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Example sentences for "nocht"

Lexicographically close words:
nocere; nocet; noch; noche; noches; nock; nocked; nocking; nocte; noctem
  1. Yow wald nocht be heir to bring a judgment from Chryst upon the King, and thus falslie and unjustlie to vex and accuse the fathfull servants of God!

  2. The people felt that 'the Lord's hand wald nocht stay unto the tyme the Ministers of God and Noble-men war brought hame again.

  3. I haiff bein ready to giff my lyff whar it was nocht halff sa weill wared, at the pleasour of my God.

  4. Thair is Chryst Jesus the King, and his kingdome the Kirk, whase subject King James the Saxt is, and of whase kingdome nocht a king nor a lord, nor a heid, bot a member!

  5. And surlie his service was easie, nocht to me onlie, bot even to the fremdest man that ever served him.

  6. A guid minister (I speak it nocht arrogantlie, but according to the treuthe!

  7. I thank God,' he answered, 'I am nocht fleyed nor feible-spirited in the cause and message of Christ.

  8. And nocht remained but an infernal smell Of brimstone reek, true stink o' H--l.

  9. He kent my weakness, nocht would serve him, But I maun tak' my supper wi' him.

  10. Ther fon hedon tha wiva nocht, tha famna nocht, tha mangertne nocht, and therof hedon al hjara megum nocht and al hjara frjundum and athum.

  11. Tuenis wilde thrvch thju strete fon tha middelse vmbe to farane far tha rika kaning fon Egiptalandum, lik hi wel er den hede, men Inka seide, that-i sin nocht hede fon al et Findas folk.

  12. Men thahwila ther alrek in nocht bajada, was vrred land mith horsum and ridderum.

  13. Tha that it alra manniska plicht vmbe tha manniska alsa metrik to makjane and sa felo nocht to jan, as to binaka is.

  14. Hir most nw letta ho Friso alle to bidobbe wiste to nocht fon bede partja and to bate fon sin ajn dol.

  15. That king off Kyll I can nocht wndirstand; Off him I held neuir a fur off land.

  16. Quhen twa was ded, the tothir wald nocht stynt; Maid thaim to fle; bot than it was na but, Was nane leyffand mycht pass fra him on fut.

  17. That bachiller trowis, for fortoun schawis her quhell, Thar with to lest; it sall nocht lang be weill.

  18. The werray treuth I can nocht graithly tell, In to this lyff how lang at thai had beyne: Throuch natural course of generacioune befell, A child was chewyt thir twa luffaris betuene, Quhilk gudly was, a maydyn brycht and schene.

  19. To Scottis men a gret credens he gaiff; Bot knawin enemyss thai couth him nocht disayff.

  20. If I kan nocht vin to Fakland the first nycht, I sall be tymelie in St Johnestoun on the morne.

  21. Gowrie may have thought, as Lord Maxwell said when arranging his escape from Edinburgh Castle, 'Sic interprysis are nocht effectuat with deliberationis and advisments, bot with suddane resolutionis.

  22. I had nocht bene busyed abowt sum turnis of my avin, I thoght till hew cummit over to S.

  23. I dowt nocht bot ye knaw the perell to be bayth lyf, land and honowr, incase the mater be nocht vyslie vsed: And for my avin part, I sall hew an speciall respek to my promise that I hew maid till his Lo.

  24. Go(wries) brother had spokin vith me, anent the matter of owr conclusion; and for my awin part I sall nocht be hindmest; and sensyne I gat ane letter from his lo.

  25. I hes sett down the cowrse, it vill be ane very esy done twrne, and nocht far by that forme, vith the lyke stratagem, qhairof ve had conference in Cap.

  26. I pray yow, as ye luf yowr awin lyf, becawse it is nocht ane matter of mowise, be circumspect in all thingis, and tak na feir bot all sall be veill.

  27. I cair nocht for all the land I hew in this kingdome, incase I get an grip of Dirleton, for I estem it the plesantest dwelling in Scotland.

  28. I vse nocht to vryt on the bak of ony of my letteris concerning this errand.

  29. For I durst nocht let ony of my vryteris ken of it, but tuke twa syndry ydill dayis to it my self.

  30. Nor I wait nocht gif this narratioun 65 Be authoreist, or fenyeit of the new Be sum poeit, throw his inventioun, Maid to report the lamentatioun And woful end of this lusty Cresseid, And quhat distres sho thoillit, and quhat deid.

  31. Nocht is your fairnes bot ane faiding flour, Nocht is your famous laud and hy honour Bot wind inflat in uther mennis eiris; Your roising reid to rotting sall retour.

  32. Presume nocht gevin that god has don but lent, Within schort tyme the quhiche he thinkis to crave.

  33. Of his distres me neidis nocht reheirs, For worthy Chaucer, in the samin buik, In guidly termis and in joly veirs Compylit hes his cairis, quha will luik.

