Oude after the capture of Lucknow, or the influence which he might have had on the fortunes of the war.
Carmina set the child's mind at ease very prettily and kindly; and Ovid added the pacifying influence of a familiar pat on her cheek.