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Example sentences for "orioles"

Lexicographically close words:
originem; origini; origins; orilla; oriole; oris; orison; orisons; orita; oritas
  1. The Orioles went long ago, and the Bobolinks start to-day.

  2. Perhaps the Rabbits, the Ground Hogs, and the Snakes cared the most, for they also made their homes in the ground; yet even the Orioles wanted to know all about it.

  3. The true orioles are birds of the Old World and are closely related to the thrushes.

  4. The ingenious nests of the orioles seem to be especially attractive to these tramp birds which possess parasitic tastes.

  5. The orioles of America belong to a very different group of birds and are related to our blackbirds, the bobolink and the meadowlark.

  6. Happy is the Dryad that dwells in an oak where the orioles build and sing!

  7. Unlike the other blackbirds and our common orioles the Rusty Blackbird must not be sought in the orchards and fields of our farms and waysides, but in our forests and the heavily wooded banks of mountain streams and lakes.

  8. The genus of orioles (Icterus) contains about forty species, chiefly natives of Central and South America.

  9. The Mexicans capture these Orioles and offer them for sale.

  10. Orioles are among the few birds that evince a decided preference for weevils, and as they persistently hunt for the insects on the bolls, they fill a place occupied by no other birds.

  11. Six kinds of orioles live in Texas, though but two inhabit the southern states generally.

  12. Blackbirds catch them on the ground, as do the killdeer, titlark, meadow lark, and others; while orioles hunt for them on the bolls.

  13. Imagine twenty-five or more Baltimore orioles massing their nests together on one side of a single tree, in a genuine village.

  14. Orioles and caciques do not build nests in captivity, but the weavers blithely transfer their activities to their spacious cage in our tropical-bird house.

  15. Orioles wrote his play for living actors, and it is laid out to get all the events into one performance instead of being a series of seven performances extending over a whole week as in Catania.

  16. Cat-birds, cuckoos and orioles are very important enemies of gypsy moth.

  17. Baltimore orioles are worth their weight in gold as destroyers of gypsy and brown-tail moths.

  18. The Baltimore orioles nest in the young elms around the house, and the orchard orioles in the apple trees near the garden and outbuildings.

  19. I have seen two golden orioles that were reared from the nest, one of which, independent of the natural song, whistled a minuet, and the other imitated a flourish of trumpets.

  20. One of my neighbours saw two golden orioles at Berlin, both of which whistled different airs.

  21. The orioles Fluttered around, and on the bushy trees In throngs collected--whence their pleasant notes Resounded far in richest melody.

  22. Under the elm tree they buried her, beside Mary and Reuben; and the orioles she loved to watch still hatch their young and sing sweet songs above her grave.

  23. They buried Reuben under a great elm tree in sight of his own garden, and where he had often rested after his work, and watched the orioles building their nests or teaching their young to sing.

  24. And this story of the Orioles did end happily--oh, so happily!

  25. Still the Orioles did not worry about that.

  26. Like the little Orioles Baby had been born just a few days ago.

  27. The little Orioles were certainly noisy little birds, and when they cried sometimes the children saw funny little heads and beaks poking out of the nest.

  28. So the children decided that the story of the Orioles was a very pretty fairy story, indeed, and they liked it better because it was true.

  29. Somehow baby Orioles cry more than other bird babies.

  30. I never shoot the orioles or the robins or the swallows or any of the birds with consciences.

  31. For the first time I noticed that the orioles were not safe in their strong, pendent nests.

  32. The orioles and robins fairly "shrieked out their affright.

  33. A correspondent writes me that one of his orioles got entangled in a cord while building her nest, and that though by the aid of a ladder he reached and liberated her, she died soon afterward.

  34. There were two species of orioles in the valley; and not knowing to which the nest belonged, I prepared to wait for the return of the owner.

  35. Finding that we did not offer to go, the poor old crone took to her wings; but as she passed down the line of sycamores she roused the blackbird clan, and a pair of angry orioles flew out and attacked her.

  36. When in the hammock under the oak one day, I saw a pair of the odd-looking Arizona hooded orioles busily going and coming to a drooping branch on the edge of the tree.

  37. A pair of bright orange orioles had a nest in the sycamore, though I never should have known it had I not seen them go to it to feed their young.

  38. Farther in, orioles were twittering with joyousness.

  39. I have known orioles several times to begin a nest and then leave it and go elsewhere.

  40. See the impetuous orioles chase one another amid the branches, shaking down the fragrant snow.

  41. I have never been able to discover whether the bird is so named because the cock is not unlike a ripe mango in colour, or because orioles are to be found in almost every mango tope.

  42. Golden yellow is affected by the orioles and the ioras.

  43. Orioles are a little larger than bulbuls.

  44. This summer, by the way, a pair of these winged emeralds fastened their mossy acorn-cup upon a bough of the same elm which the orioles had enlivened the year before.

  45. A pair of orioles built on the lowest trailer of a weeping elm, which hung within ten feet of our drawing-room window, and so low that I could reach it from the ground.

  46. In a short time the cage was seen to contain specimens of the blue-jay and red-bird, or Virginia nightingale, orioles of several species, and doves of two distinct kinds.

  47. In this tree the orioles were now fluttering about, chirruping wildly, and at intervals making a dash downward, until their wings almost swept the nose of the opossum.

  48. In a short while she had gathered them all upon her back and into her pouch; and commenced retreating from the spot--while the orioles changed their terrified screaming into chirrups of victory.

  49. The three soon drew near the pawpaws; and the orioles seeing them, once more set up the scolding concert.

  50. The orioles revel through orchard boughs In their coats of gold for spring's carouse; In shadowy pastures the bobwhites call, And the flute of the thrush has a melting fall Under the evening star.

  51. And the old enchantment falls On the blue-gray orchard walls And the purple high-top boles, While the orange orioles Flame and whistle through the green Of that paradisal scene.

  52. The Orioles are most numerous in the tropics, where some thirty species are known.

  53. The notes of all the orange and black Orioles known to me are mellow, musical, querulous whistles generally given in detached fragments, all much alike in character but distinguishable when one becomes familiar with them.

  54. Orioles had nested every year in the maple tree by the little white house where Carlotta had been born.

  55. If Carlotta would not follow the orioles and her own heart for Philip Lambert she would not for any argument of his.

  56. When the orioles come" Carlotta had said remembering her father's story of that other brief mating.

  57. The lilacs had been in bloom and the orioles had stood sponsor for his first Sunday call.

  58. He and Rose had nested as happily as the orioles in the maples, especially after the gold-haired baby came.

  59. I think, however, many, if not all the cherry orchards (amongst which the Golden Orioles apparently at one time luxuriated) are gone.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "orioles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.