Straight way begannelamentation and mournings, which assoone as the night beganne were turned into pleasures and dances.
Whereupon the King beganne very louingly to entreate both our Captaine and vs.
M7) Thus beganne this valiant Captaine his conquest, which he pursued and neuer left till hee had subdued all the Hethites, Cananites.
But bearing theis things as wee might, wee beganne to consult of the place of our sitting downe: ffor Salem where wee landed, pleased us not.
As the dulce downie barbe beganneto gre, So was the well thyghte texture of hys lore; Eche daie enhedeynge mockler for to bee, 105 Greete yn hys councel for the daies he bore.
The same day the winde beganne to rise somewhat, and blew a furthering gale, and so continued at Northwest vntill we arriued at Legorne the third of Iune.
Olauus sonne of Godredus Crouan beganne his reigne and reigned fourtie yeeres.
There Logistica beganne to speake vnto me, saying, by these Figures are discribed, so farre as mans reason can shewe, the celestiall harmony.
I beganne after this maner, making a square from the two collumnes on either side in a perfect sort, in the which I tooke the due proportion of the whole porch.
Whereat I beganne to be in a doubt, that they had sung that by mee, because that they still smiled as they turned towardes mee.
The situation and place me thought was painefull, and Logistica perceiuing my inclynation, presentlie tooke into her hand Thelemias Lute, and beganne to strike a doricall tune, and sung to the same verie sweetly, saying.
Vnto the which as soone as we were come, the Damosels beganne to instruct me in the tytles, and knocking in the resounding leaues of the Gates, vppon the right hande couered ouer with greene mosse, they were presently opened.
The Musicke beganne vppon a sodayne with a rare inuention to sound a charge with a pleasaunt concord, participating togeather a sweete and thundering melodie, hauing in it a deuine furie.
Whereat they so laughed, and it made such a sounde in the roundnes and closenes of the bathe, that I also beganne (when I was come to my selfe) to laugh that I was almost dead.
And as they thus contentedly rested themselues a while, vnder the coole vmbrage of the leafie Trees, I beganne to bee bolde with them saying.
This kind of people, about a hundred years ago, beganne to gather an head, as the first heere, about the southerne parts.
But when the father Costodio had declared it vnto him, he beganne to laugh thereat, as though he had heard some foolish fable.
When she had thus sayd, she beganne to let fall (as thoughe there had been a fountaine in her head) so many teares, as it was a myracle to beholde her, oftentimes kissing the deade harte.
And beganne againe to shoot artillery faster then euer they did, for new shot was come into the campe.
From hence putting ouer to the West Indies, we vvere not many dayes at sea, but there beganne amongst our people such mortalitie, as in fevv dayes there vvere dead aboue tvvo or three hundred men.
Paule= complaineth, that in his time Antichrist beganne to practise his ministerie of iniquitie, that many opinions and sects beganne to spring vp.
In those fewe dayes that we were in Mexico, we put downe the idols, we caused sacrifice and eatying of mans fleshe to bée layde aside, and also in those dayes wée beganne to conuerte some to the fayth.
And then he beganne to distribute his men and vittayles aboorde eache vessell in good order.
The Indians were expert in those places wher theybeganne the battayle, shooting with their bowes and slings, and throwing of dartes.
Mutezuma arose from the place where hée sate, and tooke Cortez by the hande, commaunding a stoole to be brought for him, and so sate them downe both togither, and beganne his talke as followeth.
These fiftéene were spyes, and when they sawe the Horsemen, they beganneto flye with feare, or else to gyue aduise.
Taking Cecy on his knee that evening (for she was not ostensiblie in disgrace), he beganne to talk of atonement and mediation for sin, and who it was that bare our sins for us on the tree.
The people had of late beganne to know theire physickall power, and to chafe at y^e weighte of theire yoke.
Some Time after, when Milton beganne to talk of visiting Italy, we bantered him, and sayd he was going to look for the Incognita.
But you did not bear us out; and then he beganne to take it amisse that we upheld you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beganne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.