And if a woman neither conceives nor bears, she suffers from the defect of barrenness, which outweighs the aforesaid punishments.
But this outweighs in good all the penal evils which are stated to have resulted from sin.
In itself, it far outweighs in respect of antiquity anything that can be shewn on the other side.
And this fact infinitely outweighs the evidence of any extant MSS.
My erudite friend, it is a fact which outweighs a thousand!
And as a matter of profit not for this world only, but for the other world and all worlds, it outweighs the Bank of England!
Forgetfulness, our meed to you, outweighs The leaded coffin as it dully lays Upon your lifeless bones.
One's own experience has the advantage of complete certainty and the greatest speciality, and this outweighs the disadvantage that arises from it, that its sphere is limited and its examples not generally known.
His grandfather was one of those Selkirk Scots who colonised the Red River a century ago, but, in Kennedy, Indian blood far outweighs the white.
An interest attaches to living whales whichoutweighs the fascination with which we study their dead parts.
Yes, we will have our differences, but let us always remember what unites us far outweighs whatever divides us.
Has more to boast, and far outweighs the whole Exalted in superior excellence, Casts down to nothing, such a vast expense.
As thou of use to those, so this to thee; And in a point that empire far outweighs, That far outweighs all Europe’s thrones in one.
But there is one misdeed, one which outweighs all others whatsoever--a crime which it is useless to palliate, let our other friend say what he pleased; and Reineke himself felt it so.
If this is all, one noble soul outweighs the whole of it.
Only this is strongly put in it--that this heavenly Wisdom outshines all jewels, outweighs all wealth, and is indeed the only true riches.
The course of conduct so prescribed will often involve painful crucifying of the lower nature, but its pleasure far outweighs its pain.
A life of self-sacrifice and devotion far outweighs the accusation of a stranger.
Those who recognize truth must speak it, and the happiness of possessing it outweighs with me the misery that I may incur in speaking it.
He thinks," said Ermine, with a shaken voice, "that real trustworthy affection outweighs all the world could say.
Then, Colonel, you ought to know that a sensible woman's favourable estimate of one of her own sex outweighs the opinion men can form of her.
Goodbye, Ermine, I leave you all in much better hands than mine ever were, you are right enough in feeling that a week of his absence outweighs a year of mine.
If a man will but thoroughly consider these particulars, he must acknowledge that the very name of a father carries in it such a treasure of comfort, as abundantly outweighs all the miseries of human life.
We have adopted his suggestion, thinking that the obvious propriety of changing the scene outweighs any inconvenience which might result for purposes of reference.
There are to-day more Germans in France than there are Frenchmen in all the Colonies that France has acquired in the last half-century, and German trade with France outweighs enormously the trade of France with all French Colonies.
Either they are not injurious enough to be eliminated by natural selection; or they are correlated with other organs, whose utility outweighs their disutility.
To-day I gave way to pride and irritation, and my agony on account of it outweighs weeks of merely earthly felicity.
On mines where the volume of ore does not warrant mechanical haulage, the cost of tramming through the extra distance involved is an expense which outweighs any extra operating outlay in the inclined shaft itself.
A man of such talents outweighs a host of common artists.
Restricted within these bounds, the Roman may certainly be considered as a national school; and, if not rich in numbers, it is at least so in point of excellence, as Raffaello in himself outweighs a world of inferior artists.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outweighs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.