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Example sentences for "overcrowding"

Lexicographically close words:
overcometh; overcoming; overconfidence; overconfident; overcrowded; overdependence; overdid; overdo; overdoes; overdoing
  1. Many people welcomed the electrification of the District as a measure of relief from the overcrowding on the steam trains during the busy hours.

  2. But with a service of trains more than doubled in frequency and also increased in capacity per train, overcrowding continues and the 'straphanger' has become an established institution.

  3. At best the term overcrowding is a relative one, and the scale of official measurement conveniently sliding.

  4. We saw no evidence of overcrowding of buildings on small areas of land like there was in the world we had left.

  5. It is not to be supposed that no voices were raised against the overcrowding of the old city churchyards.

  6. The overcrowding of the ships and of the gaols had its counterpart in the dwelling-houses of London and other towns such as Portsmouth.

  7. We should not permit overcrowding in cities.

  8. Some eggs are occasionally abnormal in shape and size; overcrowding of eggs in the oviducts may result in small, irregular-shaped eggs, or large double-yolked eggs.

  9. Physical conditions of the environment (overcrowding of nest sites, inadequate hibernation sites) and probably some kinds of parasitism contribute to mortality.

  10. That had been the purpose of the Leff shots in the first place--to put an end to overcrowding and conserve on resources.

  11. In less than thirty years we've reached a point where there's no longer any danger of overcrowding or starvation.

  12. Added to this, the prevalent necessity of overcrowding the households with boarders, puts a hardship upon women that often is not felt by men.

  13. That overcrowding exists has been pointed out again and again.

  14. It is said to be only through overcrowding that it pays at all.

  15. I shall drive the sanitary inspector to put the Act against overcrowding in force.

  16. It would appear that overcrowding is the chief cause of the disparity of the death-rate between the two classes of Guards.

  17. The causes of this difference are mainly, overcrowding and the want of due exercise and employment.

  18. Hopeless efforts were made to place the Portuguese women and children on board the ship, but they would have been safer in the neighbouring villages, for the overcrowding was such that many boats were sunk and numbers were drowned.

  19. Unfortunately, two thousand of these black women and children were admitted into the Fort, and the overcrowding and confusion were fatal.

  20. London has at the present moment mainly to thank this process of 'education' for the overcrowding problem which is becoming every day more dangerous and pressing.

  21. It is, however, of little use to urge overcrowding as a ground for reforming educational methods.

  22. The same results and phenomena are observed in the inspiration of bad air; the most terrible forms of fever arise from the overcrowding of people in confined and limited spaces.

  23. The chief defects in the work are the overcrowding of the composition, and the bad values of distance, caused in a great measure by the gold background.

  24. The overcrowding of the schools and their long waiting lists occasionally furnished the explanation why they were not there.

  25. The rush of work, noise, dust, heat, and overcrowding of modern industry make it important to have positive evidence that we have successfully adapted ourselves to these new conditions.

  26. A wealthy suburb recently learned that there was overcrowding in every class room, and that one school building was so unsanitary as to be a menace to the community.

  27. One of the most recent and best authorities [Footnote 64] on the disease thus writes: "Overcrowding in the between-decks of steamships seems to be the principal cause of the extreme fatality of the disease in the navy.

  28. French and English troops in the Crimea correspond, exactly to the varying degree of overcrowding in either army?

  29. But if overcrowding produces typhus, why is it that the disease prevails in the epidemic form, and then in a great measure disappears?

  30. Private property in land is universal, but the desertion of the country and overcrowding in towns are not universal.

  31. Overcrowding can only be cured outright by one sovereign remedy--by giving the toiler a home in the country; and free travel alone makes this possible.

  32. These hulks were later used as places of confinement for malefactors among the prisoners, and also to relieve the prisons from overcrowding whenever an extraordinary accumulation took place in the country.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overcrowding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.