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Example sentences for "moullah"

Lexicographically close words:
mouldiness; moulding; mouldings; moulds; mouldy; moult; moulted; moulting; moults; moun
  1. The room swam around him and the grim-visaged moullah became a grotesque being, with dragon's eyes and a turban like a cloud.

  2. Neither Mohammedan moullah nor Hindu fakir carried such conviction to ill-informed minds as the appearance of some known malefactor decked out in the jewels and trinkets of murdered Englishwomen.

  3. He who gave me a message for thee was the moullah who dwells near the Imambara.

  4. But the Nila Moullah seemed to guess his thought, and shrieked to his guards that they should hold fast the Nazarene.

  5. The moullah could not have been more at his mercy were he manacled.

  6. I am rather stiff in the joints," said Warden, speaking composedly, "but I shall be glad to sit down and talk with the distinguished moullah if that is agreeable to him.

  7. In raising himself, the moullah was momentarily off his guard.

  8. In fact, he thought the moullah was dead.

  9. A germ of hope sprang up in his heart, but the Nila Moullah soon destroyed it.

  10. Its disappearance suggested that the time was ripe for the advent of a new prophet, and he proclaimed loudly that the Nila Moullah had been slain in a combat with the devil.

  11. He could feel the thrill of mortal terror that shook the moullah when he learnt the identity of his assailant.

  12. The curtains were closed, but the color of the paint, added to the title of the moullah to whom the Moor referred him for information, accentuated a notion slowly taking shape in his brain.

  13. The Moullah was seated on the earth, from which he did not arise, or show any mark of reverence; nor did he interrupt the tale of his beads, which he continued to count assiduously while Hartley was speaking.

  14. He happened to be crossing a tiny square at the moment, and a bearded moullah was entering a mosque which filled one whole side of it.

  15. The unbeliever's mirth doubtless disturbed a pious meditation, and the moullah turned and muttered something.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moullah" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.