For weill thai wyst, and thai men war ourthrawin, Thai mycht at will bruk Scotland as thair awin.
It was the best for king Eduuardis awaill, 30 “Mycht he him get to be his steidfast man, “For gold or land; his conquest mycht lest than.
Schir Jhone the Grayme, quhilk lord wes of that land, Ane agyt knycht had made nane othir band; Bot purchest pess in rest he mycht bide still, Tribute payit full sore agayne his will.
Fyfteyne he tuk, and to the toune went thai; Couerit his face, that no man mycht him knaw: 355 Nothing him roucht how few ennymyis him saw.
Laynrik was tayn with young Thomas off Thorn; So Lundy thair mycht mak no langar remayn: 615 Besouth Tynto lugis thai maid in playn.
Ws worthis now sum wayis for thaim to se, “Contrar thairmycht a gud defens to mak.
Was na man thar fra wepyng mycht hym rafreyn For loss off him, quhen thai hard Wallace pleyn.
Quhen twa was ded, the tothir wald nocht stynt; Maid thaim to fle; bot than it was na but, Was nane leyffand mycht pass fra him on fut.
His wyf[88] passyd till the king Dawy, And prayid him of his realte, Of Lauche that scho mycht serwyd be.
In gret substance and excellent bewtie Thir Ladyis two grew so, within few yeiris, That in the warlde wer non mycht be thair peiris.
Palyce of plesance Mycht be one patrone[128] in Portingall or France!
Than haf thai tane for consell haill, 490 That thai wald ryde to the cite That ilk nycht, swa that thai mycht be Betuix the toune, with all thar rout, And thame that war the toune without.
In a littar the Kyng thai lay, And redyit thame and held thar way, That all thair fayis mycht thame se; 172 Ilk man buskit in his degre, To ficht gif thai assalyheit war.
Befor thame gert thai driff the ky *356 With knavis and swanys, that na mycht Had for till stand in feild to ficht.
Tharfor his men confortit he, And bad thame wicht and worthy be; For gif at thai mycht wyn the Kyng, And victor haf of the fechting, 288 Thai suld richt weill rewardit be, And gretly ek thair renownee.
That folk assalyheit fast that day, 445 And thai within defendit ay On sic a wis, that thai that war With gret enfors assalyheand thar Mychtdo thar will on na maner.
Thiddir went he in full gret hy, Defendand him full douchtely, 240 Till in the crag he clam sum-deill; And fand a place enclosit weill, Quhar nane but ane mycht him assale.
In gret distres thair war thai stad, For gret defalt of mete thai had; For thai betuix thai riveris tway War set, and mycht pas nane of thai.
He wes in full gret aventur To tyne his lyff; bot God of mycht Preservyt him till hyer hycht, That wald nocht that he swa war dede.
Thai com, with all that assemble, Richt quhill thai mycht the battale se; Than all at anys thai gaf ane cry, "Sla!
And sen he wist that he had were With Sarazenis, he wald dwell ther, And help him at hismycht lely.
Tharfor his hardyment hastely Thoucht weill it mycht be undirtane, Sen that anis mycht assale bot ane.
Bot thar fell fayis sa can assaill, That thar mycht no worschip availl That thai ne war slayn evirilkane 155 So cleyn, that thar eschapit nane.
Butt then it was refuissed by the prudent and stowt counsall of the Lard of Grange,[202] who opened clearly to the King the practise of the Prelattis, and the danger that thairof mycht ensew.
The fagalds weillmycht mesuryt be, Till a gret towrys quantite.
And he, that has persauit weill That the dede wes neir hym till, Bot gif he mycht fulfill thar will, Thoucht that he all his mycht vald do: Bendit in gret hy than wes scho, 80 And till the sow wes soyn evin set.
Than mychtmen with ser apparale Se that gret host cum sturdely.
With all this fast assal[gh]eand war The folk without, with felloune ficht; 115 And thai within with mekill mycht Defendit manfully thar stede Intill gret auentur of dede.
