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Example sentences for "voyde"

Lexicographically close words:
voyait; voyant; voyce; voyces; voyd; voyded; voye; voyent; voyer; voyez
  1. But I repose in you such affiance, as you will not deceiue so simple a Ladie as I am, vtterly voyde of guyle and deceit.

  2. Howbeit, feelinge it to be lighte, he was cleare voyde of hope to haue anye succour and reliefe thereof.

  3. What sufficient excuse for my fault may I henceforth alleage, that in the end will not display it to be both vnprofitable and voyde of reason?

  4. Both the armies stode in readines before their campes, rather voyde of present perill then of care: for the state of either of their Empires, consisted in the valiance and fortune of a fewe.

  5. Shall I be so vnshamefast, and voyde of reason, to surrender my selfe to anye other but to him, whom God and fortune hath promised to be my espouse?

  6. Shall I be so voyde of sence, that I know not my mother in law from an other woman who loueth me no lesse, and entertaigneth me so wel, as if she were mine own mother, that laboured with painful panges, to bring me into light?

  7. There is a benefyce voyde within the dyoces of saincte dauyes in Wales which is of your gracyous gyfte by meane of the chauncelorship of Englonde.

  8. Hathe geven and graunted vnto hym the roume of a Souldiour of the retynewe at Calays whiche first or next shuld fall and be voyde with the wages of viii d.

  9. And the rather for my sake and at the contemplacion of these my letteres, to graunt vnto hym the next roume that shalbe voyde with thesayd wages, shewing vnto hym your lordshippes favour in that behalf.

  10. But suche as ar voyde of wysdom and counsayle Inclyneth theyr erys to sclander and detraccion, Moche rather than they wolde to a noble sermon.

  11. Nowe nought set by, nowe in auctoryte Nowe full nowe voyde as waters ebbe and flowe I am remembred that I haue often sene Great worldly ryches ende in pouertye And many one that hath in fauour ben: And hye promotyd in welth and dignyte.

  12. What resteth then, if not that you (sister) voyde of cruelty do vse no vnkyndnesse to hym that loueth you, and who for love of you hathe prodygally offred hys owne goodes to ryd me from payne and dyshonor?

  13. O pityfull case, But alas, voyde of pitty to a pyttylesse man.

  14. With which aunswere the woman in hir mind dayly being troubled, became very pensiffe, like one that was voyde of all comfort.

  15. Ought you to be so incapable and voyde of humanity, that the sacrifice which I haue made of the poore Birde, the cause of your disdayne, my repentaunce, my lawfull excuses, are not able to let you see the contrary of your persuasion?

  16. We make our selues Fooles, to disport our selues, And spend our Flatteries, to drinke those men, Vpon whose Age we voyde it vp agen With poysonous Spight and Enuy.

  17. Take a Trumpet Herald, Ride thou vnto the Horsemen on yond hill: If they will fight with vs, bid them come downe, Or voyde the field: they do offend our sight.

  18. But bicause she was unshamfast and lesse chaste, she was voyde of honest regarde.

  19. Now thus it is sir, that God hauing giuen mee a wife accordinge to my desire he would not in this world altogether indue mee with heauenly pleasures, but hath left me voyde of one ioy which is the ioye that fathers haue of children.

  20. And one mayster Philippo Baldo many times being in the company of mayster Borgo and Philippo, did marke and perceiue his loue, and yet was ignorant of the truth, or voyde of coniecture with what Gentlewoman he was inamored.

  21. Ariobarzanes that day fared as though hee were besides himselfe, voyde of ioy and mirth, where all the rest of the Courte spent the tyme in sport and Triumph, the Ladies and Noble women together with the kynge and Queene themselues.

  22. Wherfore Galgano at his wittes ende, was voyde of aduise what to do or saye, seing the great crueltie and rigor raigning in her breste, vnto whom hee dayle prayed for better successe and fortune than to himselfe.

  23. What followeth then, but that there is either no Purgatorie, or one vtterly voyde and emptie?

  24. And therefore that God dooth not take vp suche kinde of men straightwayes into heauen, nor yet because they are not vtterly voyde of faith, thrust them presently downe into hell.

  25. They haue their house goodly trimmed, and theyr sonne voyde of all garnyshyng.

  26. Haue I so many yeres liued a sobre life, And shewed my selfe honest, mayde, widowe, and wyfe And nowe to be abused in such a vile sorte, Ye see howe poore Widowes lyue all voyde of comfort.

  27. The lorde one day all to begrime you with worshyp, Backe sir sauce, let gentlefolkes haue elbowe roome, Voyde sirs, see ye not maister Roister Doister come?

  28. Thus assuring my selfe of thy lawfull fauour, I rest voyde of care of the vnlearneds reproche, if they beyonde their skill shall couet to chat.

  29. The captaines did as they were commanded, and found the rouer voyde of all care or suspition to receiue there any harme, as he found them in the citie of Manilla when he did assault them.

  30. The fourth alament made the Pallaice of suche like distribution as the other, the doore except, whiche did occupie an emptie voyde interstice.

  31. O,' quod she, 'I have mokel to done to clere thyne understanding, and voyde these errours out of thy mynde.

  32. Whan the hevinesse of suche fayling cometh by case of fortune, they mowe it not eschue; and might and power, if ther were any, shulde of strength such thinges voyde and weyve; and 100 so it is not.

  33. But than, although thou be thretened in dethe or els in otherwyse, yet is it in thyn arbitrement to chose, thy love to voyde or els to holde; and thilke arbitrement is in a maner a jugement bytwene desyr and thy 30 herte.

  34. Who hath caused worthy folk to voyde vyce and shame?

  35. Backe sir sauce,[506] let gentlefolkes have elbowe roome, Voyde sirs, see ye not maister Roister Doister come?

  36. Have I so many yeres lived a sobre life, And shewed my selfe honest, mayde, widowe, and wyfe And nowe to be abused in such a vile sorte, Ye see howe poore Widowes lyve all voyde of comfort.

  37. And that ye voyde out of your house Robert lawrence and he nomore resorte to the same[1253].

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voyde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.