And therfore whosoeuer receiueth of a woman[148], office or authoritie, are adulterous and bastard officers before God.
For to the most parte of 'men, laufull and godlie appeareth, what soeuerantiquitie hath receiued.
The lawe in the same place doth further declare, that a naturall shamfastnes oght to be in womankind[11], whiche most certeinlie she loseth, when soeuer she taketh vpon her the office and estate of man.
They also followe their king whethersoeuer he taketh his flight, who beyng wearie, and not further able to flie, they carrye hym betwéene them.
So that the hony combs, are not founde alwaies alike in fashion, but these combes of what forme soeuer they be, are not to be taken all out of the hiues.
The chances of wars be things most vncertaine: for what people soeuer vndertake them, they are in deed as chastisements appointed by God for the one side or the other.
Fabels and tales wyll the chylde lerne so muche the more gladly, and remember the better, if he maye see before his eyes the argumentes properly paynted, and what soeuer is tolde in the oracion be shewed him in a table.
Thys kynde of teachynge howe so euer other menne alowe it, by my counsell no manne shall vse it, who soeuer entendeth to haue hys child well brought vp.
Also how lytle soeuer it be that the former age doth bringe, yet shal the chylde lerne greater thynges, euen in the same yeres, when smaller shuld haue ben lerned, if he had not lerned them before.
And when thou art come vn to the repētaunce of the Niniuites/ there hast thou sure ernest/ that how soeuer angre god be/ yet he remembreth mercie vn to all that truly repent and beleue in mercie.
For what soeuer the mynde doth learne vnwillinglie with feare, the same it doth quicklie forget without care.
And when any of his subiects (howe great soeuer they bee) are in propounding anie matter of importaunce vnto him, or in hearing his answeare, they continue kneeling vpon their knees vnto the ende of their conference.
In like sorte, from what countrey soeuer tribute payers, or ambassadours come vnto him, they must haue horses, carriages, and expenses allowed them.
Euen so a benefite, from what hand soeuer it procedeth, cannot chose but bryng forth the fruicts of his Liberality that giueth the same, who by vsing largesse, feleth also the like in him to whom it is employed.
For surely we woll not be bounde of a necessitie to be serued there with lordes, But we wolbe serued with such men what degre soeuer they be of as we shall appointe to the same[498].
But by what means or occasion soeuer he came thither, [Sidenote: Harold was highly welcomed of Duke William.
What people soeuerinhabited there before, the ancient name argueth that they were rather Britains than anie other: for Armorica in the British toong signifieth as much as a countrie lieng vpon the sea.
But when or at what time soeuer she became hostage, this we find of hir, that she came hither into England with [Sidenote: Wil.
Neuerthelesse, how generall soeuer the name of Scots then was, sure it is, that no speciall mention of them is made by anie writer, till about 300 yeares after the birth of our sauiour.
But what consideration soeuer they had in this behalfe, they ought not to haue defrauded the yoong gentleman of his lawfull right to the crowne.
But by whome or in what time soeuer it was built, certeine it is that there was a citie or towne walled in that place before the comming of the Saxons, called by the Britaines Caergrant, and by the Saxons Granchester.
The king kept his Christmas, not at Westminster, but in the Tower; not douting but there to be defended what chancesoeuer should happen.
But what order soeuer was taken for the punishment of him, sure it is he was displaced from his office of chancellorship, as before yée haue heard.
Item, it was asked, whether the king when soeuer it pleased him might not dissolue the parlement, and command the lords and commons to depart from thence or not?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soeuer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.