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Example sentences for "overrating"

Lexicographically close words:
overproduction; overran; overrate; overrated; overrates; overreach; overreached; overreaching; overridden; override
  1. While he himself was chiefly using the term in its narrow sense for his own special purpose, he warned his followers against committing the error (which he seems once to have committed himself) of overrating its narrow meaning.

  2. If there was any likelihood of a tendency one way or the other it would be in the direction of overrating their faith.

  3. Would any one suggest that the signs of doubt and wavering had been overrated, unless there were some theory or other to be supported, in order to account for which this overrating was necessary?

  4. He does not so much reproach him with overrating himself personally as with overrating the influence of the individual human being.

  5. You are overrating me now in your censure.

  6. You are overrating the effects of our failure--you never seem to be able to do anything but overshoot your mark.

  7. The princes, however, in the view of the shrewd old lady, had made the mistake of greatly overrating their own importance.

  8. Overrating the Negro as a writer is more likely to be done in passing on his attempts in literary art than in any other field.

  9. It is proper, however, to remark that Miss Aikin has committed the error, very pardonable in a lady, of overrating Addison's classical attainments.

  10. To assign Prince Egon a more important rĂ´le would be overrating his mental capacity.

  11. He despised his adversary; while Peter, without overrating his victorious enemy, was led to put forth new energies, and develop the great resources of his nation.

  12. His grand mistake consisted in overrating the strength of democratic influences, and in supposing that, by violent measures, he could overturn a strong military government.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.