And away we all went, helter-skelter, over our own bulwarks and those of the brig into the thick cloud of smoke that hung over the brig's decks, completely obscuring them and everything upon them.
But later in the season, when the streams are heavy with the melting snows, the wind itself is shattered by the weight of falling water--it exhausts itself in obscuring clouds of silver dust.
Cabrillo, Drake, Maldonado, Juan de Fuca, Viscaino passed it in the night or veiled in obscuring fogs.
The daylight brightened, but mist clouds overhung the valley, while floating wreaths of fog drifted between the great rock and the fort gates, occasionally even obscuring the Iroquois in vaporous folds.
The sky had lightened above us, the obscuring clouds opening to let the silver gleam of stars through, and we paused a moment gazing back, and upward at the vast rock on which perched the beleaguered fort.
As the sun forced its way through the obscuring cloud, the mist rose slowly, and drifted aside, giving me glimpse of the canoe in advance, although it remained indistinct, a vague speck in the waste of water.
Except for our little party of voyagers no evidence of life was visible, not even a distant curl of smoke obscuring the horizon.
But my second text comes in to tell us that death is but as the shadow of eclipse which passes, and with it pass obscuring clouds and envious mists, and 'then shall the righteous blaze forth like the sun in their Heavenly Father's kingdom.
Prayer will do more for clearing mysteries than speculation, however acute, and it will change the aspect of the mysteries which it does not clear from being awful to being solemn--veils covering depths of love, not clouds obscuring the sun.
We need not be afraid of obscuring the truth that we are saved 'not of works, lest any man should boast,' though we insist that a Christian man is rewarded according to his works.
It was now long past midnight; fragments of light clouds were scattered over the sky, frequently obscuring the moon; and the few stars that were visible, twinkled faintly with a cold and distant light.
Occasionally a cloud drifted athwart the moon, and cast a soft shade upon the sea, obscuring the view for a time; but when it had passed, the land seemed to have drawn perceptibly nearer during the interval.
A soft white mist was rising from the thick pasture, wholly obscuring the sea and filling the atmosphere with a damp chill.
Huge white clouds were rolling up from the south-west, obscuring every now and then the burning sun.
A veil had fallen upon her soul, as it were, obscuring all the brightness and splendour of the scene.
The origin of these red giant stars is uncertain, but it is possible that they may be gradually evolved in some manner from the dark clouds of obscuring matter or dark nebulae that exists so abundantly in the heavens.
The existence of such clouds of non-luminous matter would account partly for the comparative fewness of stars in space outside of the plane of the Milky Way since many stars would be concealed from our eyes by these obscuring clouds.
Then a heavy curtain of rain swept down, obscuring the view, and she sank back in her seat.
Mirko pointed to the clouds fast obscuring the sunshine.
Then he gripped himself firmly, realizing the truth--it was over with for the present; away off there in the haze obscuring the river bank those indistinct black smudges were fleeing savages, their voices wailing through the night.
Fortunately there were clouds to the west, already obscuring that half of the sky, but to the east nothing was visible against the faint luminousness of the sky-line.
The Hakkas (and also many Puntis) believe that if in the night of the fifteenth day of the eighth month (mid autumn) there are clouds obscuring the moon before midnight, it is a sign that oil and salt will become very dear.
If, however, there are cloudsobscuring the moon after midnight, the price of rice will, it is supposed, undergo a similar change.
Henceforward the obscuring changes are so manifold that the original lake-meadow can be unveiled and seen only by the geologist.
The foliage often serves as an obscuring veil, concealing, in part at least, the individuality and the peculiarities of the trees.
On an analysis of the Joshua myth as redacted, further, we may surmise another reduction of an ancient cult to the form of history, perhapsobscuring the true original of the worship of Mary and Jesus.
Bishop Lightfoot, cited by McClellan) clings to the conception of a daily appeal to the God for physical sustenance; but in so doing he is utterly obscuring the original doctrine.
To say that they must be regarded as 'ein abnormer Seitenzweig,' merely avoids the difficulty, while perhaps obscuring or misstating the true relations altogether.
You want the idea drawn out of obscuring matter, and this can best be done by the symbol.
Instead of catching occasional glimpses of the Deity through anobscuring veil, they aspired to gaze full on the intolerable brightness, and to commune with Him face to face.
Further, with the obscuring of the intelligence there was a perversion and emancipation of the passions, resulting in all forms of lawlessness and unnatural vice.
The fact has already been mentioned that Mr. Lowell noticed a kind of veil partially obscuring the markings, and which he ascribed, no doubt correctly, to the planet's atmosphere.
Mr. Lowell himself noticed that the markings seemed to have a kind of obscuringveil over them.
The sun broke from behind the obscuring cloud and sent a shaft of light straight down upon the clearing.
Behind the obscuring disks she could feel his glance read her.
While pausing to reflect from which quarter they first approached the mound, the buffalo, to his surprise and no little chagrin, rose up and staggered away, the darkness seen obscuring him from view altogether.