The overseersof Leyden University appointed Conrad Vorstius to be professor of theology in place of Arminius.
James foamed to the mouth at the insolence of the overseers in appointing such a monster of infidelity to the professorship.
Leila's screams had brought both the other women and the slaves and overseers without to the spot, and Fernando's hands were pinioned, and he was dragged away before he had time to see whether Leila's senses returned to her.
The times were good, for the mildest of their overseers was in charge of them, and they had passed the whole day without a blow to hurry their footsteps.
But do you think that a good master needs to guard his slaves with armed overseers and dogs?
And, my dear sir, were this horde of blacks turned loose upon us, without masters or overseers to keep them in restraint, our lives would not be safe for a day.
They were the best of masters, and they lost their niggers, though they guarded them with watchful overseers and bloodhounds.
The pickers buzzed the news about the fires till the overseers heard it; the overseers bore the tale to the ranchers; the ranchers went to their telephones and set the tale to flashing.
Women are also eligible to parish councils and as overseers of the poor.
During recent years women have been admitted to boards of charity, and have been made overseers of the poor and of orphan asylums in growing numbers and with marked success.
Enlisted men may be detailed as watchmen or as overseers over prisoners, and as such will receive their orders and perform their duties as the commanding officer may direct.
The prisoner guard and overseers will be commanded by the police officer; if there be no police officer, then by the officer of the day.
They were sought for as partners or as overseers by those who hoped that northern men could control free negro labor.
General Swayne, the head of the Bureau, said that the negroes had more confidence in a "bluecoat" than in a native, and that among the larger planters northern men as partners or overseers were in great demand.
The "corn women" became a nuisance to theoverseers and planters' wives on the plantations.
The overseers had pistols and Sir Charles his sword.
It was the time when the masters looked for disaffection, when the overseers were most alert, when a general watchfulness pervaded the Colony.
The master and Sir Charles were gone in the Nancy, the two overseers on horseback.
But the Lord will shut the eyes of the overseers that they see not, and their ears that they hear not, and we will be safely back before the dawn.
The newcomers were half a dozen blacks, the two overseers and Sir Charles Carew.
I would not wait to rouse your father, but calling the overseers and the blacks from the fields, came at once.
The door opened and the two overseers appeared with Landless, who advanced and stood, silent and collected, before the ring of hostile faces.
Even with the overseers whom we must manage to call to us, if we can do so without arousing suspicion, we are not enough to defend one face of the house.
I had no idea but that it was just like the cottages of other overseers that I have known--a little house of two or three small rooms.
I thinkoverseers ought to be called overlookers, because they oversee so little and overlook so much.
There are pictures in Egypt of captives making these bricks with overseers guarding them.
Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint overseers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years.
The overseers of the poor are a people who have no great reputation for the discharge of their trust, but are much less scandalous than the overseers of the rich.
Dunbar writes: "The soil of Natchez is particularly favorable for tobacco and there are overseers there, who will almost engage to produce you between two and three hogsheads to the hand besides provisions.
Long, straight, or curling rows of ploughers passed by with steaming, struggling mules, with whips snapping and the yodle of workers or the sharp guttural growl of overseers as a constant accompaniment.
I can't work as I once could, and de overseers dey drives me too hard.
And I doe intreat and appoint the saied Thomas Russell esquier and Frauncis Collins gent, to be overseers hereof, and doe revoke all former wills, and publishe this to be my last will and testament.
Not till 1638, do we again find an attempt at forest conservancy, this time in the interest of supply of charcoal for the iron industry, by the appointment of overseers of the public forests.
The plantation was in charge of two overseers who were reasonably kind to the Negroes.
Marster had two or three mo' overseers at diff'unt times, but I don't ricollec' dey names.
Overseers on the Ealey plantation were very cruel and whipped slaves unmercifully.
Ferrel but at such times all whippings were administered by one of the overseers employed on the plantation.
Our host spoke but little during the remainder of the time we sat at table, being employed as zealously as his overseers and clerks had been in devouring his food.
One of the overseers addressed him, and seemed to be putting questions to which satisfactory answers were not given.
Of these twenty-four thousand were chosen, and distributed unto the ministry of the house of the Lord: and six thousand were the overseers and judges.
On their side, Roger Newte and Bob Martin kept the Overseers up to the proper mark of stubbornness: so to London the matter went, and from London down came the order for a new assessment.
So you may fancy the pillaloo that went up when the Overseers posted their new assessment on the church door and 'twas found they'd ruled out no less than sixty voters known, or suspected to be, in Dr.
Then the Overseers will sit still for a week or two, or a month or two, until the Tories lose patience and apply to London for a writ.
Usually the overseers give out-door relief, and the pauperism of some areas is as high as that in some English unions, 3, 4 and 5%.
Where the landlord compounds for the rates he is required to give to the overseers a list of the actual occupiers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overseers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.