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Example sentences for "medievalism"

Lexicographically close words:
medicos; medics; medicum; medicus; medieval; medii; mediis; medimni; medimnus; medio
  1. The man was, of course, acquitted, but the symptoms it revealed of reviving medievalism strongly stirred the liberal and cultured mind of Germany.

  2. At first this medievalism was superficial, or at least external.

  3. The fires of a December sunset flared behind Gauntmoor and cast the grim shadows of Medievalism over Mediocrity, which lay below.

  4. In a land of democracy, even these last remnants of the scourge of medievalism are wiped out.

  5. It differs from medievalism only in degree, but not a whit in kind.

  6. So strongly had the forces of medievalism reasserted themselves after the Protestant Revolts!

  7. He made as vigorous a protest against medievalism and formalism as he dared, for he lived in a time when new ideas were dangerous commodities for one to carry about or to try to express.

  8. It was a light that suppressed all that was crude and commercial near at hand and emphasised the medievalism of the place by throwing out spires and towers in softly tinted silhouettes.

  9. After its downfall, the career of the notorious Sor Patrocinio proves how ineradicable was this and serves to bring medievalism down to our own time.

  10. The defining characteristic of medievalism in state and in church, in political and spiritual life, is that truth presents itself to the individual only through the medium of organized authority.

  11. Just because the authoritative truth of medievalism has succeeded, has fulfilled its function, the individual can begin to assert himself.

  12. That the psychology of medievalism should appear only as a portion of its theology of sin and salvation is as obvious as that the psychology of the Greeks should be a chapter of cosmology.

  13. Their very quiet stimulated thoughts which passed back through the medievalism of the "conquest" and the savagery of the Aztecs to the dim time that saw the erection of the temple they had passed that day.

  14. Contributing only an occasional answer to the other's chatter, he bathed in the atmosphere and absorbed the wild medievalism of it while reviewing in thought the events of the day.

  15. By the side of profound corruption appeared human personalities of the noblest harmony, and an artistic splendor which shed upon the life of man a lustre which neither antiquity nor medievalism could or would bestow upon it.

  16. Even apart from the 'Divine Comedy,' Dante would have marked by these youthful poems the boundary between medievalism and modern times.

  17. Materialism, democracy, rationalism, anarchy contending against Medievalism of twenty sorts, and strange mysticisms out of the East.

  18. As for the finding or development of competent organizers and directors, the history of the world since the end of medievalism had curiously provided for this after a fashion that seemed almost miraculous.

  19. The production of "Gorboduc," however, only marked another stage in that conflict between medievalism and humanism which we have been tracing.

  20. Medievalism continued its sway but with some new developments.

  21. From the start, melodrame allied itself to most of the paraphernalia, of medievalism and of the terrific school, but it soon showed the capacity for absorbing varied material.

  22. These delicately tipped shafts of ridicule riddle the armor of medievalism and give it at the same time a permanency of interest because of Jane Austen's treatment of it.

  23. The mysterious twilights of medievalism invited eyes tired of the noonday glare of Augustan formalism.

  24. In ancient times the ghostly had been expressed in the epic or the drama, in medievalism in the romances, metrical and prose, as in Elizabethan literature the drama was the specific form.

  25. To follow up his wondrous metamorphoses through medievalism would be a pastime worthy of some leisured dilettante.

  26. Their fate is unknown; the night of medievalism closes in upon them once more.

  27. This last found--besides the Viennese Denis--another translator in Fritz Stolberg, who carried his medievalism so far as to join the Roman Catholic Church in 1800.

  28. Medievalism he regards as merely an accident of romance: Scott, as most romantic in his themes, but Byron, in his mood.

  29. Yet with all his disadvantages, his work, with all its imperfections, is far more striking than the imitative verse of the Wartons, or the thin, diffused medievalism of Walpole and Clara Reeve.

  30. This will not preclude me from glancing occasionally at other elements besides medievalism which enter into the concept of the term "romantic.

  31. The ghost of medievalism began to stalk abroad once more in erstwhile enlightened Russia and under the aegis of the Liberator Czar.

  32. Is not the materialism of the emancipated Maskilim often greater than the medievalism of the fanatical Hasidim?

  33. Our judgment upon Christian medievalism in this respect can be applied directly and literally to Muhammedanism.

  34. In fine, the customs of the period were made up of a curious mixture of passing medievalism and coming modernity.

  35. The army kept pace with other institutions in the advance out of medievalism into modernity.

  36. Sidenote: Transition from medievalism to modernity in social customs.

  37. Scott’s medievalism is hundreds of years and miles away from the medievalism of Beowulf.

  38. But above all, it is reminiscent of a medievalism wholly different from that of Beowulf.

  39. He feared to offend a nation of readers reveling in the medievalism of Scott and Byron.

  40. Nobody supposed, even subconsciously, that Mahomet meant to restore ancient Babylon as medievalism vaguely sought to restore ancient Rome.

  41. It is indeed a long exploded fallacy to regard medievalism as identical with feudalism.

  42. It furnishes a striking proof of the medievalism of thought that persevered even among the Jesuits--a medievalism that is not yet, unfortunately, entirely eliminated from the Christian sects, both Catholic and Protestant.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "medievalism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.