And thai vithin that saw thame swa So gret apparale schap till ma, Throu Crabbis consale, that ves sle, 15 Ane cren thai haf gert dres vp hye, Rynand on quhelis, that thai mycht bring It quhar neid war of mast helping.
He wes the laithliest on to luk 25 That on the grund mycht gang; His nailis wes lyk ane hellis cruk, Thairwith fyve quarteris lang.
Wallace in stour wes cruelly fechtand; Fra a Sotheroune he smat off the rycht hand: And quhen that carle off fechtyng mycht no mar, With the left hand in ire held a buklar.
Yan Wallace ost upon yair fute yai lycht, Yair hors yai left yocht yai war neuir so wycht: For moss and crag yai mycht na langer dre Yan Wallace said quha gangs best let se.
Quhethir the Quene Jonat of Naplis mycht lefully assail[gh]ie the King Lowis de Cicile.
And quhen the men off his countre, That suld all boune befor him be, His ensenye mycht her hym cry.
Than dang thai on swa hardyly, That in schort tyme men mycht se ly The twa part dede, or then deand.
And for he dred thir thingis suld faile, He chesyt furthwart to trawaill, Quhar he mycht at his larges be; And swa dryve furth his destane.
Syne all the gudis turssyt thai That thaim thocht thai mycht haiff away; And namly wapnys, and armyng, Siluer, and tresour, and clethyng.
Vyctallis, that, mychtnocht tursyt be, On this manner destroyit he.
And quhen he persavyt that he Wald blythly ische with his menye, He maid a gadringr priuely Off thaim that war on his party; That war sa fele, that thai durst fych With Thyrwall, and all the mycht Off thaim that in the castell war.
Off mete, and drynk, and othyr thing, That mycht thuim eyss, thai had plente.
Troianys stude thik bylappit inveroun In maner of a conpas or a crovn; 30 And on the ta half eik a laik braid Hym so inclusyt that he mycht nocht evaid, And on the tother syde fermyt als was he With the hie wallys of the cheif cyte.
Frend, farly nocht, na caus is to complene Albeit thy wyt gret God may nocht attene; For, mycht thou comprehend be thyne engyne The maist excellent maieste dyvyne, He mycht be reput a pretty God and meyn.
To quham Juno on this wys said wepyng: Quhat harmmycht fall, thocht be sum takyn or syng Thow schew thy mynd, and grantit that, quod sche, Quhilk be thy wordis of fatale destane 10 Now grunschis thou to geif or to conceid?
But affectioun caused men to call that in doubt, whairin schort befoir thai seamed to be most resolute, to wit, "Whitther that subjectis mycht put to thair hand to suppresse the idolatrie of thair Prince?
And so long as Sathan mycht thane reteane man in that damnable idolatrie, he was quyet, as one that possessed his kingdome of darknes peceablie.
The first day sche maid a paynted orisoun;[898] and thair mycht have bene hard among hir flatteraris, "Vox Dianae!
Efter quhaise returnyng, the Counsall began to luik, alsweill upoun the effairis of the commonwelth, as upoun the matteris that mycht concerne the stabilitie of Religioun.
Thir to be electit at the dayis appointit, unless that the countreyis quhairto thay war to be appointit could in the menetyme fynd out men mair abill and sufficient, or ellis schaw sick causses as mycht inhabill thame from that dignitie.
July, and to be contynewit to the first of August nixt;[187] and thairfoir the Lordis maid the greater expeditioun, that all thyngis mycht be put in convenient ordour.
In the document for the French Court, Mary suggests, as one of Bothwell's motives for her abduction, 'incidentis quhilk mycht occur to frustrat him of his expectatioun.
The persuasionis quhilk oure friendis or his unfriendis mychtcast out for his hinderence .
For a malice him tuk sa sar, That he on na wissmycht be thar.
In Mr. Cosmo Innes’ later edition the passage stands thus— “For ane male es tuk him sa sar That he on na wis mycht be thar.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mycht" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.