The same may be said of the volcanic flows that locally overlie the desert deposits.
In no part of the sedimentaries in the Majes Valley were fossils found, save in the now uplifted and dissected sands that overlie the upraised terraces along the coast immediately south of Camaná and also back of Mollendo.
The later beds disconformably overlie the earlier beds, although the sharp differences in lithology and fossils make it easy to locate the line of separation.
At a point about halfway up the glen it runs up the hill on the west side, and is seen to overlie the limestone.
At the same time the cells which form the lid of the urn alter their position so as to overlie the wall of the urn.
The cilia of the velum overlie these latter structures and make them appear as if their edges were ciliated.
Moreover, in a precipitous part of the ravine of Las Bocas, a red sandstone is distinctly seen to overlie a thick bed of pale mud, also quite like the Pampean formation, abounding with concretions of true tosca-rock.
Every glacier surface below its névé is marked by steps or terraces, which are well understood tooverlie corresponding steps of the cascade stairway to be seen in all vacated glacier valleys (plate 19).
The older deposits often occupy very elevated districts, which they overlie throughout a large extent of surface.
The most important sinkings of this character have been carried out in the county of Durham, to the east of the point at which the Permian overlie the carboniferous rocks.
Long stretches of road overlie one and another colored stratum; presently the ground is prevailingly red, with here and there reaches of mauve, yellow, green, and pink.
The straw forming the bed should likewise be short, and not in too great quantity, lest the pigs get huddled up under it, and the sow unconsciously overlie them in that condition.
Collembola the spring or saltatory appendage borne by the fourth abdominal segment: in Orthoptera, a pair of backwardly directed appendages which overlie in a more or less forked position the base of the supra-anal plate.
Cruciate: shaped like a cross; applied to wings when the inner margins lie one over the other; or to incumbent wings that overlie only at the apex: in Diptera, applied to bristles when they cross in direction.
In places, however, this shale section has been removed by erosion and rocks of Tertiary age directly overlie the sandstone.
Superposition, law of--in an undisturbed sequence of rocks younger beds overlieolder beds.
Nothing could overlie such a fellow; a kind of base success was written on his brow.
In the upper part the radii overlie the alae of the adjoining compartments: in outline (r, fig.
The strata which in the south overlie the yellow bed of the Holoptychius represent the Carboniferous period, the overlying strata in the north represent the Oölitic one.
In regard to the age of the igneous rocks of the Cantal, we can at present merely affirm, that theyoverlie the Eocene lacustrine strata of that country (see Map, p.
The slaty Purbeck beds which overlie the Portland stone are of a dark-yellowish colour; they are burnt in the neighbourhood for lime.
The geological features changed as rapidly as those of the climate and vegetation, for the strike of the rocks being north-west, and the dip north-east, I was rising over the strata that overlie the gneiss.
This, for example, may be seen in the bed of the great Rungeet, below Dorjiling, where the slatesoverlie mica schists, and where the latter contain beds of conglomerate.
The same named structures, but different as to their parts, will be found to overlie the subclavian artery as are found to conceal the carotid artery.
The depth of a bloodvessel or other organ from surface will vary for many reasons, even though the same parts in the natural order of superposition shall overlie the whole length of the vessel or organ which we make search for.
In the whole of this course it is covered by the fascia of the arm, which serves to isolate it from the superficial basilic vein, B, and the internal cutaneous nerve, both of which nevertheless overlie the artery.
The rocks that bear the record of these living things in their fossils, form strata of great thickness that overlie the Silurian deposits.
The rocks that overlie the coal measures contain fossils of these gigantic animals.
A consideration of its boundaries, however, suggests that its present form must have been governed by the growth of extra-mural population; this is also shown by the way in which extensions of boundary overlie the main roads.
In answer to this it has been stated that the relics of River Drift tribes in Southern England overlie bowlder clay, and must therefore be later in origin than the Glacial Age.
These stratified rocks or formations are remarkable for the regular order in which they succeed and overlie each other, furnishing distinct and indisputable evidence of their having been formed in succession.
Not only is the succession of the five different orders of rocks constant, but so is that in which the several rocks of each series overlie each other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: arch; bestride; bridge; cover; extend; lap; overhang; overlap; overlie; override; ride; shingle; span