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Example sentences for "subterranean heat"

  • Level of surface altered by change of subterranean heat.

  • The division of rocks which we may next consider are the volcanic, or those which have been produced at or near the surface whether in ancient or modern times, not by water, but by the action of fire or subterranean heat.

  • Some four miles up the river, at the point where the road leaves it, the tourist gets his first sight of any indication of subterranean heat.

  • Many plausible explanations are advanced to account for the existence of subterranean heat, but whatever may be its real origin it is doubtless the same for both classes of phenomena.

  • They have been greatly compressed and generally more or less hardened by subterranean heat.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subterranean heat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dine here; during many; entre nous; fell ance; fourth teaspoon; further reduction; generic character; good shot; long siege; modern methods; not enough; peace and; present from; qui sont; shall notice; short life; spiritual freedom; subterranean fire; subterranean heat; subterranean passage; three days after the; took himself; whole group; worth notice