Heir they stayed a long tyme, and Almahide growes to some years, and hir beauty growes wondrously wt her, which the pirats seing they resolve to carry hir to Constantinople to sell hir to them that plenishes the Turks seraglio.
L'occasion fait le Larron; for finding a thing in the way it temptes him to steall, it seingso faire a occasion.
For seing the lionness and other beasts at Kirkcaldy, 12 pence.
Item, for seing the play called the Spanish Curate, halfe a dollar.
For seing the comedy called the Siege of Granada, 2d part, for my selfe, my wife, and Grissell Ramsay, a dollar and a halfe.
For seing Marriage a la mode acted, for my selfe and Mr. J.
So as it must needs make y^e inhabitants rich, seing less provisions of clothing and other things would serve, then in more coulder & less frutfull countries must be had.
Notwithstanding, loue and fortune seing him forsaken of his parentes, determined to accomplishe some notable exployt in him, and gaue him (by meanes of his vertue) that which the lawes of his countrey refused to geue.
Maister Stricca seing that hee could not cause him to tary, toke his leaue, and retourned into his house.
Wherfore Galgano at his wittes ende, was voyde of aduise what to do or saye, seing the great crueltie and rigor raigning in her breste, vnto whom hee dayle prayed for better successe and fortune than to himselfe.
This litle easement of mind did greatly satisfie the harts of these two perfect louers: and were a great while without seing ech other, liuing only by this assurance.
The yong man seing the froward nature of his mother, determined to take away the body by this policie.
Weill, thair wantis nathing of my part; and seing that zour negligence dois put us baith in the danger of ane fals brother, gif it succeedet not weill I will never ryse agane.
Cortes seing this broyle, he with certaine of his men went out at one dore, and an other Captayne at another, with eache of them twoo hundred men.
Cortes seing his constancie, had him euer after that tyme in great estimation.
Cortes innuited them diuers times with peace, and seing it preuailed not, he begä his warres in earnest.
These and such like bragges they vsed, seingso fewe Spaniardes before them, and not knowyng their strength.
Pamfilo de Naruaez seing himselfe strong and mightie, did little regarde Cortes his letters, offers, nor requestes, and chiefly bycause Iames Velasques was sore displeased with Cortes.
At that time there was about thrée score and tenne thousande persons, who in seing their Prince, threwe downe their weapons and submitted themselues.
The heartes of the brethrein war wonderouslie inflammed, and seing such abominatioun so manifestlie manteaned, war decreed to be revenged.
And plane it is, that thei assent to evill, who seing iniquitie openly committed, by thare silence seame to justifie and allow whatsoever is done.
And heirfoir, seing that we haif writtin to the Queneis Grace, to desist fra that interpryse, utherwise that we will complane to the Nobilitie and Communitie of the realme, and seik redress thairof.
And seing we ar assureit ye will be assailzeit bayth with craft and force, as now be wairnyng we help yow against the first, sua against the last ye sall not myss in all possibill haist to have oure assistance.
Well, seing there was no avoyding it, the President asked the servant seriously, if the archbishop of Canterbury intended to putt in any scholars or fellowes[65] into his College?
Caesar at this sentence stode so stil, as whilom dyd the wyfe of Loth, by seing the City on fire, and consume into ashes: by the sight whereof she was conuerted into a stone of Salt.
Then the Scholler began to laugh, and seingthat it was a good while past III.
But seing I haif offerit your Grace no such occasioun, I maun rather suffer your Grace to tack your awin plesour, or that I dar conceil the treuth, and so betray baith the Kirk of God and my Commounwelth.
For seing that the just levith be his awin faith, and that Christ Jesus justifieth be knawledge off him self, insufferable we judge it that men shall be permitted to leve and continew in ignorance as memberis of the Churche of God.
Ye shall answer, in generall the expulsioun of the Frenches soldiouris furth of this realme: and first and in specialle furth of the toun of Leyth, seing thair great forces ar thair.
The quilk day Mr James Macqueine, schoolmaister, desyrit earnestlie some support, that he micht pass to ye Northe, seing thair was few or na bairns at the schoole.
George Davidsone, schoolmaister, earnestlie desyrit somqt for his support out of the penalties, seinghe had few bairnis in the school.
The minister desyrit bothe the elderis themselfs to help George Davidsone, and to caus utheris, he being almost now weill againe, seing he wald go over to Fyff againe.
Ordainis to adverteis ane of the hostlairis to furnish him in drink and breid for a tyme, and out of ye box they suld gett payment, seing he was in great necessitie, being ane honest man.
Who seing the great loue that his father bare to his wife, and the ioyfull tyme that hee spent with faire Stratonica, transported into many carefull panges, many times complained to him selfe in this wise.
The kinge seing all thing (as he thought) to succede after his desire, began to renue his first affections, seeking by all meanes to practise the good will of the Countesse, who then was of the age of XXVI.
The armye hearing andseing these thinges, very highly commended the pietie of the father towards his sonne.
In fine Porsenna seing that he coulde litle preuaile in the assault, retourned to the Campe, determining neuerthelesse to continue his siege.
Claudius seing the maide like to be rescued by the multitude that was assembled, said, that there was no neede of that hurlie burlie, for that he attempted nothing by force, but that he was able to proue by lawe.
The Eunuches (being three in nomber) seing their maistres dead, they likewyse drewe out their swordes, and killed theimselues in the place, where they were commaunded to stande.
He that thought her already to be taken in his nettes, seing so faire a waye open and cleare, to disclose that which he had kept couerte so long, in the depth of his hart, aunsweared.
And there seing al their curteous offers and proffers, hee waited but when the gentleman should haue indeuoured himself to precede further, that he might haue then discharged his mortal malice vpon them both.
The Countesse seing the king thus moued, not knowing the cause whye, was vncertaine what aunswere to make.
Seing bothe lawes and the Prince, hane that honour and strength, that without them, a Chaos a con- fusion would followe, in the bodie of all common wealthes and kyngdomes.
Even so was I at this instant deprived of all hope and counsell to direct my course either to the right or left for safety, seing nothing but signes of unavoidable destruction round about me.
Now my terrors was multeplyed againe, and my sorrows brought to the same height they were at before, I finding myselfe forsaken of all the world, and seing no less grounds of feare and dispaire then I did two dayes before at Burdeaux.
Yet because others had undertaken the charge to apprehend me, no body would make it his proper duty to lay hands on me, especially seing me armed with a sword and pistoll.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.