Below we beheld again innumerable streams, turbulently precipitating themselves from the woods and lashing the base of the mountains, mossed over with a dark sea green.
Below we beheld again innumerable streams, turbulently precipitating themselves from the woods, and lashing the base of the mountains, mossed over with a dark sea-green.
We somehow or other take it for granted that these mute witnesses of ancient heroism have nothing to teach us with their mossed walls and low-beamed ceilings and dumb, majestic dignity.
The wind came funneling up with a mist of spray from below; and the mossed rocks on which we waded were slippery as only wet moss can be.
Front door and back of the mossed old farmhouse Open with the morn, and in a breezy link Freshly sparkles garden to stripe-shadowed orchard, Green across a rill where on sand the minnows wink.
And the steeps of the forest she crossed, On its dry red sheddings and cones Up the paths by roots green-mossed, Spotted amber, and old mossed stones.
The latter waited for him; and side by side, as if in yoke, though with less labouring steps, they turned off the deeply rutted highway and moved silently down a mossed old wood road into the glimmering dark of the forest.
Their narrow "tote-roads," now deeply mossed and partly overgrown by small scrub, traversed the lonely spaces in every direction.
All down the line the small coats and cloaks were not only damp, but greened and mossed and petal-strewn from the resting and rubbing of one another's burdens.
And something very deep down, very mossed and crusted over in John's heart, beat and stirred, and hurt him.
Clara had turned swiftly and closed the wicket gate between the pebbled pathway and the mossed steps that led down to where her coachman and her footman were sitting very still, as was the habit of those people.
The antique garden walls, high mossed below their ruined coping of tiles, seemed to shut out even the murmur of the city's life.
He sat down on a mossed boulder, breathless, his eyes sparkling.
Quizzically, the old man gazed after her; the first hundred feet were easy, a mossed slope with padded foot-hold.
It had been burnt through to the green mossed outer bark.
She went lightly along the mossed and neglected path to the principal door.
Upon a mossed and uneven wall some fruit-trees clung, rich with blossoms: it had been an orchard once.
I was glad to think how full of bracken and hollows, and mysterious holes and corners of mossed and lichened safety was our old wood--for the shadow was a fox.
The vast park studded with mossed trees, and the herded deer couched in the fern, beneath the shade.
His good constitution, and out-door habits, made it no hardship to him to pass the night upon the mossed bank in the open air.
Amidst the fern and on the mossed face of the rugged rock were still to be seen the name of the victim, and the date in which the deed had been done, rudely cut at the moment of the execution.
It is more abundantly mossed than most of its progeny; and none of them surpass it, indeed very few equal it, in the beauty of its half-opened bud.
The power of repeated blooming has, however, in some cases, been acquired at the expense of the distinctive characteristic of the Moss Rose; and few of this group are so well mossed as the parent to which they owe their name.
A log hut, mossedwith years, was set back some fifty yards towards the forest.
He had heard something of the moss on the trees growing chiefly at the north side; but on examination these pines seemed equally mossed everywhere.
Her voice came from a covert of bracken, amid which rose craggy mossed boulders.
The steps by which these ways descend towards the bay are black with age, and slightly mossed close to the wall on either side: they have an alarming steepness,--one might easily stumble from the upper into the lower street.
More steps and more green-mossed lions and lanterns, and another terrace with a little temple in its midst, the first shrine of Benten.
There are Buddhist lions of stone and stone lanterns, mossed and chipped, on either side the torii; and the background of the terrace is the sacred hill, covered with foliage.
And again we pass by extraordinary islets of prismatic rock whose sides, just below the water-line, are heavily mossed with seaweed.
On the right more steps, another torii, another terrace; and more mossed green lions and stone lamps; and a monument inscribed with the record of the change whereby Enoshima passed away from Buddhism to become Shino.
And the places they most haunt are the loveliest--high shadowy groves where the uguisu sings in green twilight, above some voiceless shrine with its lamps and its lions of stone so mossed as to seem things born of the soil--like mushrooms.
The deeply mossed path slopes down to a little pond in the very heart of the grove--a pond famous in the land of Izumo.
Earth are really living still, though so worn and mossed and feebly worshipped.
And we touch the mossed and ancient wharves of stone again: over one mile of lucent sea we have floated back a thousand years!
These she wheeled in the barrow down the mossed paths to the dank little laurel shrubbery where the destructor stood under the drip of three oaks.
Three On the mossed elm; three on the naked lime Trembling,--and one upon the old oak-tree!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mossed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.