  34. Gae 'way, we hae nocht for the likes o' you here!

  35. O, nocht very special this time," said Tam Fraser.

  36. Mind ye, there's to be nocht said aboot it in the papers.

  37. I was feared he wad waken an' I had nocht to gie him," she explained, simply.

  38. She kens nocht aboot it, but I ken fine she's gaun to stan' in wi' us!

  39. And syne he took the luggage over and cried the name o' the station, as if he had done nocht that day forbye eat his denner.

  40. Hoo daur ye face your Maker, to say nocht o' the kirk folk as ye stand at the plate on Sabbaths, wi' siccan lees in your mouth?

  41. I wad advise ye to hae nocht to do wi' my mither's parritch.

  42. I hae dune nocht to make me shamed afore my death-bringers.

  43. To gain that spot the aim be ours, For nocht we 'll get unless we try; And when misfortune round us lours, We 'll jouk and let the jaw gae by.

  44. I cared nocht aboot it, ae way or the ither.

  45. An' what M'Kelvie was thinkin' I do not ken, for M'Kelvie is nocht but an Irishman.

  46. Hae a paper an' read us some o' the news, gin ye hae nocht better to say,' said she.

  47. Your faither kens nocht aboot your last ploy, or that a son o' his has been in London gaol.

  48. There's nocht in him but what the spoon pits intil him.

  49. There's nocht like the Greek and the Laitin!

  50. They notice nocht that's no pitten intil the trough afore them!

  51. And war nocht Esperaunce of gude hope Knychtis had neuer honour, ffor it is the principale instrument that gouernis Knychthede in honoure.

  52. How, or be quhat resoun, may it be steynd that the King of France be nocht subject to the Empire.

  53. There's nocht in the stables o' Balmaghie that can catch you and your bonny lady if ye keep clear o' moss-holes.

  54. Bot on hir harp she evir playd; (Thare nevir was mirth that had nocht end.

  55. The ladie scho wald nocht dispute; (Nocht woman is scho that laikis ane tung.

  56. Bot nocht forthi, But not on that account.

  57. Sche ansuerit, "That sche duelt with hir awin husband and bairnis, and culd nocht leif thame.

  58. And, forder, he was sumthing angrie with hir that sche wald nocht grant to him that quhilk he spak.

  59. Oh, nocht but love and sorrow join'd, Sic notes o' woe could wauken.

  60. Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear; Thou'rt to love and heaven sae dear, Nocht of ill may come thee near, My bonnie dearie.

  61. A few short months, and glad and gay, Again ye'll charm the ear and e'e; But nocht in all revolving time Can gladness bring again to me.

  62. The woodbine in the dewy weet When evening shades in silence meet, Is nocht sae fragrant or sae sweet As is a kiss o' Willy.

  63. He was dazed wi' wine and drowsiness, but his enemy made nocht o' that.

  64. That the preacheouris and ministeris should nocht be trubled in thair ministrie, whare thai war alreadie establessed, nather yit stopped to preache, wharesoever thai should chance to come.

  65. That idolatrie shall nocht be erected, whare it is now at this day suppressed.

  66. The said Alexander did oft promese, That the Frenche wald stay, provided that we wold nocht joyne with these of Leyth.

  67. Bot thay ansuered, "That with saif conscience thay culd nocht be partakaris of so manifest tyrranny as by hir was committed, and of so great iniquitie as thay perceaved devised, by hir and hir ungodlie Counsale the Prelattis.

  68. And evir the cuchettis at him tuggit, The rukis him rent, the ravynis him druggit, The huddit crawis his hair furth ruggit, The hevin he micht nocht bruke.

  69. I haiff said her ner as the process gais; And fenyeid nocht for frendschip nor for fais.

  70. Costis herfor was no man bond to me; In this sentence I had na will to be, Bot in als mekill as I rahersit nocht Sa worthely as nobill Wallace wrocht.

  71. All worthi men at redys this rurall dyt, Blaym nocht the buk, set I be wnperfyt.

  72. Thocht this mater be nocht till all plesance, His suthfast deid was worthi till awance.

  73. I suld hawe thank, sen I nocht trawaill spard; For my laubour na man hecht me reward; Na charge I had off king nor othir lord; Gret harm I thocht his gud deid suld be smord.

  74. He bade him ga, and said the strenth was ner; But he tharfor wald nocht fastir him ster.

  75. I gif my freinds my malisoun That me compellit to be ane Nun, And wald nocht let me marie.

  76. Howbeit that Nunnis sing nichts and dayis Thair hart waitis nocht quhat thair mouth sayis; The suith I ghow declair.

  77. Pass hynd, Madame," she says, Be Christ I ghe cum nocht heir: ghe are contrair to my cumplexioun .

  78. Scho maid that vow for ane Abesie, Bot nocht for Christ Jesus our Lord.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nocht" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.