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Example sentences for "onliest"

Lexicographically close words:
onlee; onles; onless; onley; onlie; online; onlooker; onlookers; onlooking; only
  1. De onliest time I 'member stealin' anything 'cept Aunt Tama's gingerbread was one time when I went to town wid Daddy in de buggy.

  2. Ella was named for Marse Frank's onliest chile, little Miss Ellen, and our little Miss was sho a good little chile.

  3. I was the onliest girl and old missis was just wild about me.

  4. Had seven brothers and I'm the onliest girl.

  5. And de onliest way to bury dem wuz to cut a deep furrow wid a plow, lay de soldiers head to head, an' plow de dirt back on dem.

  6. Marks Mill was the onliest part of the war I was in.

  7. This cave is the onliest home they’ve had fer years.

  8. Preacher Bonnell, he used to have a nigger man a-workin’ fer him—onliest nigger ever was in these hills, I reckon.

  9. Got my old blue-back Webster, onliest book I ever had, scusin my Bible.

  10. Onliest thing I evah got was a li'l slap on de han', lak dat.

  11. Praise de Lord and go to Church, dat de onliest way to keep de debbil offen youh trail and den sometime he almos kotch up wif you.

  12. Marse Boling didn't buy my brother and sister, so that made me the olderest child and the onliest one.

  13. Just as soon as it had finished striking, a monstrous big black cat walked into the room and jumped on the table and wropped his tail three times round the lamp-chimney and said: 'Nigger, you and I is the onliest things in this house!

  14. We was his onliest slaves and as he wasn't married and lived at home wid his parents we was worked and bossed by his father, Cap'n William Bell and his wife, Miss Mary.

  15. Old Master didn't go to de War, 'cause he was a doctor and de onliest one left in Washington, and purty soon he was dead anyhow.

  16. De onliest Nigger what left Marse Alec's place was Uncle Dave, and he wouldn't have left 'cept he got in trouble wid a white 'oman.

  17. De onliest name she had when she got to Georgy was Nancy.

  18. De onliest one of dem baptizin' songs I can ricollect now is, Whar de Healin' Water Flows.

  19. Dat wuz de onliest diff'unce in de way dey buried de whites and de Niggers.

  20. De onliest time I ever got in de gyardhouse was a long time atter de end of de big War.

  21. He wuz 'lowed to visit his wife on Wednesday and Saturday, that's the onliest time he could git off.

  22. Rockabye baby in the tree trops' was the onliest song I heard my maw sing to git her babies to sleep.

  23. Willie and Ida was de onliest chillun me and Martha had, and dey never lived to git grown.

  24. De onliest game I ever played wuz to take my doll made out of a stick wid a rag on it and play under a tree.

  25. Us chillun called 'im Pappy lak he was de onliest one in de world.

  26. Ma's mammy was de onliest one of my grandmas I ever seed.

  27. John was Ma's onliest son; all de rest of de other 16 of us was gals.

  28. De onliest book I had wuz just a old blue back speller.

  29. De onliest ones of dier chilluns I ricollects now is Miss Bessie, Miss Cora and Marsters Joe, Guy, Marion and Early.

  30. Dat was de onliest place whar you could git to see de gals you lakked de best.

  31. Grandma Ca'line is the onliest one of my grandparents I can 'member.

  32. De onliest ghost I'se ever seed was just t'other day.

  33. De onliest trouble 'bout it was gittin' 'em to bake enough of it.

  34. De onliest way I could find to make any money in dem days was to sell part'idges what I cotched in traps to dem Yankees what was allus passin' 'round.

  35. You mout hab spected dat ole masser, but I knowed all de time you wus de onliest fren I had in de wurrell," answered the old negro.

  36. De yankeys mouter shot dat po chile wid a steer kyart; he wus de wustest lookin' humans I eber seed in my born days, und he wus de onliest chile of his po mammy.

  37. My missis seed jedges fore ter-day; yu aint de onliest jedge she ever seed.

  38. I'd fout tu, fur my onliest boy, but whar Mars Jon dun rong wus kase he didn't stop Mars Harry fore he rid off to Manassy.

  39. Dem was de onliest mouffel ob wittles in dis house, und now me und Hannah hes got ter suck de fingers twell de good Lord send us mo," he exclaimed mournfully.

  40. You know Buh Patridge the onliest one get the best of Buh Rabbit!

  41. Bout de onliest place I could find one of dis hatchin', was de Gaillard quarter.

  42. Mr. Thomas Smith of Hickory Grove is de onliest chile living of my mis'tus, and he is 71 years old.

  43. They made me run after chickens and I had to give up my onliest blue hen dat I had.

  44. So Buh Patridge was the onliest one I ever hear bout could get the best of Buh Rabbit!

  45. Dat was de onliest time I ebber knowed Ol' Miss tuh hab de slaves punished.

  46. Us belonged to Miss Ella Johnson, she was us young Mistis, and Mr. Nep Johnson, dat's de onliest ones I ever knowed.

  47. That's the onliest way as I can explain it, sir.

  48. I was de onliest child my mother ever had.

  49. Dat is all us has in dis world to live by and it's gwine to be de onliest thing to die wid.

  50. Dey carried me a hundred miles to cure a sick woman, onliest time I ever left Union County.

  51. That is the onliest brother I'm got living now out of ten--that one that was settin' in her lap when the soldiers come through.

  52. We went to the washtub onliest way we all could live.

  53. I'm the onliest one left now in my family.

  54. Lacy Jimmerson--the onliest mistress I ever had.

  55. All the rest of them is dead and he is the onliest one that is living.

  56. As far as I know, I am the onliest one of the old darkies living that belonged to Sam Meeks.

  57. My onliest child, young marster, en de po' boy is 'way over in dem mountains starvin' ter death wid dem men en dogs on his track.

  58. I am a mother ef I am black, an' dat my onliest child.

  59. I went ter young miss, en she said fer me ter see you--dat you was de onliest one ter decide.

  60. I hear my onliest child beggin' fer um to spare 'im en listen ter 'im.

  61. She told us I would be the onliest man on the place that would pay out my mule and sure 'nough I was.

  62. That's the onliest thing I can remember bout him.

  63. I'm the onliest one living as I knows of.

  64. That was the onliest dead man I ever seen.

  65. I believe that's the onliest one I can remember.

  66. Us had to haul water on a sled, wid a mule, from de Friday place; dat's de onliest trouble us had.

  67. She never had her face kivvered up wuz de onliest change I seed.

  68. I's got thirteen chillun and Minnie is de onliest one livin' wid me in dis house.

  69. Mammy say de onliest way for both white and black to keep from lovin' Miss Martha, was to git away from her and not be so you could see her.

  70. De onliest time I see her a-tall, was when I was sent to de big house for somethin' and dat wasn't often.

  71. De onliest trouble I has ever had in my life has been wid my teeth; they sho' has been bad a long time, and now I has only one or two old snags left.

  72. Seem lak I's just a branch or pond dryin' up on de road side, and de onliest friend I's got is de President and dat good old dog of mine.

  73. I de onliest chile dat my ma had and I be 88 if I live to see dis coming December.

  74. The onliest auction of slaves I ever seed was in Memphis, coming on to Arkansas.

  75. The way it all come bout I was the onliest chile my mother had.

  76. She's the onliest of all my people I ever seed again.

  77. I am the onliest one of mama's children living.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "onliest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.