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Example sentences for "ovals"

Lexicographically close words:
ova; ovah; oval; ovale; ovaria; ovarian; ovaries; ovariotomy; ovarium
  1. There is no form of created things which may not be found to correspond in all its dependent shapes to ovals and ellipses of various disks, even objects which at first sight seem to contradict the possibility of meeting this system.

  2. The handles were regulated in the position and projection by lines drawn from the bottom of the vase, through the ovals which compose the outline of the two sides; and passing through the transverse diameter.

  3. On the Beauties contained in the Ovals and in the elliptic Curves, both simple and combined, generated from the same Figure or Disk.

  4. The neck and the leg were both made from the smaller oval disk; the dotted lines to the ovals of the leg sufficiently show the fact.

  5. Plate I enables us to say that they would, since one of these inner ovals has been put by the artist on that side by accident or by an allowed caprice.

  6. In Plate IV the inner ovals are all on the right-hand side of the outer ovals.

  7. Caterpillar feeding in a case, which has been lengthened by ovals of different colours; b.

  8. Descartes in the Geometrie defined and considered the remarkable curves called after him the ovals of Descartes, or simply Cartesians, which will be again referred to.

  9. Invention of the Ovals of Mr. Des Cartes for Dioptrics.

  10. The figure seems to represent 5 or 6 irregular ovals or ellipses.

  11. The nine cotyledons of a seedling Pinus pinaster plainly circumnutated; and the figures described approached more nearly to irregular circles than to irregular ovals or ellipses.

  12. Afterwards other irregular ellipses or ovals are successively described, with their longer [page 2] axes directed to different points of the compass.

  13. Bits of wall paper design cut out in ovals and oblongs, fringed by snipping with the scissors, made rugs for the house.

  14. She made them by cutting big and little ovals out of the wall paper.

  15. The muffs were made of dark wall paper and were fat ovals with slits cut at either end so the doll’s hand could be slipped in.

  16. Its curves and ovals and circles are annoying after the lignes droites and the right angles and the broderies of the French variety.

  17. The real French garden is here to be seen almost at its best, its squares and ovals of grassy green apportioned off from the mass by gravelled walks and ornamented waters.

  18. With the solar disk on the head and two ovals by the side, as in the present hieroglyph, it stood for Haremakhu, the sun in the horizon.

  19. The two ovals are called KHU, and stand for the eastern and western horizons.

  20. As the natural curve of the larger pieces is not enough to make a cup without cracks in it, the Bee improves the work with two or three small ovals applied to the holes.

  21. The nests are ovals of exquisite white muslin, nearly as large as a Hen's egg.

  22. What model does she use, when cutting her neat ovals out of the delicate Robinia-leaves, which she uses for her cells?

  23. It is convex on the upper side, and concave on the under side, with a small hole drilled at each of the four corners, and an ornamental border of slightly indented ovals along one end.

  24. In several districts in the south of Scotland single and double ovals are found, and fragments of ancient groups, more or less imperfect, are common throughout the country.

  25. The ovals containing the heads, bands, scrolls and large numerals are placed on a ground of vertically ruled lines.

  26. The ovals containing the busts, the labels or scrolls and large numerals are placed on a ground of vertical parallel lines.

  27. The ovals containing the heads, bands scrolls and large numerals are placed upon a ground of vertically ruled lines, showing stripes at the sides.

  28. Above the ovals "Dep't of State," in similar capitals, large at the sides and gradually decreasing towards the center.

  29. It had hitherto been suggested that these ovals contained characters signifying royal names.

  30. Italian make and composed of different pieces screwed together; the four ovals contain representations of classical scenes, and four heads among other decorations are upon the border.

  31. In the lateral lines are the ovals of Rameses the Great.

  32. By these ovals can be known the names of the kings who erected the obelisks still existing, whether in Egypt or elsewhere.

  33. Note the ornamental dotted ovals on each side of the dot in the numeral 6.

  34. Those in the codices, on the other hand, approximate more nearly in form rhomboids or even ovals (fig.

  35. This however does not seem so novel as some of Perugino's ovals which are bordered with the heads of cherubs.

  36. They were tall and gaunt, black-robed, and their faces were dim yellow ovals in the shadows of their coifs.

  37. Their faces were dim yellow ovals in the shadow of their hoods.

  38. What I have seen were rather elongated ovals pretty markedly pointed towards the small end.

  39. The eggs are somewhat lengthened ovals (occasionally rather broader), and a good deal pointed towards the small end.

  40. Typically they are very broad ovals, a little compressed towards one end, but moderately elongated ovals are not uncommon.

  41. The eggs of this species are broad ovals with a tolerably fine gloss.

  42. The eggs are broad ovals of a dead chalky bluish-white colour, spotted, chiefly at the large end, with purple and brown.

  43. It lays from four to six eggs, slightly more elongated ovals than those of L.

  44. Others are particularly broad ovals for this class of egg.

  45. Pyriform, elongated, and globular varieties are common; long Cormorant-shaped eggs and perfect ovals are not uncommon.

  46. The eggs vary in shape from broad ovals a good deal pointed towards one end, to pyriform and elongated shaped, very obtuse even at the small end.

  47. The eggs are precisely like those of the several species of Argya, moderately broad ovals rather obtuse at both ends, often with a pyriform tendency.

  48. Begin by working separately a sufficient number of small rosettes, each composed of six ovals of double stitches and purl.

  49. The arabesque patterns between those formed of four ovals are worked in chain stitch with silk of two shades of brown.

  50. The four ovals placed together are worked of four contrasting colours.

  51. The dots outside the ovals are worked in satin stitch, and are alternately red, yellow, violet, and blue.

  52. These ovals are composed of two rows of chain stitch.

  53. A purl is a small loop of cotton often used as an edging in tatting, as, for instance, round the outer edge of the ovals in tatted insertion No.

  54. The ovals are worked in overcast and point de pois, the letters in satin stitch, the ornamentation in satin stitch and overcast.

  55. This edging is worked in broderie Anglaise or overcast stitch; the edge in scallop button-hole stitch; the ovals and dots in raised satin stitch.

  56. These ovals are worked first in a straight row, then they are joined into a circle and united in the centre by button-hole stitches.

  57. The colours of the ovals may be varied as much as you please, but the brown shades of the arabesque patterns should remain the same for the whole of the border.

  58. Repeat, joining the two next ovals to the purl which connects the two next in the piece already worked, and so on.

  59. Only one of those Theban temples which rise upon the left bank of the river is free from all trace of a funerary or commemorative purpose, namely, the temple at Medinet-Abou which bears the ovals of Thothmes II.

  60. We present herewith a table giving the width to the eighth of an inch for several different ovals when the length and distance between foci are given.

  61. The above table will be found equally useful in describing ovals by fastening the ends of the string to the drawing as is recommended in all the text books on the subject.

  62. The circle is enclosed in a strong framework of silver cord and guimp in the form of four thin long pointed ovals of leaf form arranged as a diamond.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ovals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.