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Example sentences for "money orders"

  • The second and more intensive search was made following appearance in the press concerning the alleged filing of telegrams and receiving of money orders by Oswald.

  • The request for the search for money orders payable to Oswald on those dates was made by local FBI agents in Fort Worth of our district manager there.

  • Now, you have produced 11 money orders in the form of telegrams, transmitting money to individuals living at the YMCA here in Dallas.

  • Money orders on the United Kingdom are drawn in sterling money, and may be for any sum from one shilling to ten pounds.

  • The rate of commission charged on money orders drawn by one money order office in Canada on any other money order office in Canada, is as follows:-- If not exceeding in amount $10 5 cents.

  • Their effect upon the number of money orders.

  • Money orders lapsed at the end of the month following that of issue, but were still payable for two months after lapsing if a second commission was paid; upon the expiry of that period they were forfeited to Government.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "money orders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after seeing; alcoholic solution; been more; branch office; external evidence; general culture; has been well said; money bill; money bills; money matters; money orders; money paid; money price; money refunded; money rent; money should; money upon; money will; money would; parcels post; paternal government; regular succession; silver coins; tertiary strata; waste paper; weighed quantity