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Example sentences for "muddling"

Lexicographically close words:
muddier; muddiness; muddle; muddled; muddles; muddy; mudfish; mudflats; mudhole; mudhook
  1. Or are we to any extent muddling about with it in such a way as to confuse and disorganize our Allies, weaken our internal will, and strengthen the enemy?

  2. This was, however, the artistic prelude to a large, vague, gloomy dissertation about nothing very definite, a muddling up of the main question with the minor issue of a schedule of constituencies involved in the proposal.

  3. He seemed not to like to sleep while I was muddling about, and used to look after the children, or clean the knives and boots, when he should have been recruiting in his bed for the next voyage.

  4. If you are not taught the value of money when you are a girl, how are you to help muddling and blundering when you are a married woman?

  5. Whence an intellectualist; the one with whom thinking is itself a segregated habit, infers that the choice is between muss-and-muddling and a bureaucracy.

  6. The cryer's bell sounds forth its muddling peals to summon the customers; a grotesque mixture of men close round the stand.

  7. I fear it will be uninteresting, but I like the muddling work of antiquities, and, besides, wish to record my sentiments with regard to the Gothic question.

  8. This muddling among old books has the quality of a sedative, and saves the tear and wear of an overwrought brain.

  9. This was indeed a serious affair, and the Buccaneer feared that those muddling water drinkers would do him considerable harm.

  10. He drank on, however, and had four or five shillings to pay out of his wages every Saturday night for that muddling liquor--an expense I was free from.

  11. He has done more than any man in the nineteenth century towards the muddling of arts.

  12. No doubt Henry would pardon her outburst, and go on blustering and muddling into a ripe old age.

  13. She was an incompetent, muddling woman, who had never learnt to practise the simple and dignified thrift so common in the academic households of the University.

  14. If you take to muddling about with books and lectures and wearing ugly clothes, I give you up," said Nora firmly.

  15. What if the same blundering and muddling happened now?

  16. He drank on, however, and had four or five shillings to pay out of his wages every Saturday night for that muddling liquor; an expense I was free from.

  17. That's why I don't propose to lay awake an hour in my life, muddling over stocks.

  18. He wouldn't break it by muddling assertions.

  19. Jeff can do almost anything he likes if he doesn't waste himself muddling round with turnips and evening schools.

  20. Millions pay for this muddling with their lives; tens of millions pay with bitter suffering.

  21. The numerous economic difficulties that lie ahead of the present generation must be met and solved by the method of trial and error, or, as it is sometimes called in political jargon, "muddling through.

  22. He has done more than any man in the nineteenth century towards the muddling of the arts.

  23. I fear it will be uninteresting, but I like the muddling work of antiquities, and besides wish to record my sentiments with regard to the Gothic question.

  24. It is evident that Scott did not himself find the "muddling work of antiquities" dull, because he realized, emotionally as well as intellectually, the life of past times.

  25. If there were no constitutional affiliation, strong sympathy undoubtedly existed between the "Crook Cooks' Association" and "The Society of Muddling Messmen.

  26. And the muddling messman could never be surpassed who lost the cutter of the sausage machine and put salt-water ice in the melting-pots.

  27. Still we try to be fair and just in our muddling way.

  28. Muddling work, I calls it, messing over books.

  29. Muddling work," he used to call the floating method of fly fishing.

  30. An arresting example of what this muddling may mean we have seen during these recent years in the slaying or maiming of fifteen million of our young men, resulting in incalculable loss, continued disorder, and bewilderment.

  31. Most human progress has been, as Wells expresses it, a mere "muddling through".

  32. My hands are as clean as clean, and of course Francis mustn't begin muddling in the nursery.

  33. You're muddling it up with crusaders, you silly little thing,' said Miss Bess.

  34. That's what I call muddling the world's work.

  35. What's more, you are muddling the world's work.

  36. Tommy was muddling his particular duty, but building glorious palaces in the air.

  37. While he was muddling his own job, he was salving his pride with fancies of some wild career in Asia, where Tommy, disguised as the lord knows what Mussulman grandee, was hammering the little states into an empire.

  38. It isn't exactly trying to serve both God and Mammon, but it's muddling up the stage and the world.

  39. The great point's to do something, instead of muddling and questioning; and, by Jove, it makes me want to!

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "muddling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.