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Example sentences for "gooid"

Lexicographically close words:
goods; goodt; goodwife; goodwill; goodwives; gooin; goold; goolden; goon; goons
  1. Leastways, that's what I've noticed more nor once, an' I reckon it hods gooid at most times.

  2. There's somebody got four gooid legs under him," said Jose, as the racket of horse-hoofs came up the road.

  3. An then, gooid grashus, what a wind Comes whewin throo t'doar sneck, Ah felt it all t'last winter like A whittle at my neck.

  4. Eight shillin a wick's whot aw arn, When aw've varry gooid wark an full time, An aw think it a sorry consarn Fur a hearty young chap in his prime!

  5. It wor a gooid job i' one respect at they had this pup, for if they hadn't aw should ha been short ov a subject to write abaat.

  6. Why, mother, aw've allus thowt her a varry gooid lass, an awm sewer shoo's a bonny en.

  7. An shoo's shown me her new hat, an aw must say aw didn't gie thi credit for havin sich gooid taste.

  8. If tha thinks it'll do thi onny gooid aw'll slip aght an get thi a tooithful.

  9. His wife wor a nice young thing, an blest wi a gooid share o' common sense.

  10. It's varry gooid o' thee, Mally, to offer to buy me a new hat, but aw railly dooant want one.

  11. Aw think it ud be a gooid idea for ther's nowt awm fonder on nor a fresh egg in a drop o' rum in a mornin.

  12. Aw've heeard say at a dooas o' oppenin physic is a varry gooid thing, an aw've some tincture o' rewbub at aw gate for Jerrymier.

  13. All warks togither for gooid to them as is chozzen, and piked out fro' th' rubbidge!

  14. I loike a gooid foire as weel as onybody; and if thaa grumbles ony maar, I weant go to th' pit agean.

  15. Wern't it gooid to lig theer to be faand?

  16. If its fit for a littleary chap like tha reckons to be, it should be gooid enuff for a chap at keeps a aleus at th' moor end.

  17. Someha this seemed to put Mally in a gooid temper an' aw wor nooan inclined to spoil it, soa aw laft when shoo laft an' ther wor nowt onnymoor sed.

  18. Aw have ten or twelve pounds o gooid meit, A small cheese and a barrel o’ beer; Aw’ll welcome King Christmas to neet, For he nobbut comes once in a year.

  19. Bud ’o ivvers tane them childer dahn, Away fra poor oud Dick, Desarvs hiz heaad weel larapin, We a dahn gooid hazel stick.

  20. If tha’s nobbut come aht for a bit of a stroll, Tha’d better go wi ma for t’gooid o’ thy soul.

  21. A gooid beginin maks a gooid endin," fowk say, soa let's mak a gooid beginnin o'th year.

  22. But they'll nawther do a gooid turn thersen nor let onybody else do one if they can help it.

  23. What's t' gooid o' them, I'd like to know?

  24. If fowk 'ud get into this way o' thinkin', ther'd be a deal moor gooid done nor ther is.

  25. Aw defy owt to prick me when awm laborin' for a gooid cause.

  26. Aw could give some gooid advice to ony body at thinks o' gooin.

  27. Ther's monny a war thing i'th' world nor a sup o' gooid drink.

  28. It worn't long afoor they wanted ther tea, soa they went into th' haase an' ordered a gooid feed.

  29. That made him a bit unaisy, for he were a gooid lad an' it hooined him to think that he'd forgotten t' words.

  30. T' hand-loom's gooid enough for me," were his words.

  31. I'd allus been a gooid lass to him, choose what fowks say.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gooid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.