The Commissioner of the General Land Office recommends the abolishment of the office of Receiver of Public Moneys for the United States Land Office.
Another and not less important aspect of the problem is the ascertainment of the economy and efficiency with which the moneys appropriated are expended.
The reduction in the annual expenditures of the Government already accomplished furnishes a sure evidence that economy in the application of the public moneys is regarded as a paramount duty.
Except in small and remote places, the treasurer will find it desirable to keep an account with a bank in behalf of the school, and deposit therein all moneys received.
San Francisco, was discontinued, except the more difficult and disagreeable part of collecting their own moneys and selling the real estate, to which the firm had succeeded by purchase or foreclosure.
The item is for "moneys delivered to William Simond, Sergeant of the Chamber, by precept of the mayor and aldermen, for making the pavement within Newgate, L7 6s.
Come, there be books of account," said she, "can you not make shift to cast moneys in figure?
And when you left you took with you the moneys that had been collected?
How does the treasurer dispose of the moneys he receives?
These moneys the State treasurer must pay over as the law provides--that is, directs.
School funds are moneys set apart or provided for the support of schools.
TAXES are the moneys collected by the State or by towns or cities for defraying the expenses of government.
I should be glad to see this principle further carried out by throwing a portion of the cost of maintenance of highways upon the moneys annually voted by Parliament.
Algernon Sidney Gilbert was appointed to act as agent for the Church in receiving moneys and buying lands on which the Saints might locate.
Now, I have told thee how, when Jesus had first come to Jerusalem, he had driven forth from the Court of the Gentiles all those who were engaged in selling beasts of sacrifice, or in changing foreign moneysfor the shekels.
The tables of the money-changers had been overturned, and the men were gathering their moneys from the ground.
The State, under the old law, received all licence-moneys on claims and stands situated on State lands, and half the licence-moneys from claims and stands on private lands.
Public works, when all the loan moneys have been spent, will still be badly provided for.
Fresh lands might be won for the Cross, and fresh moneys to build new abbeys and endow new bishoprics.
When minerals are found and a public digging has been proclaimed, licence-moneys of 2s.
He would be entitled to the first selection, and would hold his claims free of licence-moneys till they reached the producing stage.
Then from the moneys he shall take as much as may make good the damage, and the rest he shall keep until our home-coming, when every man shall have his share.
I repeat, therefore, that the farmer not only pays more than his share of all direct taxation, but that when you come to expend public moneys you do not spend them on the farms, as a rule.
When we come to consider the distribution of the moneys collected by the Federal Government, we find that the cities, even in a larger measure, monopolize the incidental benefits that arise from the expenditure of public moneys.
The moneys appropriated for fortifications have been regularly and economically applied, and all the works advanced as rapidly as the amount appropriated would admit.
That a reasonable commission should be allowed him on all moneysdisbursed by him during the late war.
I have been long in the service of my country and in its most difficult conjunctures, as well abroad as at home, in the course of which I have had a control over the public moneys to a vast amount.
The law of the last session grants to the President a power to allow interest on moneys advanced by him to the public, but does not authorize it on the commission to be allowed on his disbursements.
The register and the receiver of public moneys of these respective districts were to be commissioners to settle private land claims.
A large capital sum of Irish moneys was handed over to an unpaid commission consisting of Irishmen who were acquainted with the local circumstances, and who were in a position to give their services to a public philanthropic purpose.
For all the administrative functions transferred to the new Department moneys are, as before, annually voted by Parliament.
The advisory powers of the Boards are very real, for the expenditure of all moneys out of the Endowment funds is subject to their concurrence.
Query, if there is no chance of the heir-at-law disputing the moneysinvested in Madame B.
That occurred when Jordan began first to investmoneys for the Herkimer estate, and it was he who had bought the mortgage.
Misterre Herkimair--to tink of ze moneys to nourish my vieillesse, and ze dots of my daughtairs innocentes!
Such operations are not the way in which trust moneys are used for the benefit of the trust; but rather one in which, while loss, if there be any, must needs fall on the trust, the extra profit accrues to the trustee.