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Example sentences for "mushing"

Lexicographically close words:
museful; museums; mush; mushed; musher; mushroom; mushroomed; mushrooms; musht; mushy
  1. It was worth dog-mushing two hundred and fifty miles to have such a reception.

  2. For dog mushing in Alaska does not mean luxuriously riding in your sleigh wrapped up in your fur robe while the dogs haul you along the trail.

  3. Of all the pet names they used to give me up there, the one of which I was proudest was "The Mushing Parson.

  4. IV MY DOGS Mushing with dogs in Alaska is the worst and the best mode of traveling in all the world--the most joyful and the most exasperating--according to the angle from which you look at it.

  5. But I cannot better give you an idea of what dog-mushing in the Northwest is than by sketching a trip I took to a meeting of the Presbytery of Yukon in March, 1912.

  6. I soon find my fur parka too heavy, and discard it for the lighter one made of drilling, in which I do the rest of my mushing to the end of the trail.

  7. Mushing at fifty below zero is all right when it is all right," explained Holt in the words of the old prospector.

  8. Armed with a rifle and a revolver, their owner was mushing into the hills to bring back the men who had robbed his bank and killed the cashier.

  9. His sinewy, knotted strength, his massive build, the breadth of shoulder and depth of chest--mushing on long snow trails was the gymnasium that had contributed to these.

  10. Swiftwater Pete spoke cheerfully about mushing to the roadhouse.

  11. Bill stared at the caribou tracks in the snow, followed them a hundred feet, and then came mushing back.

  12. Her mind kept dwelling on Bill, mushing on through the softening snow, and her eyes kept seeking the window.

  13. There won't be any horses, it will be a fool's errand, and mushing through those feet of soft snow is a job they won't undertake.

  14. If indeed Bill had reached the Twenty-three Mile cabin, he would be mushing home by now; she would meet him somewhere on his snowshoe trail.

  15. She took his hand, and they started mushing over the drifts.

  16. It's late, but by mushing fast we can make it in by dark.

  17. He was not camped on the Yuga,--whoever had come mushing through the silences that morning.

  18. Three figures, two abreast and one behind, came mushing through the little pass where the creek flowed.

  19. Mushing was no longer a pleasant pursuit.

  20. Less than an hour later Harold came mushing up the lean-to where Bill waited.

  21. Bill led the way, mushing quietly an swiftly, and Virginia sped after him.

  22. On the trail that he had made on the out-journey, and which he had tried to vainly to follow back, Virginia came mushing toward him.

  23. The hatefulness of dog mushing usually appears under such circumstances; the whip is constantly plied, the senseless objurgations rise shriller and fuller.

  24. Work he will not under any circumstances, but subsists on the hospitality of the whites until he has entirely worn it out and then removes to the natives, mushing from camp to camp and "bumming" his way as he goes.

  25. It must, however, be within easy mushing distance of Fifty Mile and Dumont's Camp, say two or three days, else Shanty Moir would not have hied himself to these settlements when the need for riot and wassail overcame him.

  26. There is a fate written there; he's a fated man and no else, and nothing would please me better than to have him a thousand days mushing away from me and never to see him again.

  27. Mushing a hard trail, a man can dispense with his parka at twenty degrees below zero, but sitting still, even at zero, the heavy moosehide garment is indispensable.

  28. And we're going to keep on mushing till we find that cabin!

  29. Later arrivals, mushing up the ice with dog teams, had tripled the population.

  30. Straining into the silence, a perfectly straight line between Cranston's camp and Snowbird's, Dan Failing came mushing across the snow.

  31. If Cranston should see him, mushing across the moonlit snow, it would give him the most savage joy to open fire upon him with his rifle.

  32. Here we’ve been mushing north for a month and we haven’t seen anything more dangerous than caribou, ptarmigans and snowshoe rabbits.

  33. But two hours of steady mushing failed to raise anything resembling a habitation.

  34. Within an hour dog and man had partaken of an early breakfast and were mushing grimly along a fresh trail under the midnight sun.

  35. There were four of 'em mushing through to some mines beyond the Susitna.

  36. To be sure the rising curves were made in sudden spurts and jerks, but his lack of skill was reinforced by a tireless vigilance gathered through breaking days of driving and mushing over hazardous trails.

  37. We were mushing it on the same stampede from Fairbanks to Ruby Creek, and he never had seen me before.

  38. He was mushing afoot, with Tyee pulling the sled.

  39. After that progress was faster, and Saginaw Ed, mushing along behind, wondered at the accuracy with which the boy held his course in the blackness and the whirling snow.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mushing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.