In the average hotel where the management encourages the tipping for economic reasons the bell-boy will make a scene if you fail to tip him after he carries your suit-case from the lobby to your room.
And the hotel proprietor, with a few notable exceptions, encourages this despicable attitude.
This cheers and encourages her, and helps to allay the consciousness that the publication of her face and doings was purely a gratuitous advertisement.
The United States Patent Office encourages invention, and American inventors outnumber those of other nations.
It encourages industry and thrift and promotes division of labor.
It encourages the country people to enrich their life and to increase their earnings for their own sake and for the prosperity of the people who are dependent upon them.
Monogamy encourages affection and mutual consideration, and in that atmosphere children learn the graces and virtues that make social life wholesome and attractive.
Secondly, such a precept in its literal sense, encourages the wicked to oppression and injustice.
No; for it is a propensity in the human heart to despise secretly everything that presents to it the idea of weakness; and self-debasement encourages pride and oppression in others; the balance must be kept in equipoise.
An absolutism which thus encourages and sanctions the natural will is Stoical and pantheistic; it does not, like Indian and Platonic absolutism, seek to suspend the will in view of some supernatural destiny.
It encourages sensuous abstraction, and nothing concerns it less than to influence the world.
A tax on German linenencourages home manufactures, and thereby multiplies our people and industry.
The small family encourages the growth of luxury and the development of what M.
The bar encourages levity, and the levity is unrelieved by any real gaiety--it is the hysterical feigned merriment of lost souls.
Randolph said, that honorable gentleman, and some others, have insisted that the abolition of slavery will result from it, and at the same time have complained, that it encourages its continuation.
That honorable gentleman, and some others, have insisted that the abolition of slavery will result from it, and at the same time have complained, that it encourages its continuation.
What is it in the life and atmosphere of America which thus encourages crime, or rather elevates crime to a level of excellence unknown elsewhere?
Besides, in order that they may not enjoy any pecuniary stability, he expressly encourages them and all his grand dignitaries to make extravagant outlays; thus, through their financial embarrassments be holds them in a leash.
Where he sees no vice, he encourages weaknesses, and, in default of anything better, he provokes fear, so that he may be ever and continually the strongest.
For what, my lords, encourages any man to a crime but security from punishment, or what tempts him to the commission of it but frequent opportunity?
The Swiss become very expert marksmen, and the government wisely encourages this fancy for so patriotic and useful a sport.
Unemployment - at more than 40% of the population - is a severe problem that encourages outward migration.
Nothing is more monstrous than the generally received opinion with respect to a moderate competence; that 'fatal gift,' as it is called, which encourages idleness in youth by doing away with the necessity for exertion.
Whereas she, if her brother be in love with Jemima Jones, applauds him, sympathizes with him, and encourages him.
Phoebus as he touches our trembling ear encourages us but with a faint voice.
She has caught some of Hampstead's levelling ideas and encourages the young man.
And that is pretty strong from the Pater to Rhoda Polly, for mostly he encourages her to say and do just what she likes.
The entrance of Gaston Cremieux called forth a kind of shrill cheer, but the Latin races had not at that time learned the full-bodied roar which greets and encourages a favourite orator in England or America.
It was in vain that I urged on him the well known fact that nothing encourages men in a long journey so much as knowing the exact distance they have travelled and what extent of country they have still left to traverse.
In vain for him are reports spread that the capital is to be built in such or such a spot, he but encourages them; in the meantime rapidly and noiselessly his purchases are made, and a fresh acquisition of fortune secured.
Giving to such persons encourages pauperism and fraud instead of curing it.
This increases the funds and also encourages thrift on the part of the farmer.
Modern machine-evolution, as is seen, permits andencourages the wanton invasion and destruction of forms of capital by the competition of new savings employed in an anti-social way.
Such misplaced clemency is pleasant for the murderers, but it makes life less secure for honest men and women, and in the less civilized regions of our country it encourages lynch law.
It ensures unity of administration, it encourages promptness and economy, it locates and defines responsibility, and it is so simple that everybody can understand it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encourages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.