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Example sentences for "upholstery"

Lexicographically close words:
upholster; upholstered; upholsterer; upholsterers; upholstering; upkeep; upland; uplandish; uplands; uplift
  1. The larger skins are preferred for upholstery and the smaller for fancy goods and bookbinding.

  2. If these skins are wanted for upholstery they are shaved after dyeing, and nailed on boards to samm.

  3. Bounding toward the chair Kent saw that the brown shape which he had mistaken for part of the tufted upholstery was the sleek brown hair of a man's well-shaped head.

  4. Drawing up a chair she dropped into it, let down her long dark hair, and settled back in luxuriant comfort against the tufted upholstery before she ran her well-manicured finger under the flap of the envelope.

  5. Now in its age the varnish is gone; the upholstery of the back seat frayed; the upholstery of the small seat lacking utterly, so that one sits on bare boards.

  6. Sargent Everett," Natalia repeated after him, piling some cushions on the horse-hair upholstery so that the old gentleman would lean back comfortably.

  7. The upholstery business which Mr. Sieppe had bought was doing poorly, and Mrs. Sieppe bewailed the day she had ever left B Street.

  8. The carpet-cleaning and upholstery business in which Mr. Sieppe had involved himself was going from bad to worse.

  9. The carpet-cleaning and upholstery business had failed.

  10. If parts are to be gilt, or the whole gilt, these operations are postponed till the upholstery is completed.

  11. Verny, I've got just the upholstery goods for the cushions!

  12. The onions had to be peeled, and this was not a pleasant task, as eyes began to weep and the girls had to sniffle as they skinned the onions, but they were determined to finish their upholstery work as long as they had started it.

  13. But perhaps they may have it in the upholstery department, in the sixth story.

  14. Upholstery department,--other end of this floor.

  15. The furniture was mahogany, every piece carefully chosen, and the chintz of curtains and upholstery was bright and attractive.

  16. It was a little velvet hat, skewered to the upholstery of the settee by a couple of jewelled hat-pins.

  17. Her hat, a very dainty little affair of plain black velvet, was skewered with a couple of jewelled hatpins to the upholstery of the settee.

  18. The selection of the limousine with the special body that was fearfully and wonderfully made in mulberry upholstery with mother-of-pearl caparisons.

  19. On this night he drew out from a hole in the upholstery of the couch a bag of stenciled canvas, which chinked.

  20. Upholstery department--other end of this floor.

  21. He stared after a passing sedan driven by a uniformed chauffeur, one half the rear seat occupied by a fat, complacent woman, the other half of the ten-inch upholstery given over to an equally fat and complacent bulldog.

  22. He sank back in the thick, resilient upholstery and resolved to take what the gods provided--to dance as it were, and reckon with the piper when he presented his bill.

  23. His skin had started to flake off, leaving a kind of scale or dandruff on the flat industrial upholstery inside the trunk.

  24. The keys were in his hands, the car smelling of the detailing-in-a-can mist that the rental agency sprayed on the upholstery to get rid of the discount traveler farts between rentals.

  25. Billy leaned back against the rich leather upholstery luxuriously; she was absolutely content.

  26. She sank back against the deep upholstery luxuriously, and drew a long breath, inhaling the delicious air of early summer twilight.

  27. If they are not cut we have instead the material known as uncut velvet, largely used for upholstery purposes.

  28. But they are coming into demand more and more for such purposes as the warp and filling of various sorts of fabrics, rugs, silk stockings, and upholstery materials.

  29. Quantities of ribbons and broad silks are made there, as well as velvets and upholstery goods.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upholstery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.