Laurie has promised Blundon that once in two years at least he will go to Mudhole Junction.
Blundon often wondered why a young fellow of nineteen should be living up there, apparently as much cut off from the human species, other than the Mudhole Junctionites, as though he belonged to another planet.
Mudhole Junction was a desolate place enough, especially on winter nights, when the wind roared through the mountain gorges, and an occasional fierce, despairing shriek from a passing locomotive waked the wild echoes among the granite peaks.
Into the mudhole plowed the ammunition truck, and the riders followed close behind.
Right in the main part of the cut was a mudhole perhaps a hundred feet or more in length.
And when we gits in de mudhole 'twas a argument 'gain.
He baptised in a little old mudhole down back of our place.
She spiled the only pair of trousers I owned, and then went back into the mudhole and died.
The Muse of the Civil Guard is as astute as she is malignant and she guessed that the pilot must be the bold person who threw her husband into the mudhole and who assaulted Padre Damaso.
Because the alferez was down in the mudhole when he saw him and the curate was on foot.
Riding at night, however, exposes one to the danger of making too intimate an acquaintance with some mudhole or some low hanging bough or telegraph wire, but these risks can be avoided by vigilance.
On a highroad near La Vega I arrived at a mudhole where an old man was being rescued by a passer-by from drowning in the liquid mud; I snapped a photograph of the scene when he was still knee-deep.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mudhole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.