Nicholas from the first arriuall there vntill the middest of August, or to be despatched thence sooner, at the will and liking of our factors for the same: by this order these commodities following may ensue.
This lake and Citie is enuironed also with great mountaines round about, which are in compasse aboue thirtie leagues, and the said Citie, and lake of standing water, doeth stand in a great plaine in the middest of it.
And on the South side of the bay it hath two or three blacke hie hilles, and in the middest of the bay thou shalt goe in westward.
And now that the Sunne beganne to set I put off from the shore, and rode, in the middest of the riuer.
It is situated in the middestof a lake of standing water, and enuironed round about with the same, sauing in many places, going out of the Citie, are many broad wayes through the said lake or water.
From the cape de Arenas Gordas to the cape of Sant Andre are one and thirty leagues: it lieth Northeast and by East, and Southwest by West: I meane when thou art in the middest with an equall distance from them both.
Nowe will I pay my vowes unto the Lord in the middest of the congregacion," &c.
Their order in conducting him was thus: Drawing themselves all in fyle, the King in the middest had all their Peeces and Swords borne before him.
All this time Smith and the King stood in the middest guarded, as before is said, and after three dances they all departed.
Pocahontas hid him for a time, and sent them who pursued him the clean contrary way to seek him; but by her means and extraordinary bribes and much trouble in three days' travel, at length he found us in the middest of these turmoyles.
But when they were in the middest of their sad solemnities, a fire brake out of a certaine house, and suddenly embraced a great part of the towne.
The yeere next ensuing the riuer of Medeway so fayled for many miles, that in the middest of the channell the smallest boates could not floate.
In the tenth yeere of his reigne the cold of Winter was exceeding memorable, both for sharpenesse and for continuance: For the earth remained hard frozen from the beginning of Nouember, vntill the middest of April then ensuing.
Then he erected his pauilion in the middest of the field, among the thickest of those bodies whom death had made to lie quietly together.
The greatest annoyance came from the Archers; whose shot showred among the English so thicke, as they seemed to haue the enemy in the middest of their Armie.
In the middestof this drunken ioylitie the ship strake against a rocke, the head whereof was aboue water, not farre from the shoare.
Edwards Lawes: a memoriall of which benefite, the Citizens fixed vpon the Bishops graue, being in the middest of the great West Ile of S.
Truth it is without nay, So said the prophet Isaye, That a child should be born of a maid so bright In winter nigh the shortest day, Or else in the middest of the night.
For if they see as it were manie small hairie veines of saffron to be in the middest of the bulbe, they pronounce a fruitfull yeare.
In the middest and a pretie distance from the prince, lie certeine sackes stuffed with wooll or haire, wheron the iudges of the realme, the master of the rols, and secretaries of estate doo sit.
But in a short processe of time a third sprung vp in the verie middest betweene them both, which from thence-foorth was called Powisy, as shalbe shewed hereafter.
But the Dee hauing now changed his chanell, runneth through the verie middest of the house betwixt those two gates, the one being at the left a full halfe mile from the other.
Thereto (if you respect their position) they are situat in maner of a circle or ring, hauing an huge lake or portion of the sea in the middest of them, which is not without perill to such as with small aduisement enter into the same.
For in the middest of a stone not long since found at Chius, vpon the breaking vp thereof, there was seene Caput panisci inclosed therin, very perfectlie formed as the beholders doo remember.
Whirlepooles, and fluxions are caused of such other vehement motions, not only in the middest of the sea, but also in creeks and streights.
And this our commandement shall remaine inuiolable, being registred in themiddest of the moneth of Rabel in the yeere 996.
In the middest of these miseries reposing our trust in the goodnesse of God, which many times before had succoured vs in our greatest extremities, we contented our selues with our poore estate, and sought meanes to preserue our liues.
The principal doore of my lodging was in the middest of the great place, and the other was towarde the river.
Then have ye a fair conduit of sweet water, castellated in the middest of that ward and street.
What wolde this writer (I pray you) haue said to that realme or nation, where a woman sitteth crowned in parliament amongest the middest of men.
For Ieremie did write to the captiues of Babylon, and did correct their errors, plainlie instructing them, who did remaine in the middest of that idolatrouse nation.
And in the middest betweene both, he set archers, appointing the duke of Summerset to guide them as their chiefteine.
And afterwards continuallie for the space of six weeks, about the middest of the daie, clouds customablie rose, and sometimes they continued both daie and night, not vanishing awaie at all.
The square base court, (in the middest whereof stood this notable woorke of the sumptuous Fountaine,) was paued with fine Marble of diuers coulers and fashions.
In the middest stood the third Nimphe with greene bowgh leaues in one hand, and in the other an oulde fashioned drinking bowle, more long then broad, like a boate by a little handle.
In the middle of the edging of hir dressing, vpon the highest parte ouer the middest of hir forhead hoong a rare iewell.
The Greekes call this figure Antistrophe, the Latines, conuersio, I following the originall call him the counterturne, because he turnes counter in the middest of euery meetre.
But this omission of letters in the middest of a meetre to make him the more slipper, helpes the numerositie and hinders not the rime.
All their houses ordinarily haue three doores, that in the middest is great, the other be lesser, but of a maruellous gallant proportion.
In the middest whereof, on the one side, drawing towards the south, I builded a corps de garde and an house on the other side towards the north.
And note that when so ever I sai bredeth, it signifieth the space of the middest from Southe to Northe, and saiyng length, that whiche is from weste to Easte.
And yet when I should make any retiryng places, I would make the bridges devided in soche wise, that every parte should be Lorde of the bridges of his side, ordainyng, that thei should fall upon postes, in the middest of the diche.
Devidynge then in the middest the saied lengthe, there woulde be made on every hande of the Capitaine xl.
Ansignes of the extraordinarie Pikes muste entre, whiche I did set in the middest of the quadrante of the armie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "middest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.