To this Monasterie resort Fryers of Norway, of Suetia and of other countreys, but the most part are of Islande.
Where he found a Monasterie of Friers, of the order of the Predicators, and a Church dedicated to Saint Thomas, hard by a hill that casteth forth fire, like Vesuuius and Etna.
Betweene the place specified Kegor, and the confines of Finmarke aforesaide in Lappia, is the monasterie Pechingo, which are monkes, and vse the Russe lawe, the chiefe or head of that abbey is alwayes appointed by the cleargie in Mosko.
The Emperor and Empresse very deuoutly resorted on foote to many principal Churches in the Citie, and vpon Trinitie Sunday betooke themselues to a progresse in order of procession, to a famous monasterie called Sergius and the Trinitie 60.
Albones, and there in the monasterie of that towne buried with great and solemne ceremonies.
The monasterie of Westwood or Lesnos was begun to be founded by Richard de Lucie Lord chéefe iustice.
Furthermore, it may please your Maiestie to vnderstand, that the chiefest Friers of this Monasterie of S.
On the next day being Tuesday, he entred into the monasterie of saint Maries in Yorke, and deposed the abbat, bicause of his infirmitie of bodie, at the request of the moonks, but the abbat appealed to the popes consistorie.
West, and partly from the Monasterie or Minster, it began to take the name of Westminster:" and then he goes on with the history of that Church.
Also a little from this monasterie is a place vnder the ground, where the virgine Mary abode with Christ when Herod sought him to destroy him.
In the mid way from the monasterie to Ierusalem is the place where Iohn Baptist was borne, being now an olde monasterie, and cattell kept in it.
This done, wee went to a Monasterie of Friers called Sancta Maria de la Croce, these are westerne Christians, for the Greekes haue nothing to doe with them, nor they with the Greekes, for they differ very much in religion.
Also we sawe another rocke about two miles compasse called Sant Andrea; on this rocke is only one Monasterie of Friers: [Sidenote: Lissa an Iland.
This rocke lieth on the Southside of the towne, and is called Il Cromo, there is nothing on it but onely a Monasterie called Sant Ieronimo.
It was also bruted, that his bodie was buried in the monasterie of saint Andrewes of the Cisteaux order.
Iohn Tritenhemius= writeth in his Cronicles of the Monasterie of =Hirsgauium=, about the yeare of our Lorde 1098.
Hée sometimes visiting a certaine Monasterie of holy men, espyed an infinite route of diuels, who as it were fighting with the holy fathers, laboured to disturbe the good workes which they went about.
It is euen as foolishe to say, the Pope (who wil be counted aboue all Councels) hath confirmed this or that miracle to be true, which they say was wrought in some one monasterie or other.
Iohannes Tritenhemius=, Abbot of Spanheimium, writeth in his Chronicles concerning the Monasterie of Hirsgraue of the order of S.
South part whereof is a Monasterie of Monkes of the Russes religion, called Pechinchow.
He was abbat of the monasterie of Ingethlingum, being builded in that place where king Oswin was slaine (as before is mentioned.
Manie of them were of that [Sidenote: The number of moonks in the monasterie of Bangor.
Now when the time was accomplished, he ordeined a monasterie there, appointing the [Sidenote: Lindisferne holie Iland.
Theodore, and one Sexvulfe that was the builder and also the abbat of the monasterie Meidhamsted, otherwise called Peterborough, was ordeined and consecrated in his place.
The third, that no bishop should disquiet in anie thing anie monasterie consecrated to God, nor take by violence anie goods that belonged vnto the same.
As some haue written she argued stoutlie on bishop Colmans part, at the disputation holden in the monasterieof Whitbie, in the [Sidenote: Henrie Hunt.
I trust to God that I have never offendyd God’s laws, neither the King’s, wherebie this pooremonasterie ought to be suppressed.
And when the English had once gotten possession of the Ile of Manaw, a bishops see was erected in the old monasterie of Columbus, whereby the iurisdiction of those Iles was still mainteined and continued.
Thus was Dunstane banished by king Edwine, so that he was compelled to passe ouer into Flanders, where he remained for a time within a monasterie at Gant, finding much friendship at the hands of the gouernor of that countrie.
They burned, amongst other places, themonasterie of [Sidenote: Tauestocke.
Leland supposeth the ruines that are found therein to haue béene of an old priorie sometimes called Lille, which was a cell belonging to the monasterie [Sidenote: Londy.
Canturburie, Grimbald gouernor of the new monasterie at Winchester, with others.
Beda calleth the place where the said field was fought, Heauen field; it lieth not far from the Pictish wall, and the famousmonasterie of Hagulstad.
Hir bodie was conueied to Glocester, and there buried within the monasterie of S.
Eglesdon: where afterward also a faire monasterie was builded by one bishop Aswin, and changing the name of the place, it was after called saint Edmundsburie.
Sidenote: The situation of the monasterie of Bangor.
Of the monasterie Bangor also, by which it passeth after it hath left Orton bridge, I find this note, which I will not omit, because of the slaughter of monks made sometime neere vnto the same.
Leland supposeth the ruines that are found therein to haue beene of an old priorie sometimes called Lille, which was a cell belonging to the monasterie of S.
Ptolomie, writing of the Were, calleth it Vedra, a riuer well knowne vnto Beda the famous preest, who was brought vp in a monasterie that stood vpon the bankes thereof.
The bodies of the noble men were buried in the monasterie in our ladies chappell, and the meane people in other places.
Also of an old Monasterie in the Citie of Yorke, he founded an Hospitall for the sustentation of poore persons and dedicated it to S.
The day following hee was buried, without any funerall pompe, with no more then ordinarie solemnities, in the Cathedrall Church or Monasterie of Saint Swithen; vnder a plaine flat marble stone, before the Lectorne in the Quire.
Iohn of Lanthonie by Glocester; the Church of Dunmow in Essex; the Monasterie of S.
So his body was buried by his mother at Waltham Crosse within the monasterie which hee had founded.
So after his arriuall, he went to the Monasterie of S.
Citie of Glocester, with the principal Monasteriewas fired againe.
His bodie was homelie interred with the other simple corpses, in the church of the monasterie of blacke monks in Teukesburie.
In this kings daies John bishop of Welles ioined the monasterie of Bath vnto his see, and repairing the same monasterie, began to inhabit there in the yeere 1094.
He adorned the church there with manie rich iewels, and indowed the monasterie with great possessions.
I trust to God that I have never offendyd God's laws, neither the King's, wherebie this poore monasterie ought to be suppressed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monasterie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.